Baby Shower

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Ivy grabs her basket of dirty clothes and heads downstairs where she passes a storming April, "I wouldn't go in there. Lexie and Jackson are at it again."

"Ugh, I just want to do laundry," Ivy sighs, heading back upstairs.

"Yeah, and it's disgusting how often they do it. I mean, I get it's a new relationship but couldn't they do it not in public places? How hard is it-" Ivy cuts her off.

"April. I love you, but can we not talk about their sex life? It just makes me feel weird," Ivy shivers.

April bumps hips with her, "Are you sure that's the only reason? And not any, you know, feelings for Jackson that you were to afraid to act on?"

Ivy shakes her head, "Would you give this up? I don't like Jackson."

As Ivy heads into her room, April mumbles, "Yeah, and I'm not a virgin."

"What was that?" Ivy asks, sticking her head out.

"Oh, nothing. Gotta get ready for work and baby shower"

April dashes to get ready as Ivy shakes her head.


Ivy walks up to Owen, Teddy and Bailey as some of the other residents stand outside a bathroom door, "His trial funding came through this morning, and they all want on it."

Bailey turns to Ivy, "And why aren't you camped out over there?"

"Because I have confidence in my abilities as a doctor. If I work as I should, and not stand outside bathroom doors all day! Then he will notice my work and maybe put me on his trial," Ivy shouts out towards her fellow residents.

They each shoot her a glare as Teddy yells, "Doors opening!"

All at once, the residents outside the door shot forward and begin talking over each other. Ivy laughs at the idioticy that her fellow residents are displaying and eventually, the chief has enough, "Quiet! Quiet! I haven't made my decision yet. You should all be more like Shepherd over there. Just doing her work, being an actual doctor! Right now, she would be my first choice. Now, get out of the way."

As the chief walks away, Ivy smiles smugly, walking forward, "You aren't going to beat me."

"And why not, McBaby?" Cristina asks.

"Because I have five older siblings. Competition is my life. I know how to win at almost anything I want," Ivy crosses her arms.

April shakes her head, "Yeah, well, not this."

Ivy laughs, "Oh, yes this. Now, I need to go help set up Torres' baby shower."

Ivy skips off as Owen speaks up, "You know the likelihood of any of you beating her is almost zero, right?"

"Yeah," they all sigh.

"Shes good. Reminds me of me. Anyways, Avery, you're with me," Bailey starts walking away, Jackson soon following her.


Ivy follows Callie into the room of the baby shower, "Oh, bite me, Mark."

"Oh, what's going on? Are you guys fighting again? Ivy, it's your job as godmother to-"

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