Standing Up

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Ivy pours herself a cup of coffee as Meredith and Derek discuss the bathroom of their new house and Alex gets something to eat, "I'm thinking we put the tub here that way you can take a bath, look out the window at the trees. But that means we have to move the sink here, because there's no way we can get two sinks on that wall."

"Okay," Meredith simply says, Ivy snorting causing Alex to nudge her.

"Okay, so do you want me to move the tub or do you want to share a sink?" Derek asks.

"I have one opinion, and that is that I just want a tub deep enough that is covers my knees and boobs-"

Derek nods, "Knees and boobs at the same time. Yeah, I gotta go. You're useless. Mwah, love you."

He starts to leave but then notices his baby sister glaring at him, "Why the glare?"

"Because I hate you."

"Why do you hate me?"

Alex and Meredith try holding in their laughs while watching the dueling siblings.

"Because I was raised by you, I have way to high of standards for the men in my life. Which makes having a relationship almost impossible. So thank you," Ivy rants.

"Why is that a bad thing? You're a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a relationship," Derek compliments.

Ivy crosses her arms, "Yes, thats nice but I want someone. Even just a hookup. But, because of you, I have to much dignity and self respect to go and just hookup with a random person."

"Again, not a bad thing," Derek kisses her forehead and leaves, Ivy mocking him.

Alex focuses on Meredith, "The dudes building you a dream house."

Her voice gets kind of high, "I can't read these stupid things."

Ivy points at her, "You just don't give a crap. Except for the bath tub, which I agree with your want."

"I'm taking baby drugs to make my uterus less hostile, and I don't know, it makes my eyes dry, and I have to squint to see, and I don't really care enough about the tub/sink relationship to, you know..."

"You should talk to that hot O.B." Alex suggests.

Meredith shakes her head as Ivy sits across from her, "You are always drumming up reasons to talk to that hot O.B."

They laugh and then head off to work. Ivy looks at Alex, "Would you do me? Like am I hot enough that you would pick me up in a bar if you didn't know me?"

"Hell yeah," Alex smirks.

"Good enough."


April and Ivy stand together when Meredith comes up to them, "Kepner, Ivy, you two on Peds today?"

"Yeah, some kid already puked on us," Ivy cringes, laying her head down on the desk.

"Okay, so one of my patients son has a lump on his neck. So would one of you just do a workup on him, and if it's anything, kick it up to Robbins?" She asks.

April takes the chart, "Fine. You owe me one."

"No, I don't."

"I'm doing you a favor. You owe me one."

"You're doing your job. I owe you gratitude and respect," Meredith argues.

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