After School Care

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I hurried to creative writing as fast as I could and was very confused and surprised and happy?? I guess because it was nice to know Grey wasn't the asshole I thought and that he was actually a good person! But then I got pissed when I realized he used Lily and plenty of other girls because he couldn't face himself. I understand being afraid to be honest with yourself, not wanting to look in the mirror because your life is a lie and feels like it too; constantly thinking about what it'd be like to have the life you really wanted, the perfect little boy for me to take care of, protect and provide for. I guess Grey felt that too, but I'd NEVER drag innocent people into it especially not because I couldn't face myself, instead I put my nightly identity away and used Instagram and wattpad to help my imagination run wild and then during the day I put back on the mask and earbuds. All I'm saying is Lily is too sweet and bullying is never acceptable, plus it's 2018 who would care if he was gay? And I'd met greys parents on a field trip once they were very forward thinking and lovely, and were perfectly fine when his older brother Trey came out, and so were treys friends, he actually graduated from the same school that Tyler attended so I really didn't understand the fear. Maybe because he was the star of the football team he thought it would matter???

Anyway I was at class now and preparing my apology for Mrs.Beck, one of the other students let me in. "Mrs.Beck I'm soooo sorry! I-" "No need to apologize Eł. It's alright, this is technically your free period after all." This is why I loved Mrs.Beck she was always so sweet, she was like my school mom. "Just take your seat ok? Ive already marked you present." She nodded and walked back to her desk. "Thanks Mrs.Beck you're the best." I sang across the class, she chuckled at my antics then went back to grading papers. While I started work on my story and tried to think of something I could do to show Mrs.Beck how much she meant to me?
               **Fast forward to the end of class**
The bell rang shaking me from my writing, I'd gotten a lot more done than I thought and put away my notebook and pens. I waved goodbye to Mrs.Beck as I headed out the door, I slipped in my headphones and headed to my bus making sure to wait for Lily and Max so they knew where to go. They almost ALWAYS fell right into little space once the final bell rang, it wasn't their fault and they couldn't really help it, luckily we'd been doing this for years so I had a routine down. Especially since they had to spend a year at school without me, because of that I decided to give them both what I called "After School Care" as a way to help them wind down after classes so they could do their homework with a reduced chance of slipping, and so if they had a bad day they wouldn't slip at home. Max almost slipped in front of Tyler. They met when Max was in 8th but didn't start dating until recently because at the time Max had a girlfriend, Cherry, and was head over heels about her and also couldn't fully see his attraction to guys, he just never thought about it until he met Tyler and as they became better friends Cherry got jealous and accused Max of cheating with Tyler and turned and tried to cheat on him to "get even".

He tried again with Heather when we were freshmen though because he still couldn't admit how much he liked Tyler. I think that's why he tried to put up with Heather; but after the guy she was texting found out about Max he got pretty pissed and posted all of his texts with Heather and exposed her. I felt bad for Max and the guy because they both were innocent and being played for no reason other than Heather got bored. *sigh* Things like this were what made me not wanna date, ironic to say but having 17 exes doesn't mean anything. I was trying to find the one but instead I found the other 9,999,999. I finally spotted Max and Lily, Max was screaming at her and lily was continuing to run and giggle without a care in the world. I shook my head in solace because I already knew this was going to be a loongggg afternoon. . Lily was usually super sweet and a little scary if you messed with her stuffies but in little space she was very bratty and always picking on Max because he was younger, she wasn't doing it to be mean, it was just how she showed love in her headspace but it definitely made her a handful. Max however was the opposite, not only was his headspace a lot younger compared to Lily's, with a 4 year gap possibly but he also got very clingy, and didn't like using his words even when you couldn't understand his gurgles. I had little talk down in hopes of my own sub, I didn't really want a little I preferred a slave or service sub, but at the same time if I could actually FIND a male sub then I wouldn't complain, plus I had a secret soft spot for littles, especially brats they kept it fun and unpredictable, although obedient littles had my heart too, just in a different place, they were very cute and made you see the world better.

I cut Lily off as I finished my thought of the perfect baby boy. "Hey!!!" She yelped, Lily was a lot taller than me, 5ft 7in while I was only 5ft, another factor that made me finding a sub hard, but she was also very light, she didn't like eating little or big and I unfortunately had to punish her for it sometimes, I didn't like it but I knew she was anemic and my responsibility because she was not only one of my best friends but also a little and although having a little, let alone two, wasn't my first choice they certainly became first when I saw they needed my help, what else are dominant friends for? Lily continued to playful kick and scream as I hauled her onto the bus, "Maxieeee save me" she screamed dramatically, I rolled my eyes at her dramatics while Max grabbed her stuff and hurried along. I placed her on the inside of the seat beside me to keep her from wrecking anymore havoc. I thanked Max and took her stuff and used it to help keep her still. We usually sat with Max on the inside and lily in the seat across from us but she was wayyy too hyper today and I didn't want anyone to notice her sudden energy. Max looked really upset. I knew he liked napping on my shoulder on the way home until he could take a real nap with his paci, and he was probably gonna be cranky once we got home. I was about to get his stuffie, a smaller bear I'd gotten him for Christmas one year. So he could have a comfort item without anyone realizing what it's actually for, I gave it to him as I heard a "Hey" from a familiar voice. "Ohhh-" SHIT it was Don.

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