Learning Alexis

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                            **Matthews POV**
I was surprised to see this girl because I didn't remember anyone coming over. Although it made sense because I had fallen asleep before actually meeting Lilys brother. She had made sure to tell us all about him because she didn't want Maxie and I to be nervous when he came over. Even though he had his own little and they'd been together for over two years (if I remembered correctly, which I usually didn't honestly) it was still hard to be little around new people, and having anxiety certainly didn't help with that. Plus he was her older brother and he'd done a lot for her, including helping her come to terms with her little side and learn to control it. He really was a great brother from what she told us.

She told us his name was Adam. Adam Rose Chancellor. Rose was after their grandma and Lily's middle name as well. He was 19 and his birthday was October 15th. His favorite color was purple, specifically royal purple. He graduated highschool at 17 with an Associates degree focusing on Industrial technologies. Now at 19 he was managing a whole branch. Adam had met his girlfriend/little at his old school before transferring and taking college classes full time his last two years of highschool. They spent every weekend and school break together and she slipped in front of him one weekend and they developed their relationship from there. It was because of Lily that he was able to take care of her so well. Lily introduced him to both littles and the lifestyle. It really spoke to Adam as he was always caring for Lily while there mother was.........elsewhere. That's all Lily ever really said about her family, her brother was the only person she would even speak of.

Adam then came into the living room handing Alexis a stuffed bat and a blanket covered in moons. "Hey buddy. Would you mind if I leave Alexis here with you so I can go talk to your Mommy?" I just nodded not looking away from the TV. "Thanks bud!" He said to me while I continued watching my show. "Behave little girl." He said to Alexis. She nodded and he kissed her forehead. "I'll be back soon. Ok princess?" He smiled at her and she smiled back while nodding. After he walked off I continued watching my show. 30ish minutes went by when I felt a small tug on my blanket. I looked over to see Alexis with tears in her eyes. I wasn't big but I wasn't little either. "What's wrong?" I asked her softly, I could tell she was little, like REALLY little. She just shook her head and the tears got bigger; I certainly didn't want her crying and I couldn't seem to find anyone. Max, Lily, Ty and Donny were all sleeeping all the cleaning and scrubbing made them all super tired. While Mommy and Adam were no where to be seen either when I could have SWORN they were in the kitchen. I tried to think of what Mommy would say if I was tearing up and couldn't talk. "Are you hungry ?! Or maybe sleepy??" She had only been up for about an hour noe but I knew that younger littles needed as much sleep as they could when they were little. It could be quite exhausting to be that little. She shook her head no to both questions and no again when I asked if she was sure. Mommy always said to follow up because you never know. She already had a blanket and a stuffie and wasn't hungry or sleepy.........so what could she need??? I pondered for a moment.....OH! I got it! "Alexis I'll be right back ok?" I said softly and got up to leave.....only to feel something holding me down. Alexis was holding onto my leg and I couldn't walk that way. This must be how Mommy felt when I wouldn't let her walk....I'm still not sorry about it tho because I knew she loved it. I tried to think of the tricks she used on me but seeing how I didn't really know Alexis I felt it best not to trick her cause I didn't want her by herself. She could get hurt.

"Would you like to come with me?" I asked quietly. She nodded. "Up?" She asked me quietly. Hmm so she had to be around 20 months since she couldn't walk. (Don't be so surprised that I know this I am a little too you know. Is it REALLY surprising that I know how other littles act in certain age ranges?!) She was almost as tall as me but a lot lighter so I picked her up carefully and carried her up the stairs to Mommy's room. I put her on the bed, despite her whines and protest. "Shhh Alexis!" I said softly. "Everyone else is sleeping and it's not nice to wake people up when they're sleeping." I reminded her gently. She nodded and gave me a soft "sowwie". "It's okay! And don't worry I just gotta grab something super quick and then I'll pick you up again ok?" I said patting her head. She smiled at me and nodded. I went into Mommy's closet and found her stash of pacifiers. She kept extras just in case someone lost theirs or if theirs was being cleaned but they wanted one for nap time. She loved being prepared. "Oooooo perfect!" I said grabbing one and bringing it to Alexis. "How's this one??" I asked her.

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