Stawbwrry Milk

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                         **Matthews POV**
"I'll be right back baby" she said softly. I whined and made grabby hands. She giggled and I huffed, why was she laughing at me? "Awwww baby don't be upset I just think your whining is precious. I promise that's the only reason I'm laughing." She pinched my cheek lightly and smiled at me. I blushed profusely and tried to hide in the blankets. "Awwwww looks like my baby is shy." She chuckled a little as she pat my head. Di-did she just say MY ?! I had to hold in my squeal! She rwally did like me! Wow.......she even made me think little.........she really was twuly pwrfect. S-so why couldn't she tell me.......she was pretty opinionated and open about it from what I've seen the past few days......there's no way I actually made her nervous. I was lost in my thoughts until I saw a bottle in front of me. Whered dat come from ? Gah! This little speak was rwally rwally confuzzling me! I wasn't used to being little for this long, especially not mentally and physically and emotionally! "Baby?" I heard a soft whisper......."you ok buddy?" I looked was mommy! That made me happy.......she was the first person to ever wake me up from a nap so dad would have just.......NO I-I don't wanna think about him...........I shook my head aggressively trying to stop the thoughts! BU-BUT IT-IT WA-WASNT WORK-WORKING!!!! I felt tears coming and I-I couldn't stop them.........I was falling a-and.............then I stopped? I was confused and heavy and I couldn't breath.

I felt something cool against my lips and squishy? was the bottle......and with it a warm hand making light circles in my hair, I felt myself being slowly rocked and suddenly I didn't feel so heavy anymore......The memories stopped and my breathing slowly went back to normal......and I finally stopped falling! I opened my eyes and she was there........rocking me slowly and holding the bottle of stawbwrry milk for me. How'd she do that? I wondered.......I'd never met anyone who could get me through one of my attacks, I couldn't even get myself through one.......normally I'd be out of it for at least three days, the worst one I've ever had lasted almost two weeks! But somehow......someway she just got me through it. Actually she brought me back before the attack could even set in.........I really couldn't believe it........

**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I was glad to see him calming down and feeling him finally relax. He was so cute and adding a bottle to that made him a thousand times cuter. I was very very concerned about what had just happened but I was glad to know that I had stopped it before it went any further, though I couldn't help but wonder how often these happened and how serious they could get. He was just shaking like a leaf in October a few minutes ago, but he seemed a lot calmer now so that was good. Once he finished the bottle I took it out of his mouth, he whined and pouted. I smiled slightly, he was definitely a brat but he looked so innocent, he was truly perfect. He continued to whine and tried to take the bottle from me, although he was taller than me by a good six or seven inches I still managed to keep the bottle out of his reach. He growled at me, I couldn't help but laugh a little as he sounded like a puppy learning to bark or like Simba learning to roar. He crossed his arms and glared at me. "Meanie!" He grumbled. I snickered as he continued to pout and poked out his lower lip at me. He huffed and I kissed his forehead. He blushed but tried to keep his composure. "You still mean mama" he blushed and whispered.

"Hmmm is that so little one?" I hummed. He nodded but avoided my gaze. I could see his face clearly turning a darker red than before. Awww my little prince is shy, how sweet. I put my hand under his chin and made him look up at me, he looked up but struggled to look me in the eyes; I smirked at this, knowing I can have him fumbling from just a gaze, I could smell his neediness and urge to please, it was simply beautiful and I planned to show him just how much I needed him.

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