Catherine Avery

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"You sent your girlfriend out of town when your mother is coming?" Ivy walks up to Jackson.

He ignores her and continues walking away. She sighs, he's been doing this for the past few weeks. Ever since she took Sofia during guys night, he doesn't talk to her unless it's about work. Thankfully, her and Jonathan have been able to go on a couple more noninterrupted dates.

She makes her way into the auditorium and takes a seat next to April, "He still not talking to you?"

"No and I don't understand. Maybe it's the stress of his mother being here," Ivy speculates.

They listen as Cristina, Meredith and Alex complain about how boring grand rounds will be. Ivy leans forward, "Oh, no. Its not going to be boring. This is Jacksons mother, Catherine Avery."

"Shes a urologist, right?" Meredith asks.

"Yeah, we met her when we were interns at Mercy West. She's amazing," April fills them in.

"Shes a lunatic," Jackson comments.

Ivy disagrees, "No shes not. Besides she loves me and she's brilliant. She says such shocking things sometimes."

April adds, "But when you think about them later, they change your whole life."

Jackson is still grouchy, "Or ruin your whole life. Shes toxic. Shes a meddler. My mom has no boundaries. Be warned."

Ivy rolls her eyes, "Shes not that bad. I mean, once I sat down and had a conversation-"

"Wait. You sat down and talked with my mom?" Jackson stops her.

"Oh, so now you're talking to me?" Ivy sasses.

"Is that why you shipped Lexie out of state?" Alex asks, already curling up to sleep.

Cristina turns to Jackson, "What? Oh. You shipped Who hides his girlfriend under a rock while his mom comes into town?"

Meredith answers, "Someone who's got a hypercritical surgeon for a mom. I get it."

Ivy adds, taking a sip of coffee, "Yeah, I mean, she wanted to know my whole life story and I'm just a friend."

"How personal did her questions get?" Cristina asks her.

"She asked about Derek. She asked about my dad-"

"I am so sorry about that," Jackson apologizes.

Cristina asks Jackson, "Is your mom ambidextrous? I bet you she is. All the best surgeons are."

Jackson turns to April and Ivy, "Wait. How often do you two talk to my mom."

April answers as Ivy has found her coffee cup interesting, "We're Facebook friends."

"Wait... you and my mom? Ivy? You too?"

April continues, "Shes a brilliant surgeon and woman. Shes a trailblazer."

Ivy defends herself, "Besides, I only talk to her when she messages me first. Which is almost weekly."

"Weekly?!" Jackson freaks out.

"Yes, some Averys actually talk to me," she sasses.

"Wake up, everybody. I know, I know, it's grand rounds, where we have to sit and listen to somebody talk about how somebody did something and here's how they did it, and there's not enough coffee in Brazil for this. Well, not today. Today we are going to do. Today I'm going to change a life and maybe make medical history, too. And I can't do it alone, so who wants to step into the future with me?" Catherine ask.

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