First Time

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                      **Elaine (Rëds) POV**
He continued to playfully reach for the bottle, though it was clearly not possible, but his determination was nothing short of adorable. After struggling for a few minutes he starts to whimper slightly and I see tears showing. "Baby what's wrong?" I questioned softly. I wondered if this was another episode...."bottleeeeee" he whined. "Awwwww you want the bottle little one?" I asked. He nodded with a pout and gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes, I could NOT believe this kid! He wasn't just any brat, he was like a premium brat! No he was the KING of brats. He really had me thinking he was going to burst into tears or meltdown. I had to admit.............he was impressive. I'd NEVER fallen for the puppy dog eyes before........not even Max's! And even when he wasn't in little space Max was simply adorable but even he couldn't get me with those........I smiled and shook my head, I had to give it to Matt, he definitely won that one, but I'd be damned if he got me again. He continued his visual assault and I sighed "Alright baby fine you win!" I gave in, clearly I'd met my match....."But first........" he looked at me clearly puzzled and a little confused. "Give me a kiss kitten" he turned a cherry red at my words and I couldn't hide the smile that covered my face as I watched him play with his fingers and lightly bite his nails at my request.

**Matthews POV**
"Don't bite your nails little one" mommy took my hand out of my mouth as I whined. "B-but"I stammered. "No buts little one. You gotta learn to use your words pumpkin." Mommy said as she petted my hair. I leaned into her, I didn't know how to tell her I couldn't. If I could I would tell her so how much I want her to use me and make me hers and then cuddle until we fall asleep afterwards. I just........what if she didn't like me?? What if she just wanted to be friends?? It wouldn't be the first time a girl kissed me and then left without another word.......but I liked her so so so much! No one could make me little, no one but her. I only used words because I didn't have a choice but I just knew in my heart if I told her she'd help me and not bully me about it like everyone else! I was gonna try, and I was I was gonna be the best baby ever for her! I saw her looking at me, concern on her face. I smiled a little before I just went for it.............and I kissed her. She looked at me shocked and.......impressed? Before she kissed me back even harder. Pushing me onto the bed and slipping her tongue into my mouth, she lightly pulled my hair to keep me still. I loved how quickly she took control, it came so naturally to her, she made me feel so protected while owning me as she should. I moaned as she gripped my hair and tried to pull off her top and she slapped my hand lightly. I whined at her and tried again this time she slapped me a little harder. I whimpered as it stung slightly.

"Now if I had your rules laid out I would have slapped you in the face baby. Softly but effectively and only if you consented my love." She whispered to me. "I do want mommy pweaseeeeeee." I whined. She turned me into a mess so easily and she hadn't even touched me yet! "After this we can make your rules baby boy and then you can get all the bruises you want. For now let's start with your neck." I saw a merciless smile appear on her face, uh oh. "Oh and no touching just yet baby." She added. I wasn't gonna make it! How could I resist her perky yet squishy breasts? Her round bubble shaped ass, I could see how firm it was and could only imagine the soft texture, her lips curled into a smile as she slowly pulled off my shirt and then my pants, along with my boxers as she pulled them off she nibbled lightly at my thighs. She brushed by my erection ever so lightly as though she was doing it on purpose. I whined, whimpered and squirmed. Hoping she'd touch me, even if it was just a little. She finished with my thighs and slowly kissed her way up my body, leaving a trail of soft kisses.

She gripped my hair once again as I tried to pull away. "Open" She was calm but she also wasn't asking. I opened my mouth slightly as she plunged her tongue into my throat as I whined and squirmed. "Mo-Mommy can I pwease touch now?" I begged. "If you wanna touch help mommy take her clothes off kitten." She stated. She sat on top of me as I felt her throb through her clothes, I hurried to pull off her top and tights. "Relax baby" she warned me. I nodded. I unsnapped her bra to see her breasts fall out, they bounced in the light as she slid her panties off and revealed the ocean that they contained. As I was taking in her beauty she took me in her mouth and swallowed me in one gulp. I screamed. "Shhhhh kitten" she shushed me. "The others are still sleeping my love." I whined as she continued to lick and suck on my length. Leaving soft kisses randomly on me and  leaving hickies on my neck as she stroked me fast then slow and then rubbing me on the tip with just one finger before deep thoarting me. I cried out as quietly as I could. She then climbed on top of me. "Remember shhhhh" she whispered in my ear as she licked it lightly. I whimpered. She slowly stuck it in...."fuck" I moaned. I couldn't help it, she was so wet. She moaned as she slowly went up,down,up and down until she finally sat and I felt myself slide all the way into her her eyes rolled back and I moaned. She slid my hands onto her hips as she bounced up and down over and over again. She licked my ears and slid her tongue into my mouth. Bouncing as she did so. I moaned and moaned as I got closer. "M-m-mommy! I'm going to cu-cum!" I yelled. She slowed her bouncing. "Then cum"she whispered in my ear. She bounced faster,faster and faster. I held onto her as I finished inside her and she continued to bounce as I whimpered and pleaded. "Mom-mommy pwease! I can't take an-anymore!" She slowed down and kissed my nose.

She got off and pulled me onto her lap. "Good boy." She said as she placed a soft kiss on my cheek and played with me hair as she rocked me. My eyelids fluttered as I tried my hardest to stay awake, but it was no a few minutes I was asleep.

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