Minnicks First Day

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"Why wasn't I informed about this decision? Catherine, you said I would be the person who represented the Avery Foundation making the calls concerning Grey Sloan?" Ivy bursts into Baileys office, seeing her meeting with Catherine.

Catherine nods, "Thats right. But I felt that I needed-"

Ivy shakes her head, "No, this is my hospital. The one you gave me and said I would have full authority. Why are you butting in now?"

She sighs, "Because of people like Leah Murphy, Alex Karev, Meredith Grey, April Kepner. They all needed second chances."

"Leah Murphy screwed herself by sleeping with attendings within her first week of working here. She needed to clear her head and get a shift kick in the ass. She's improved greatly from what I've seen. Alex Karev thought the woman he loved was being assaulted and protected her. Don't tell me that you don't think Jackson wouldn't have done the same thing if in that position. Meredith Grey messed with a trial to make sure that your husband's first wife could get the treatment she deserved. And yes, April did miss a step and failed her boards, but she's never made that mistake again. That's what a teaching hospital is and don't tell me you've never made a mistake because that's crap," Ivy rants, "And don't forget, this program made surgeons such as Bailey, Christina Yang, Stephanie Edwards. If you need personal ties, it made Jackson and I. Stop messing with my hosptial."

"That was a very heartfelt speech, but it doesn't change the fact that Dr. Minnick is coming to asses the program. Please, be welcoming. Remember you have that meeting with Harper and the financial team today," Catherine smiled, walking out of the office.

Ivy turns to Bailey, "What the hell?"

"Look, she's just here to assess the program and suggest some things. It will be fine," Bailey tells her.

"Shes doesn't step foot in my OR," Ivy says.



Ivy storms out and finds Jackson, Maggie, Arizona, and Riggs looking over some scans, "Did I imagine the conversation with Catherine about this being my hospital? Because I remember that the reason doctors from this hospital can get a Harper Avery now is because I'm making decisions regarding this hospital. Not you, not your mother, not Harper. Me."

Jackson chuckles, "No, you didn't imagine it."

Arizona looks at her, "Are people getting fired? Is that why you're so...fired up?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Catherine was going on about to many people needing second chances. We should be prepared for things to change. Cause I don't know how to stop it," Ivy shrugs.

They're interrupted by residents walking by, laughing. Jackson stands behind Ivy, "Ah, that's not ominous at all."

"Damn. Okay, I've got to go meet with Harper and the financial team," Ivy starts heading for the door.

Ivy meets Webber outside a conference room where she sees Minnick talking with the residents. She goes to open the door but he stops her, "Bailey says they are to have this meeting privately."

She snorts, "Well, Bailey didn't check the schedule, because I'm scheduled to have this conference room all day for meetings to get funding for this hospital so we can have people like Minnick around. She'll be fine," with that, she opens the door.

Everyone looks to her, Minnick saying, "Uh, this is a private meeting."

"Yes, in a conference room that's been taken for three weeks. I have a meeting with Harper Avery and the top financial advisors of the Foundation to get money for this hospital. Money that will pay you. I'm all for helping residents get their best education, but we have jobs to do. Have your meeting somewhere else, cause I have my own meetings to worry about," Ivy holds the door open.

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