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**Matthews POV**

I felt a hand on my shoulder....somehow I didn't jump like I usually did when I was touched without warning. The hands felt small and warm but cool. I refused to look up though because I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I was glad I had decided to keep my pacifier hidden. If that secret ever got out I wouldn't know what to do. I felt the hand in my hair, and tried my hardest not to melt at the touch. I LOVED having my hair pet or played in; and this touch was so weirdly familiar. I continued not to look up at the person though. The hand moved away and I pouted a little but was happy they were finally gone..........or so I thought.

**Elaines POV**
I tried tapping him, shaking him a little, I even tapped his hair. It was beautiful, curly, and softer than a lamb. I swore I felt him lean into my touch but decided it was my imagination. When he still wouldn't look at me I decided to take drastic measures. I slowly and carefully took out one of his headphones. I didn't want to touch them or take them out without permission. I've fought people over that, but I unfortunately didn't have a choice, I'd make it up to him later though. First I had to apologize. "Matthew." I'd learn my lesson after what happened in class, that shattered look he gave me when I had only slightly raised my voice told me everything I needed to know. I HATED toxic people! How could ANYONE yell at him? He was precious and- Look at who was talking.....I'd made him cry over a seat.......I looked back to see that he had put the headphone back in. Clever...taking advantage of my inner monologue. "Matthew..." I said quietly after taking out the headphone again. He sniffled again and I offered him a tissue. He took it and said a quiet thank you. I sat down next to him and rubbed his back a little, he leaned against me slightly.

"I'm sorry.........really sorry." The words fell out of my mouth quickly and even though I had said it they caught me off guard. I'd never apologized before; and never put myself in unnecessary positions where I would need to; but this kid was making me break all my rules. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. You couldn't have known it was my seat and it wasn't a big deal anyway." I continued on. He stayed silent and I-I felt my heart break, I hoped he'd forgive me.........he had to. I don't know what it was but he.......My thoughts were silenced by a sweet, and low snore. I looked down and realized he'd fallen asleep. I just laughed, he stirred at the noise. I covered my mouth quickly and started rubbing his back again. He stopped stirring and continued to snore lightly. This boy was anything if not adorable, and nothing like any boy Ive ever met, or any girl either. I checked my phone. There was another hour left in class. Damn it. I wanted to wake him but he looked so sleepy....*sigh* this kid was definitely doing something to me; but I'd be damned if I'd admit it. I decided to just let him sleep. I texted Mrs.Beck and gave her the situation. She said she understood and it was ok. Another benefit of being the favorite. She also told me he had fourth period with her which was perfect because I could catch him up on the work there.

I thanked Mrs.Beck and promised I'd keep an eye on him. Mrs.Beck was the only person outside of me who knew Lily and Max's secret. She found out purely by accident when Max left his paci at my house the night before and I brought it the next day but he had a doctors appointment and got to school late, he had no choice but to come into my third period to get it. He would have lost his mind without it. Since it was his first paci and a gift from Lily and I for his bday. She saw me pass it over and asked about it after class. Turned out our teacher was also a little, well actually a switch but mostly little. Her husband was a Dom but he was a doctor for the E.R at the largest hospital in town. They'd been together for ten years now, since highschool, Mrs.Beck was lucky. I'd always hoped for that kind of relationship. BDSM was the one break I got from reality and a kind of trust I'd hope to reach with my own submissive one day. Though I was a sadist in every sense of the word, I couldn't help but dream of having my own little boy.

Tyler and Don made having littles look like the best thing ever. Max was sweet, quiet and rarely threw tantrums, even with me. Lily was the exact opposite, though she and Don had just gotten together, she made it quite clear that she was going to put the B in Brat whether he liked it or not, haha that was Lily for you; but I knew Don could handle it, and he loved Lily just the way she was. Lily was secretly a sweetheart once you got past all the bratty behavior, and she was a great little friend for max, who was very shy when he was little and she was very protective over him and it was honestly the cutest. I could honestly see the three of us being one big family in college. Tyler and Max, Don and Lily, Me and.......Matthew.

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