Waking up together

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**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I watched as he slowly fell asleep on me, he fought so hard to stay awake and it was cute to watch. I yawned heavily and started to drift off but I made sure to set an hour timer beforehand. We all had school in the morning, the only good thing about it was that my mom would be with my sister at a gymnastics school/camp for the next few months. My sister had been specially selected and recommended by the coach of her school. My youngest sibling was visiting our father in Chicago so my mom left me in charge of the house until then. She already knew Don and everyone else so she trusted us not to wreck anything. It also wasn't the first time she'd left me alone so she knew I could handle myself and the house until they all returned. As far as everything that just happened between Matthew and I..........

I wasn't much of a virgin, I had done some things with a few exes. I'd almost lost my virginity to one until I realized he was faking his submissiveness. I hadn't officially slept with any of my exes but I'd been fingered, and eaten out before and Vice versa but mostly making out. With the fake submissive ex I was lucky enough to be interrupted before we started..........by the truth. I consider myself lucky if I'm being honest. I would never want someone to pretend to be something they aren't and I damn sure don't want them to just for sex. That's a common misconception people have about BDSM, and people who aren't properly educated about it and unfortunately don't know better.......and of course the media only portrays the sexual part of it. Never the aftercare or the guidance dom/dommes provide to their submissives, no no unfortunately all people ever see is the chains and collars, but no one knows the true meaning behind it the love,respect and dedication that comes with officially claiming a sub and owning them all for yourself, not to mention the fact that not every BDSM relationship is sexual. What's even worse is that those who weren't taught the true meaning behind BDSM are the same people who take things like "ownership" and "possession" to an unhealthy level and instead of doing proper research they spread hate and bigotry just because they don't understand it. I'd be lying if I said there weren't toxic or abusive doms and even subs but every domain has those who take advantage of the dynamics, atmosphere, or community for their own selfish and deprived respects. That's why I teach all I can to those who ask and they go on to teach others who teach others, and others. I was actually the one who taught Lily and Max about aftercare, communication in their dynamics, and etc. I've also helped plenty of other littles and newbie doms on Instagram, Snapchat, and so forth. If there's one thing I love about being a dom it's spreading knowledge and helping others to be better and want better for themselves instead of settling.

I'm also glad I can now give that guidance to my baby and that he was the one I lost my virginity too. He's always made me feel different but in the best way possible.........but I also knew he'd definitely need rules and etc first before this could continue and I needed to know as much as I could about his headspace and even more about those episodes he has, there was clearly something more there........I just didn't know what. Not yet anyway.

***Authors note***: Hi everyone! To the two people who've commented I appreciate your feedback and I'm glad you like my stories. I'm also really sorry it took me so many weeks to start up again. I've been on vacation for the past few weeks and I got caught up in all the fun! But I will be going back to my schedule and posting daily or at least posting multiple chapters each day! Thanks for sticking around!

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