Matts First Punishment

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                      **Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I walked into the house quietly because I knew Max and Lily were still sleeping. I'd already asked Don to make the snacks for the afternoon, and since he wasn't used to it I decided to keep it simple with peanut butter and jelly,and milk and cookies. I still had to deal with Matthew and for some reason I had the nagging feeling that I was forgetting something, but I'm sure whatever it was I'd remember it soon enough. I headed upstairs to our room but waited outside the door for a few minutes. After I'd decided on the route I'd take with Matthew I went into the room and closed the door, locking it behind me. "So baby. You wanna talk about what happened at school today?" I asked softly. I was upset about the detention part but no matter what I wouldn't yell at him unless he was endangering himself or others. Plus it might not have been all him. He whispered something back to me; he was hiding under the covers. "Baby if you don't talk to me then I can't help you." I said as I pet his hair. He whimpered a little but poked his head out of the covers anyway. "So what happened today kitten?" I asked again. He played with his fingers as he spoke soft as a whisper. "I-I kind of said a bad word in class an-and I painted the teachers ca-car............but it wasn't my fault Momma! I swear!" He said. That part I definitely heard. "How wasn't that your fault baby boy?" I couldn't believe it. He'd just started here. This one was definitely going to be trouble, but I'd be damned if that mattered to me. Good or bad he'd always be mine and anyone who had a problem with it would be dealing with me.

"Momma she started it! I was soooo sleepy in math today and I'd finished all my work so I laid down bu-but den sh-she w-woke me up and sh-she swared at me momma! She hit my desk wif a rwler and then she yelled at me!" He stuttered out. I had to admit he didn't seem wrong here so far.......but unfortunately he didn't seem completely correct either...... "So what happened next bubba?" I questioned. "Well she was yelling at me and asking why I was interrupting her class but she was da one who woked me up! So I kinda sort of told her that it was her fault the class got interrupted cause she was being a bitch and ruining my nap......" he said. I tried to hold back my laughter. I knew which teacher he was talking about and he was right about her being a bitch but he was wayyyyy too little to be using that word plus he didn't have time to get kicked out because he mouthed off to a teacher, especially not that bitch. "So why did you write on her car baby?" I asked. " cause momma she was a bit— I mean a meanie and I thought everyone should know! She said she was going to suspend me for cussing at her and if she did that I'd be in super trouble with my dad whose also a big big meanie and I wouldn't get to see you I back at her. I'm rwally rwally sowwy mommy.......but the principal said it wasn't my fault but I still had to get detention for vanlisim." He said.

I sighed. I hated having to punish him for this but he knew it was wrong and he could have gotten into serious trouble if the principal wasn't so chill. Plus I knew he knew that teacher was messed up. I was going to talk to him about it as well and I'd keep this spanking light. "Alright baby. Apology accepted, but mommy still has to punish you. We don't use bad words, especially not in school at teachers; and vandalism is very bad baby! You could have gotten into serious trouble if the principal hadn't helped you out. Next time if you're upset you use your words. Understand little one?" I said calmly, it weighed heavy on my heart to have to spank him but I knew it was the best thing for him. "Now bend over kitten. You get 15 hits and if you're still for mommy then I'll make this a funishment alright?" I said as I looked for the hair brush. It was average size but had a wide and round wooden back. I would use a paddle but I hadn't gotten a chance to buy one yet. I'd take care of that soon though. "Mommy??" He squeaked. "Yes my sweet boy?" I answered. "Whats a funishment momma?" Awwwww what a sweet boy. He really was precious and the embodiment of innocence. "Well baby a funishment is a fun punishment. Like if you like spankings so you act like a brat so I'll spank you and it could be foreplay or I could spank you until you cum." I said. I saw his face turn a deep red at my final sentence. Seemed as though my innocent little baby might just be a masochist and maybe even a degradee. I'd definitely have to ask him about that later...

"Thanks for explaining mommy." He squealed excitedly. "No problem my love." I said as I kissed his forehead. "Now be a good boy for mommy and bend over." I said. "Yes Mommy." He turned and bent over the bed. The poor baby didn't even pull his pants down. I had the hairbrush and was about to begin his punishment when I heard the doorbell ring. OH SHIT I forgot Tyler was coming over. It was only 5:30 why was this asshole so early?! "Don't move or I'll double it." I warned him. "Yes mistress." He blushed. I felt myself leaking at his words. "Hey Ty! Why are you so early you bastard." I said as I pulled him into a hug. "Well I would have been here earlier but I got held up at school." He said as he rolled his eyes. I chuckled. Tyler was always able to make me laugh. "Well Max is sleeping on the couch. Also Don and Lily are here!" I whispered excitedly. "Thanks so much for taking care of my little guy. I can't wait to tell him I'm moving down here this weekend!" Tyler exclaimed. "Me too and I knew Max will be happy to know you're a daddy as well." I said excitedly. "You didn't tell him right?" Ty asked. "Of course not you know I wouldn't! Now why don't you go nap with your baby. I have to go upstairs and take care of my own little one." I said as I put Tyler's things to the side for him. Max could help put them in his room later. "Ooooooo first spanking already?" Tyler said. I hummed a yes. "Poor kid! Don't go too hard on him Eł." Tyler stated. "Oh please. He already has me wrapped around his little fingers." I said as I rolled my eyes at Tyler and headed back to my baby.

I came upstairs and heard movement. "You really are a masochist." I said as I entered the room. He gulped as I pulled him over my lap, flipped him back on his stomach, and then pulled down his pants. He whimpered and whined as he tried to fight me, kicking his legs and begging for me to let him go. "Momma pwease! I sowwy!" He whined heavier. I gave him a warning smack on the ass. "Move again and your count goes from 30 to 60 little one." I stated calmly. He continued to whimper but stopped moving. I rubbed his ass and tapped it lightly with the brush to give him a feel of it. After he calmed down a few minutes later I started the spanking. I hit him *SMACK* *SMACK * back and forth on each cheek ten times. I did the same on his thighs. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK * he squirmed and whined as I landed the hits rapidly one after the other. "Mo-momma pwease!! I be good now pwomise..." I paused for a minute and rubbed his back. His ass and thighs were both a light Cherry red. "These are the last ten baby. The very last one will be hard. You'll do this bent over." I whispered to him. I rained the last ten down hard and fast. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK * he started to cry a little as I delivered the last few hits. "It's over now baby." I said as I returned the hairbrush. He wrapped around me and sobbed into my shirt. I rubbed his back and played in his hair as he cried into me. I hummed to him and rocked him on my lap. "I pwomise be good boy now momma." He mumbled to me. "It's alright baby, mommy isn't upset anymore but you still need to apologize to your teacher baby." I said as I rocked him slowly. "Otay mama." He yawned out. I continued to rub his back and rock slowly as he started to drift off. A few minutes later I heard him snoring.

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