Security for the Trio

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                          **Matthews POV**
I missed mommy. Li's daddy was nice and everything but I needed mommy. Plus the leash was no fun without her, I knew she needed to help Twyer (that's what max said his daddy's name was) but I missed her and this was no fun, and I didn't feel like moving anymore. Donny took us to the play place while we waited. Maxie and Li ran off but I just sat down with Donny. I sighed and laid my head on the table. Donny looked at me with concern on his face. "You ok kiddo?" He asked. I barely managed to shrug as I stared at the table. Donny tried to give me some food and juice but I refused, I couldn't eat without just wasn't the same. I felt my eyes getting heavy but I couldn't sleep. I rubbed my eyes a little and yawned. "You feeling sleepy buddy?" I jumped a little in confusion not knowing where the voice was coming from. I blinked a few times and saw Donny looking at me with a look of curiosity and confusion. I shook my head hard. "I not sweepy." I said, even I knew how unconvincing that sounded. Donny just raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you sure buddy?" He asked again. I nodded and tried to look as awake as possible but I was rwally rwally sweepy. I realized I hadn't taken my nap today, and it was already way past my usual nap time. I decided my best solution would be to go big, then maybe I wouldn't feel sweepy anymore. I concentrated rwally rwally hard but it wasn working. I twied again and it still didn't work. UGH why was dis so hard all of sudden ??? I felt myself getting more stressed and regressing even further.

I couldn't control my little speak anymore and I was getting more tired by the second. Donny saw me and tried to pick me. "NO!" I said louder than I meant to. Donny looked at me surprised but slowly backed up. "Buddy it's ok, just tell me what's wrong and I can help fix it." He stated calmly. I could barely see straight I was so tired and I'd never been stuck in my headspace before. I needed my mommy! "Do you want water? Food? Candy?" Donny tried to bargain with me. All I could manage to say in response was "mommy."

                     **Elaine (Rëds POV)**
I was walking with Ty to the play palace that Don had taken the kids to. It was a way for Doms to get a break and subs to meet new people. They even had a playground for littles and pets with a ball pit, indoor swings, one of those play castles and all kinds of other stuff. We were turning the corner when I got a frantic call from Don. "Hey Don wassup?" I asked. "Eł I need you to get here ASAP!" He said. "What's wrong ?" I questioned. My mind immediately went to Matt. Was he hurt??? I ran as fast as I could and Ty followed suit. This is what I loved about Tyler. He didn't even question it he just followed suit, that was a true friend. I got to where they were to see my angel on the floor having what looked like a calm meltdown. His body was curled up as he sobbed into his clothes yet his crying was barely audible over all the kids screaming. It wasn't until I got closer that I realized just how loud his sobbing was. It broke my heart to see him in tears. I kneeled next to him "Sweetheart." I said as I gently touched his shoulder. He didn't even hesitate before throwing himself into me and climbing into my lap. He was really the sweetest thing. "Hey cucumber. You wanna tell mommy why you're crying my love?" I rubbed slow circles into his back and rocked him slowly to calm him down. I kept rocking and mouthed to Tyler to go check on the kids. He went off after Don pointed him in the direction of Lily and Max. "What's the time?" I whispered to Don. He showed me the clock it was almost 4pm. No wonder he was so cranky. He was obviously thrown off from being in his headspace for so long, all the excitement of the day, and the leash only added to his sub space. My poor baby boy. I unclipped the leash and sat it on a table I sat in the connected booth and placed him carefully in my lap.

He stirred a little but remained fully asleep. I hummed a little s as I continued to rub his back and rock him. I was glad I'd remembered my headphones and used them to cover his ears.

                       **Matthews POV**
I blinked a little and snuggled into the warm presence I felt. I inhaled her strawberry and lavender scent. She smelled like happiness and she was so warm for someone who presented so cold. I looked around and saw a bunch of kids running around. How was it so quiet? I scratched my head and felt something. I pulled it only to realize I had on headphones. Oops—I sighed at myself because I was always a little slow in my headspace, I mean I was slow in general, but we all had slow moments. It was just in my headspace I did everything but think but hey I was in headspace to not think! That's what I had mommy for. Speaking of which— "Rock a bye baby on the tree top. When the wind blows the cradle will rock, when the bow breaks the cradle will fall and down will come cradle baby and allll." Mommy sang softly. I couldn't believe she was singing to me even tho I couldn't hear her and I was asleep, she really was the bestest mommy ever. "I wuv your singing voice mommy." I said as I hugged her tightly. Mommy turned red, "wats wong momma?" I asked curiously. "Nothing baby mommy just didn't realize you were awake." She said her face still red. "How was your nap my love?" She asked me softly. "Good mama." I smiled. "Awwwe I love your beautiful smile baby boy! I'm glad you slept well little one." She said as she pet my hair. "Hey guys!" Donny came up to us practically sweating. "Dang Don you running track again?" Mommy joked. I didn't know why but her and Donny started laughing. "Momma, I no get it." I said tugging at her shirt. She simply laughed at me and I pouted at her. "Awwww my poor baby." She said enveloping me in a hug. I huffed again, feeling bratty. "Will this fix that pouty face?" Mommy said as she kissed me softly. I pretended to keep pouting and mommy laughed lightly "I guess it's time to put this back on again." She said as she clipped my leash back on, that's why my neck felt lighter......Donny started talking to mommy again and I realized I'd never apologized to him. I tugged mommy's shirt (on the back so others couldn't see) she told Donny to give her a second as she turned to me and whispered in my ear. "Yes my pet?" She said. I felt my prince parts tingling at her words but I had no time for that right now. I whispered to mommy and she nodded understanding. "Hey Don can you come here a sec?" Mommy called him over.

"Sure wassup Rëd?" He asked. "Not me. Matt wanted to apologize to you but he's feeling a little embarrassed about it." Mommy explained for me. I appreciated her for not making me seem rude or spoiled. I was just really socially anxious and I got really nervous especially in my head space. Sometimes it was so bad I would just start crying. Donny looked at me and held up a fist in front of me. "No hard feelings little dude! I know you just missed your mommy." He smiled at me, mommy really knew how to pick her friends! I hugged him tightly and whispered a thank you to him. He patted my back and gave mommy a dramatic  thumbs up, she laughed "Look whose finally warming up to me!" Donny said before handing me back to Mommy. I wrapped around her and turned to wave good bye to Donny. "I gotta get back to my princess!" He shouted as he jogged off. Mommy and I laughed. Then she pet my hair, "Do you wanna go play baby? It's only 6 so we could play for a little before we get back to shopping and have to go home." Mommy said. I nodded excitedly, mommy picked me up and we ran off to go play with everyone else.

     **Time skip: 3 hours later (it's Rëds POV) **

We were FINALLY in the car. I didn't think Tyler was gonna make it. Donny was holding him up and I was holding both of them while holding onto the kids. Don and Ty were both weighed down by bags. It was even worse because the kids were all hyped up on sugar and Matt was throwing a fit because I had to drive home. "But MOMMY! I wan sit wif chu!" He screamed. "Baby I know but Tyler is tired and Don has to feed Max for him and you too." I explained. "I no hungwy........" he whined. "Baby you need to eat." I said as I was buckling everyone in. He huffed at me and stuck out his tongue. I wasn't having this attitude today. I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. "Listen here you little brat. You're already being punished from earlier do you really want to make it worse by testing mommy?" I growled at him. I saw him quickly cross his legs trying to hide his excitement. I bit his neck softly but hard as he moaned clearly begging for more. "If you can't handle that then you won't make it once I get you home kitten." I whispered. Then I got in the front after making sure all the kids were buckled in safely and the bags were secured, and I started the drive home.

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