Matthews Rules and Etc

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**Matthews POV**

"Baby........wake up little one." I heard mommy whispering but I was too sleepyyyyyy. I rolled over but mommy pulled me back! "Come on little one it's time for school. Everyone is waiting on you cutie pie." Mommy shook me again but I was sure if I pretended long enough she'd just let me sleep. "I'm giving you one more chance baby bear." I whined at Mommy's warning and rolled away from her. "Have it your way baby boy." She said. I didn't think anything of it until I felt a sting on my ass. "OOOWWWW Mommy!" I whined. "That hwrt Mommy!" I whimpered. "It was supposed to hurt kitten. Now you can either get up and shower so we can go to school or I can pull you across my lap and really make your ass sting." Mommy said sternly. "But momma! I don't wan go school. Stay home? Please??" I begged. "No way cucumber. You gotta go to school so you can learn love." Momma said. "Finnneeee." I whined. "But you can take a nap when you get home baby." Momma told me. I know she was trying to cheer me up but I hated naps. "Baby doesnt like naps momma." I pouted. "We'll take one together flower, but you need naps little one. Plus we have to go over your rules once you get home." Mommy told me. I whined lightly as mommy rubbed my back. "Let mommy help you get ready precious boy." Mommy said as she started to take off my clothes, she went off to the bathroom and turned the water on for me. She came back a few minutes later. "Come on baby. I warmed the water up for you and there's already a towel and a washcloth in the bathroom for you my love." Mommy said softly. I took a quick shower and put on the clothes mommy had laid out for me. I loved when she picked out my clothes, and food when we ate out. It made me feel really really little. Making decisions was hard enough when I was big but when I was little I couldn't focus enough on anything especially when I was overwhelmed.

I finally finished getting dressed and saw everybody already in the kitchen. Lily was laying on Don and he was trying to keep her awake a-and GRRRR! Why was Max ON MY MOMMY?!?! His head was on her shoulder!!! I marched over to where they were and glared at Max. "Move..." I stated to Max. Mommy and Max looked at me and then each other, but Max was STILL on her shoulder. "I said MOVE!" I said a little louder than I meant to. "MATTHEW!" Mommy glared at me, and Max started to cry. Lily ran over and hugged him, and mommy hugged him too. Then mommy made me sit in the living room while she helped Max calm down and grab his school stuff. She grabbed my stuff and some snacks she made me and handed it all to me. "I don't know what's gotten into you but you will apologize to Max right now.......or else." The calm anger in her tone sent a chill down my spine. "Yes ma'am!" I yelped and immediately went upstairs to find Max. Mommy was so warm and cuddly but MAN was she scary when she got mad. I found Max in his room, he was sniffling. I felt rwally bad, Maxie was my fwiend.....I knocked on the door. "Come in." Maxie said. "hey...." I tried to speak regular but it came out as barely a whisper.

"Hey..." Maxie didn't even look at me......I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "Listen Maxie........I sowwy.....I didn't mean to yell at you.....I just— I just got were cuddling mommy and I was supposed to be her only baby and it—it just wasn't fwir!" I choked out between cries. "Awwww don cwy matmat." Maxie said. "Your mommy wuvs chu! And I wan TyTy to be my daddy! Your mommy is just like my big sissy." Maxie said. "Rwally?! Pwomise!!" I asked. "Pinkie pwomise!" Maxie said. We hugged and I helped Max carry his stuff downstairs. Then I went and hugged mommy as tightly as I could. "I SO SO SOWWY Mommy!" I said. "I wuv chu sooo much! I sowwy I got jeawous!" I hugged mommy even tighter. "It's ok little one, but next time talk to mommy ok? She'd never want her baby upset and you don't wanna hurt anyone else's feelings do we love?" Mommy asked me. I nodded. "Alright everyone it's time to go. Don you got the kids stuff right?" Mommy asked. "Yea Eł. Oh and make sure you text me the after school plan." Don said. "Of course." Mommy said.
**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
GOD school was brutal today. I was tired as hell and I took two tests today back to back. They were easy but those teachers were exhausting. "I'll be there by 6 tonight." The text said. I responded "Bet" as I headed to our usual spot and saw Max and Li but they weren't running around like usual. I also couldn't find Matthew. "Hey Max have you seen Matt?" I asked. They looked nervous, that was unusual....especially for Lily. They didn't answer me and continued to avoid eye contact. "Well?......" they still didn't answer me. "I guess you guys want corner time after your naps today?" I questioned. Max just whimpered and looked down. "It's not our fault Rëd! We pwomised not to say anything!" Lily said. I could hear her sadness. I kneeled down in front of them. "Guys just tell me what happened. I promise I'm not mad at you guys. I just wanna help Matt alright?" I rubbed Max's back to help him calm down some. "W-well Matmat isn't ri-riding da bus today." He was talking so low I almost didn't hear him. "Ok well why isn't he riding the bus today?" I asked. "H-he uh got detention.........." Matt said. I sighed heavily. "Is that so? And what did he get detention for?" Max just stared at me. "I dunno kno. I just know he doesn't get out detention until four and dat he has it for the rest of the week." Max said. I sighed again. "Alright you guys get on the bus and I'll meet you at the house tonight." I called Don. "Hey Matt got in trouble at school today. I need you to take the kids home and I'll meet you guys there. He doesn't get out till 4 so I'll see you guys at about 4:30. The kids will be on the bus waiting for you. I'll leave the house key and snacks with Lily." I stated.

After I confirmed everything with Don I hung up and sent the kids onto the bus and then waited for Matthew to get out of detention. I waited outside the detention room for about an hour. I finally saw Matt come out a few minutes later. He was clearly tired and I knew he hadn't had a nap today. If only he knew how much I was planning on wearing his ass out once we got home. As he was about to walk past me I grabbed him by his collar. I swore I heard him moan for a second. I turned him around and he froze as he saw me. He tried to pull himself from my grip as I dragged him towards the parking lot. Don was already there and waiting for us. "Once we get home you will tell me why you have detention every day of this week. While we're in the car you will read over these rules, rewards, and punishments. If you disagree or anything of the sort than you'll let me know understand? And your rules,rewards, and punishments will change as needed." I stated. "Yes ma'am....." Matt said. I handed him the lists with his rules, and everything else.

1. When little you should always refer to me as momma or mommy.
2. Always listen to and respect mommy. She knows what's best for you.
3. What mommy says goes unless it makes you uncomfortable then we can discuss it
4. Always tell mommy when you feel little (especially in public)
5. If you break a rule you must tell mommy
6. If you're upset or thinking bad thoughts tell mommy. She can't help you if you don't tell her.
7. You belong to mommy and no one else. You don't touch your prince parts without Mommy's permission.
8. You must eat at least twice a day, and three times on weekends.
9. When we're at home you must always wear your collar
10. Bedtime on school nights is 10pm and on weekends it's Midnight
11. No swearing or bad words
12. Make sure to stay hydrated and ask Mommy's permission before getting sweets
13. No misbehaving in school
14. Don't lie to mommy
15. Remember your manners
**Matthews POV**
I finished reading all of mommy's rules before continuing onto the punishments and rewards I only had one question. "Mommy?" I asked. "Yes Matthew." Wow she really was mad at me..........I felt bad...... "Are you going to buy me a collar mommy?" I was curious. I'd never really worn necklaces but the thought of being collared by her made my prince parts tingle. Just the thought of her having different collars and leashes for me........dragging me around and tying me up as a punishment.........or a reward.........I was pulled from my thoughts as mommy carried me to the car. I had gotten so excited and tried to hide my boner. I went back to reading in the hopes of getting mommy to be less upset with me sooner rather than later.

1. Spankings
2. Corner time
3. No candy or sweets
4. Early bedtime
5. No cumming
6. Extra chores
7. No phone
8. Writing lines
9. No playtime

These punishments didn't seem so bad. Although I was a little nervous about the spankings. I loved them sooooo much but the pain that came across my ass with the harder hits caught me off guard sometimes. Plus writing lines was super hard. Even when I wasn't in little space, and the not finishing part was going to be really really hard. She got so wet and warm. The way she moves fast then slow was soooo intoxicating it's like she knew exactly when I became invested in her movements so she could slow down to tease me more. I loved the punishments so much now it was time to read the rewards.

1. Later bedtime
2. Extra sweets or snacks
3. A new stuffie or toy
4. Extra playtime
5. A new collar or paci

These rewards were definitely influential. Too bad I was definitely getting a punishment when I got home.........and unfortunately home was where we had just reached. I was nervous and feeling really really little for no reason. Mommy thanked Donny for picking us up and then grabbed my stuff and told me to go to our room. I quickly did as she told me and got to the room as quickly as possible. I'd already told mommy I was ok with all of my rules and punishments and rewards, but I was super worried about my very first punishment.

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