Family Thoughts

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"I know mom, it's exciting," Ivy tells her mom over the phone.

"I'm just so excited! I mean, Meredith just gave birth and now you're pregnant with twins. The Shepherd family is growing bigger and bigger by the day. Oh, so, when are you and Jackson getting married? I want to book my plane and hotel. And I need to tell your sisters so they can come with and we can go dress shopping and pick out flowers and-" Caroline Shepherd goes on.

Ivys eyes widen, "Um, uh, um, we haven't really made any decisions regarding the wedding. We-we still have a lot to discuss. I'll give you more details when we have them."

Her mom sighs, "Okay, well, let me know. I know I haven't always been the greatest mother to you, but I can't wait until your wedding. I just know you're going to be a beautiful bride."

That makes tears form in Ivys eyes, "Thank you mom. I'll talk to you later. You should call Derek, I think he has some more Bailey stories to share with you."

"Oh, I'll do that. He's just the cutest little thing isn't he-" she starts.

"Yes, yes he is mom. I really gotta go, so, good bye," Ivy hangs up before her mother could continue.

Jackson chuckles from the bed, "Conversation went well?"

Ivy tosses a shirt she was folding at him, "Yes, actually. But she wants all the details on the wedding and that made me realize that- we have nothing planned!"

"Okay, we can start wedding planning and you know-" he starts.

"I'm not just talking about the wedding! I'm talking about after the babies are born. I mean, this apartment was already going to be small with one baby, but two? We need to find a house. And then, we need to buy double of everything for the babies. We need to think of names and godparents and-" Ivy starts pacing.

Jackson gets up and cups her face, "Everything will be okay. All right, we can start looking for houses tonight, start wedding planning tomorrow with April and my mom. Then, we can make a list of everything we need for the babies. Okay? Relax, we can do this. I'm not leaving you to handle all of this by yourself, I'm right here."

Ivy nods, taking a deep breath, "You're right. We can do this. And it's not like we're by ourselves, we have plenty of people willing to help."

"Exactly. Now, you want to look at house listings?"

"No, I'm too tired. These babies are sucking everything out of me. Let's just go to bed and start in the morning," Ivy gets into bed.

Jackson chuckles, covering her with the blanket, "Okay, good night. Love you."

"Love you too, Jackie," Ivy mumbles.

"I thought we were done with the nicknames. It's been forever."

"I'm carrying your babies. Twins! Let me call you whatever I want."

"Yes, dear."


Ivy pages Edwards to the E.R. as she looks over a patient. Edwards makes it quickly, "You paged me?"

"Dr. Edwards, Ben Bosco, his wife Joyce," Ivy introduces, "he's got an ankle fracture."

"That moving walkway thing at the airport," Ben tells her.

Joyce adds, "We were running to catch our connection to Alaska."

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