Back and Scarier

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Ivy sits next to Derek as a representive starts listing all the injuries they sustained in the crash, "Derek Shepherd- multiple hand fractures with a median nerve injury. Ivy Shepherd- 2nd degree burns to the arm, 3rd degree burns to the leg. Arizona Robbins- open femur fracture with resultant above-knee amputation. Lexie Grey- deceased. Mark Sloan- deceased. This doesn't include extreme..."

The representative of the airline says, "...wish for me to extend their deepest condolences."

"How is-how is the investigation going?" Derek interrupts him.

"Have they found what caused the crash?" Ivy asks.

"The investigation could take years. That's why we want to help you put this tragedy behind you," he tells them.

The hospital representative corrects, "I think you mean, your clients would like to put it behind them."

He continues, "So I am authorized at this time to purpose a onetime settlement. Bayview Aeronautics takes your loss seriously. Now the settlement agreement must be unanimous, and it releases Bayview Aeronautics from any and all other claims, known or unknown, but... most important, it will allow you to put this painful time behind you and move on with your lives."

Derek passes Ivy the paper with the amount on it. It's a lot, but it doesn't pay for the damages done to her or anyone else.


Jackson and Ivy lyrics in bed as she tells him the amount, "Wow. That's a lot of money. And I know a lot of money."

"Yeah, but... I don't want to settle. I mean, what does that actually accomplish? It does Bayview more good than it does us. It doesn't bring back Mark or Lexie. Or Arizonas leg, or my time in psych. All this does is tell Bayview that they are free from responsibility because they gave us money," Ivy tells him, sittibg up.

"So, I guess the question is... what are you going to do?" He looks at her.

Ivy sighs, "For now. Go to bed. It's my first day back tomorrow and I get to scare the interns."

Jackson chuckles, "You're not that scary, babe."

Ivy raises one brow, "Really? I'm not scary? Okay, remember you said that."

She turns over so she is the little spoon as Jackson stares, horrified, "You wouldn't do anything to me, right?"

"Good night Jackie."



Ivy stands at the nurses station in the E.R. It's her first day back and she is ready. All she needs, is to get the two groups behind her to stop whispering about her.

Alex walks up to the group of attendings, "What are we watching?"

"Its Ivys first day back and we're just...observing her," Derek tells him.

"You mean stalking?"


Over with the interns, Ross whispers, "Shes double board certified and Medusa respects her, so she must be scary, right?"

Brooks shakes her head, "No, she could just be a really good surgeon and Medusa sees the talent."

Ivy turns around and stares at the two groups, "You all suck at whispering and remember, I hear everything."

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