Security Detour

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                       **Elaine (Rëds) POV**
After laughing at Don for a respectable five minutes we all headed down to the security office. We were trying to hurry up so the kids could eat. Max was already whining about how hungry he was. I knew it was bad when the good one started to act out. "Daddy." Max said, Ty looked at him "Yes little one?" Tyler asked calmly. "I hungwy." Max whined. "I know baby but we have to go tell the officers what happened first ok?" Tyler stated. "But daddyyyyyy I hungwy now!" Max whined. I snickered to myself as Tyler groaned internally. "Need some child rearing tips Ty?" I asked sarcastically as Don and I fist bumped and cackled. "At least my little listens." Tyler retorted. "Hey hey we all have brats." Don said defensively. "Oh I know but you gotta admit Eł has the brattiest one!" Tyler said smugly. "First off asshole Max is definitely the brattiest." I snapped back. All the kids giggled at my language and I felt a smack on my ass. Don, Tyler, and I looked over to see Matt with a smirk on his face, "Mommy said bad word." He giggled. I gave him a look as Don and Tyler snickered. I turned my glare to them as they both looked away and casually played off their encouragement of the brat. "You get one of those pumpkin." I warned but he smiled as he heard the laughter in my voice. Little brat was definitely too smart for his own good.

"Let's be honest though the biggest brat is Lily." Tyler stated matter of factly. Don pretended to gasp as Li pouted and gave the cutest glare to Don and Ty. I laughed and agreed. "Well Mat is wandering off!" Lily blurred out. I looked over to see that Matt was in fact playing with the toys at one of the kiosks. I facepalmed, "How the HELL?!" I whispered as I went to go retrieve my little demon. "Choo Choo chugga chugga! FASTER TRAIN!" I heard him cheering the train on playfully. Damn he was WAYYY too cute, it ALMOST made me reconsider the ass whooping he was going to receive. I watched him cheer for a few more minutes. It was crazy to me how precious he could be one minute and then such a slut for me the next. He really was perfect. "Having fun baby?" I asked nonchalantly. I saw him freeze in place, he was shaking as he turned to me. He was he should be. "Hi mommy......" He smiled nervously at me. "Well hello my little adventurer. Having fun?" I asked as he giggled nervously. "What's wrong baby?" I asked as I made him look up at me. "You seem.......nervous kitten." I whispered to him softly. He gulped as I pulled him into a kiss and slowly slipped my tongue into his mouth, he submitted instantly as he let me take control. I grabbed him lightly by his hair as I forced him to his knees.

"Now youre going to be a good little boy for mommy the rest of the day or I'll double your punishment when we get home. Understood prince?" I whispered as his eyes went wide and he whimpered. I smacked his ass. "I said do you understand little one?" I repeated it with a growl escaping. God I wish I could take him here. "Yes mistress." He looked to the ground as he spoke. I slapped him. "Next time you look at me when you speak understood?" I asked. "Yes mistress. I apologize." He said making direct eye contact this time. I could tell it was hard for him and I loved to see him squirm. "That's my good boy." I whispered in his ear as I left three marks on his neck. He moaned loudly and attempted to hide his excitement and quiet his lust. "Ah ah ah baby. Mommy wants to hear your noises kitten." I said. He whimpered and I heard a whine escape his lips. I could see the pleading look in his eyes and the hopeful lust, precious. "Come on little one." I said to him. He looked at me with big eyes and kept his gaze on the floor. "Uppies mama?" He asked cutely. "Awww of course sweetie." I cooed and picked him up as I entered a nearby store. It was called 'Leashes and Leads'. "Why we go here mama?" He asked as he hid in my neck in the unfamiliar place. "This was supposed to be a surprise for later but instead it's a punishment for now." I answered. He looked at me confused as I took him to a wall of collars. "Pick out three baby and cuffs too." I said. "And no wandering off." I whispered in his ear as I left a bite mark on the opposite side of his neck. He shivered as I chuckled slightly. I sent a quick text to the Group Chat and then went to go pick out a couple of things. "I'll be over here babes. Call me if you need anything alright cucumber?" I said. He nodded and I gave him a look. He ran over and hid into me. God this kid was going to be the death of me with all this cuteness. "I sowwy mama." He said. "It's alright bubs. Mommy just wants to make sure you understand her ok?" I said as I went to kiss his forehead. He blushed. "I love you mommy." He said as he giggled into me. "I love you too little one." I said.

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