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Ivy stands I'm the dugout as Arizona scrambles for the ball, "Wait. I-oh! Well, it flew at my head."

Ivy walks up, bat in her head and takes her position. There just waiting on Mark, who is making out with his girlfriend, "Sloan! Ivys up to bat," Derek warns him.

Mark quickly separates from Julia when he hears that. No one apart from Derek and Mark know that Ivy played softball in high school or that she was the best hitter, hitting at least one home run every game.

"Hey Hunt, when are you going to let me pitch? I'm a really good pitcher," Teddy asks.

"Uh, we're fine. Shepherd throws an unbeatable screwball, all right? Now, Little Shep, let's go!" He replies.

Ivy relaxes into her batting stance, it becoming like second nature to her as Derek pitches, as soon as the ball nears her, she swings. The ball goes soaring over the field, eventually over the fence. She starts running as everyone looks at her, jaws wide open.

Once she gets home, she turns to Hunt, "Did I forget to mention I played in high school?"

"Yeah, you did. Save that for the game," he tells her, fistbumping her.

"Haven't lost it in your old age, huh?" Derek teases her.

"Like your pitching skills, old man?" Ivy teases back, laughing.

Owen looks over to his wife and her person, "Yang, Grey, you-you could at least stand up."

Ivy heads over to Jackson, Lexie, Callie, Teddy and Arizona over by the fence, "You have to show me how you did that."

"Don't worry, Lexie, I'm sure Hunt is going to have me teach everyone," she says, before Derek calls for Lexie.

"Lexie, we got a consult."

"Okay," after that, everyone starts leaving.

Ivy heads over to Hunt, "Don't worry. I have drills they can do without realizing it."

The chief from Seattle Pres offers his hand for her to shake, "Chief McDougall. And you are?"

Owen introduces her, throwing in all her titles, "Dr. Ivy Shepherd, chief resident and about to be double board certified trauma and ortho surgeon."

"A little thing like you? Suprising," he comments.

"Don't worry, I'm used to being doubted. But no one makes that mistake twice. Have a good practice, although, your short stop seems to have butter fingers, your pitchers screwball is looking a little flat and the outfielders look a little on the slow side. There easily fixable but I know how to best all scenarios. See you tomorrow," Ivy smiles, throwing in a little wave.


Ivy walks with Owen towards a trauma room, "You know. I'm impressed. Being chief resident hasn't set you back even a little, in fact. I think you're a better surgeon than you were before."

"Thanks, chief. Now, what do we got?" Ivy asks, gloving up as they enter the trauma room.

"Carl Shatler, sanitation worker, mid 30s. Fell off the back of a garbage truck, then hit by a car backing out of a driveway," the paramedic tells then.

Callie reads off the chart, "Okay, vitals are stable but he has multiple contusions, scalp lac, and obvious hand injuries."

Owen goes forward as Ivy heads to Callie, "Okay, Carl? Carl, I'm Dr. Hunt. Do you know where you are? Can you hear me? G.C.S. 10, and pupils are equal and reactive. I'm gonna need the portable x-ray and ultrasound."

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