Cherry Cheating.......too?!!

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  **Authors note: The picture above is Cherry**

Lunch went by rather quickly, Max talked about Tyler the whole time while also addressing the few times he'd slipped and accidentally called him "Daddy", luckily Tyler embraced it and would just respond with baby, buddy or pup. Lily was still looking for the perfect Dom, one who could actually handle her bratty behavior; her exes made the same proclamations not understanding that she just wanted to be put in her place at that moment and reminded who her "Daddy" was not permanently tamed, I told Li If she really wanted a Dom then Don would be perfect, it was practically his name but he also seemed to know how to make Li feel little even though he supposedly doesn't know what that is. Not to mention the way he looks at her and protects her, especially when she's not around to defend herself. She and Max were sophomores while the twins were freshmen and Don and I were juniors.

Don had gotten in his fair share of fights with Grey after hearing that he was the one spreading rumors about Li and the pacifier he claimed to have seen her with......... but he wouldn't have seen anything if he hadn't snuck into the girls locker room on a stupid dare. She was showing me the newest one she'd gotten from her older brother,Adam he was 19, he graduated last year and had his own little girl and worked for a very elusive company and made more than enough to get his own place and give his little, Tiffany, a playroom, changing table, and crib. She was pretty young in her headspace so he usually worked from home because she slipped so easily and couldn't come out as easily as she went in.

I had finally made it to my free period and after checking in with my teacher I headed to creative writing, I was turning the final hall to the class when I overheard Cherry and Grey arguing? I was already late so I figured I might as well see what the issue was. "I can't believe you!" That sounded like Grey, wonder what Cherry did this time, she had a record for cheating within just three weeks of meeting a new guy and going out of her way to get him just to make a worthy girl miserable. She also had the joy of sleeping with my ex two days after I dropped him.  She was pretty much the class slut officially unofficially, and- I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Cherry yelling back "FAULT?! HA! You can't blame me! After what I found in your phone you're lucky the WHOLE SCHOOL DOESNT KNOW!" What the hell? I couldn't put my finger on what she meant, "woah woah calm down babe! I-" Cherry cut him off "EEEWWWW!!! DONT CALL ME babe, you don't deserve me in case you forgot!" God her ego was bigger than the school! Grey was an ass sometimes but even I knew no one deserved to be stuck with Cherry. She once dumped a guy for "caring about her too much". She continued to verbally assault Grey and at one point I thought he might cry......."Cherry p-please please pleasee! I'm not ready yet just- I'll do anything ok?! What do you want???" Wow. She must have really hit the gold mine of secrets, never thought I'd hear the school asshole beg! "Hmmmm" Cherry exclaimed rather dramatically, I could hear the deviousness in her voice..........I actually felt BAD for him for a second.

"You have to date me the rest of the year! I'll surely beat out EVERYONE for homecoming queen with you on my arm!" UGH seriously?! I knew she'd spend the whole time cheating on him, as disgusted as I was I kept listening, he might need help one day, and even bullies need friends and lucky for him I wasn't above helping anyone, no matter what. "Ok ok fine" Grey pleaded, "Don't walk away just yet sweetie!"I could hear the hatred in her voice. "You'll also be buying my prom dress, shoes, and a limo for my friends and I! And it better be EXPENSIVE or else!" WWOOWWW I actually couldn't believe what I was hearing?! I knew Cherry was evil but this was just a whole new level! "I-" Grey attempted to argue. "Uh uh don't even think about it, unless you want the whole school to know the REAL reason you couldn't keep it up for someone like ME!" She proclaimed. God she was actually disgusting and- hold on......was Grey.....was he GAY?!!! The STAR quarterback?? With more girls than a Catholic school ??? The schools proclaimed bachelor since freshmen year ??? Wow. I mean of course him being gay wasn't a problem but he more than hid it well. I was genuinely surprised. SHIT I just remembered I was in school! I checked the time......yep I was twenty minutes late......great.

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