Backseat Battilion

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Stacey and I made it to the bus just in time. I thanked every god I knew as I navigated the darkened aisles in an attempts to find a seat, it didn't help that I was even more tired than when I went to sleep.......*sigh* I had walked all the way to the back and somehow managed to squeeze myself into the last seat with a backpack twice my size. I put on my headphones and blared my music, as the sounds took me over I slowly drifted into the warm enveloping feeling of the darkness.
           **Fast Forward to the school**
After getting off my first bus (yes I took two buses to school in the morning) my sister and I went our separate ways, she was still in middle school but it was her final year, I however had a year left in the hellhole known as high school. I got on my second bus, unfortunately my friend, Lily, wasnt there but everyone else in the "Backseat Battalion" was.

My friend Don, he was a year older and was turning 18 on the 1st of November, Johnny and Jerry, were known as the twins pretty much everywhere except Johnny was like two minutes older and always made sure to let Jerry know and they both just turned 15, Max was my favorite, he was like the little brother I never had, he was 16 and secretly a little but how I found that out is a story for later. Lastly there was Lily and I. Lily was adorable, she was also a little but again a story for later, she was 16 as well but Max was a month older; and then there was me. My names Elaine but everyone calls me Eł, and my friends call me Rëd, and this is my story.

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