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                           **Ełaine (Rëds POV)**

"Psst....." I heard a whisper, I chalked it up to demons and continued to sleep. "Pssttt.........." I covered my head with the blanket to ignore the sound. "PSSSTTTTT!" I heard a loud whisper in my ear. I moved the cover to see Matt staring at me with a giant smile on his face. "Is there a reason you woke me up at 4am?? Or do you just not like breathing??" I glared at him. He pouted at me and hid in my neck "I just wanted to hear the story about Louise. You promised to tell me today." He whined. I sighed, only he could make whining at 4am cute. "You're right baby.......I wish you hadn't remembered this at 4am BUT I suppose a promise is a promise." I said rolling my eyes as he bounced on my lungs happily. "YAY YAY YAY" he cheered loudly. I grabbed him and held him down by his waist. He gasped and turned red as I held his waist against me. "I know you're happy little one but you can't be so loud this early in the morning baby. Everyone else is still sleeping. Also you're jumping on my lungs." I scolded him. He pouted and laid on top of me; I sighed "What's wrong baby?" I said rubbing his back. "Nothing......" he huffed, I chuckled at his pouting. It was so very adorable. "It's not funny mommy!" He glared at me. "Awwwww of course it isn't my love." I said kissing his nose. He huffed and went back to pouting against me. "Would you still like to hear the story baby?"i asked softly. He huffed but nodded. I loved my stubborn little boy.

"Louise was a new student back when I was a freshman. He was new to both the state and the school and it was already half way through the year. I was new to Mrs.Becks class and already her favorite student. I'd just found out she was a little as well when her husband visited her for lunch one day. I had forgotten my math homework and overheard them. I never told her I knew because she is still my teacher so I wouldn't want her to be fired but I believe she knows I know. Anyway Louise came to our class and like you he also sat in my seat on his first day; he and I clicked immediately and became quite close throughout the year and it was like we'd known each other for years. He was perfect, at least to me, and I was going to ask him to the spring formal BUT he had already been asked.........by Cherry. She got him drunk and to admit that he was a little because of trauma he went through as a child. She convinced him she wanted to be his caregiver and eventually his mommy.............and got him to bring his pacifier to school so that he would have it when he went to her house after school but when he got there it was Cherry AND all her friends. They forced him to use it and took pictures and posted them everywhere. He couldn't go anywhere in the STATE without people making fun of him and calling him a baby or a freak. He tried to hang himself a week later and had to switch schools. He went across the country and even changed his entire appearance so people wouldn't recognize him. By the third week after she posted those everyone had moved on to a new thing...............and I.....I never heard from Louise again......I'd warned him SOOOO many times to stay away from her........I still miss him to this day." I said as I fought off tears. He hugged me tightly as I tried to calm myself. I felt him pet my head. "It's okay to cry momma. I still love you." I smiled at him, and kissed his head. "You're sweet baby but it's ok Louise was my past but you're my future." I said as I hugged him back. "You loved him...........didn't you?" He asked quietly. I felt the heaviness in the room but I couldn't lie to him. "...........yes" I said quietly. "Do you still love him?" He asked me, I could hear his heart breaking in his voice. "No I don't. Though I'm still not over what happened to him. It wasn't long ago but it feels like it but it also feels like it just happened yesterday....." he hugged me again tightly and I squeaked. "Baby....you're crushing my lungs....please let go." I said. "S-Sorry mommy...." He said releasing me. "It's ok baby. I appreciate the hugs." I said petting his head. "Now its time to go back to bed. We have to get up soon for school." I said as I kissed his forehead. "Rock me please mommy??" He said yawning. "Sure cutie." I rocked him in my lap as he rubbed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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