After School Care (Don?!)

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"HEY BON BON!!!!" Lily screamed across the bus, she was no louder than the other kids, but she was in front of Don and not only did he not know that she was little but he also didn't know about her crush on him. I tried to get her to tell him because not only were they cute together but I had a sixth sense when it came to people and I could just tell they were meant to be. Don was quiet, cool, calm, and really responsible but playful with the right people. Lily was the opposite she was shy when you first met her but also silly, bubbly and very sweet with just a hint of troublemaking. "That's Don Li" I tried to subtly bring her out of such a deep part of her headspace but she was stubborn when it came to pretty much anything so my efforts were futile. "It's fine" Don said, "In fact I kinda like the name." He smiled over at Lily as she turned a tomato red. I could see the way they looked at each other, but before I could even suggest it Don beat me to the punch; "You wouldn't mind if Lily sat with me would you Rëd?"

Before I could even answer Lily jumped over me and into the seat where Max was, "MOVE IT!" She said, poor Max complied but looked like he wanted to burst into tears, he was really sensitive in his headspace and hated yelling or fighting. I got up so Max could sit on the inside, it made him feel safer, and helped move his stuff while Don picked up lily and moved her to the inside of their seat. After everyone got settled I was gonna scold Lily and tell her she needed to apologize to Max, I was rubbing his back and trying to calm him down he'd forgotten his headphones and all the noise on the bus was making it so he couldn't sleep, but before I could Don said something to her "Li you need to apologize to Max." She looked shocked that he would even suggest such a thing. "Why should I?!" She asserted "He moves too slow!" Don gave her what could be nothing other than a warning look, "Li it doesn't matter, he's your friend, and that isn't how you ask for things either. So apologize." I'd NEVER heard Don be stern before, especially not when talking to Lily he treated her like a princess. Lily tried to pout her way out of the apology, but Don wasn't having it and intensified his warning glare, Li sighed and looked at Max. I could tell by the face she was making that she actually saw what Don was talking about.

"Hey Maxie?" Max looked up slightly to see Lily with sad eyes, "I'm rwally sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean! I was just excited to sit next to Bon Bon. Pwease don't hate me!" Poor lily I knew she could be a little inconsiderate but that was just her headspace and it happened to every little. Max was just as worried as I apparently, and jumped across the aisle to meet lily in the middle for a bear hug. "Of course I give you!" Max said. "I know you didn't mean it!!" Awwww they could be really sweet and adorable sometimes. Don pulled lily back into the seat and pat her head. While I laid Max back down and tried to get him to fall asleep. About ten minutes after both Lily and Max were asleep. I tried to avoid eye contact with Don, even more tho I wanted to ask when he started riding this bus.

I was starting to fall asleep when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over to see Don, DAMN IT! "Wassup?" I asked nonchalantly, "Sooooo when we're you gonna tell me that Lily and Max were littles?" Don asked. "Ummmmm-" was all I could muster as I sat there trying to find an answer. "There's no need to lie Rëd." Don said as he interrupted my thoughts, "I wasn't gonna-" I stammered still trying to figure out how he even knew what a little was. "Before you ask I started riding this bus today because I'm moving into Lily's neighborhood, I wanted it to be a surprise but you guys certainly know how to one up a guy." Don laughed a little, I knew he was joking but I was still in shock. "Also yes me and Lily will be neighbors, yes I want to ask her out, and now to also be my little." Don continued on while I tried to process the OTHER shit I was finding out. "No I didn't tell her about my feelings from freshmen year sooner because I was just out of a breakup with Jennifer and I didn't want her to feel like a rebound, also Ive known about BDSM for some time now, I was introduced to it my last year of middle school by some friends and did my own research and took the test and got Daddy/Mommy at 99% and Brat Tamer at 98%, etc etc." Jesus Don would choose now to be the talkative one...... "And of course Lily and Max's secret is safe with me! Oh and yours too." Now my jaw did drop. "Wha-what??!!" Jesus suddenly I'm tongue tied.

"I know you're a Dom Rëd, I just don't know why you didn't tell me......why none of you told me." Poor Don he looked like his heart was broken. "Don I'm sorry, we all wanted to, it was just hard, I mean being little isn't exactly something people advertise, and whose ever heard of a female Dom??" I said a little too loud...... "It's not as uncommon as you think Rëd." Don was whispering now "And I'm not mad just so you know, I just hope you guys know I'd never betray your trust like that, especially not her." He motioned to the sleeping lily who was sleeping in his lap now, quietly snoring, clearly at peace. I nodded, knowing he was right. "Next time you'll be the first person I call." I stated, glad he wasn't angry and understood. "Good" Don said, "So now can you give me the story on everything?" So I filled Don in on everything. Grey and Cherry, how I found out Max and Lily were littles, their little ages, the After School Care, etc. "Woah" Don said, "Yea it's a lot" I laughed, "but they deserve it, they're good friends and they would do the same for me." Don nodded in understanding, "You sure that's all?" He questioned. "What do you mean?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I mean maybe you also want a little of your own, the way you talk about them, and the effort you put in? Of course you're an amazing friend for this but the look in your eye when you care for or even mention littles. It sounds like you're more of a mommy than even you know." Don stated. I rolled my eyes at him, one psychology class and suddenly he was Sigmund Freud.

"That's not it at all, I want a slave, or a pet, I mean I love littles especially the bratty ones but for a sub of my own that's not what I see." I calmly replied. "You say that." Don said "but you've been rubbing Max's back since he laid down and he's been asleep, you had back up headphones for him and you not only remembered to pack both his and Lily's favorite snacks but you brought back ups in case they spilled or left it in class." Damn! He has me there but I was just being a good friend, I had to be prepared if I wanted to be a fill in caregiver for two totally different littles at two completely different ages. "It's not a bad thing Rëd." Don was always interrupting my thoughts! Before I could ask what he was referring to our stop finally came up. Don grabbed lily and all their stuff while I grabbed Max and all of our stuff and we headed over to my house.

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