Rules?! UGH

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    ⚠️Trigger Warning: Bad thoughts/voices, self doubt, low self esteem⚠️ P.S everything in asterisks (**) are thoughts inside Matthews head! (They aren't real but they represent negative thoughts he has, for those who don't know)

**Still Matthews POV**

I can't believe it! Just when I thought she was perfect.........I HATED RULES!! I laid my head on the table and looked up at her. She just chuckled and pat my head. I looked again with my puppy dog eyes and still nothing! I tried one more time with the ultimate puppy dog eyes. She awed at me and I knew I had won. She pet my hair as she sat her stuff down and took a seat while I took hers. "What's wrong buddy? Why the sad face?" She asked softly. I just shrugged slightly and sighed again. "I take it you don't like rules?" She questioned. I nodded slightly. "Or talking I suppose?" She inquired. I nodded vigorously because I really did hate talking and if I could I'd never talk again! Except to her..........She awed again and then did something that surprised me. "Well how about this? If you behave yourself and finish all your work then I'll get you a surprise and give it to you tomorrow?" I was intrigued by her proposal........I'd never gotten anything for behaving, and I never really liked surprises but I'd also never been apologized to after being yelled at soooo. I cocked my head at her and said "Can you tell me what the surprise is?" She simply smiled and pat my head again. "No silly otherwise it won't be a surprise."

I furrowed my brows at her but agreed nonetheless. "Good boy" she said as the class began filling with students. I was grateful for the distraction as my face burned red with embarrassment. "S-so wh-what are the rules?" I asked as I rubbed the back of neck, hoping she didn't notice my suddenly bright red face. "No worries buddy. It's nothing too bad." She reassured me.......but the smile on her face said different. How could someone so beautiful be so evil? But also good? She was VERY confusing.........but I.........kinda liked it. I blushed deep red again and realized she was talking to me. OOPS! "And that's all just those few ok buddy?" She smiled at me............but I wasn't even listening...........I got so caught up I missed everything she said! She was gonna hate me now........I could maybe ask her?? **Nooooo, if you do that she'll just hate you more...** but I can talk to her! Cant I? **talk? HA! You know she doesn't want to hear it! Why would ANYONE want to hear it?!** **She hatesss you.....** NO! You're wrong! She's she's different! **prove it crybaby**

I didn't know what to do.......Eł was doing her work and kinda dancing along to her music. It was so loud I could hear it through her headphones, my ears were super sensitive so I could hear really well, but I also couldn't stand dances for this exact reason.......I fiddled with my hands and tried to think of what to brain and body screamed no, but my heart........and the little in me said something completely different.............I stared at her nervously for what felt like forever........I was snapped out of my trance by her waving her hand in my face. I looked at her and froze; scared of what she would say next........

**Elaine(Rëds) POV**
I looked over about 30 minutes later to check on Matt. He seemed flustered after I finished the rules. I thought maybe he was just a little shy. I heard I could be pretty intimidating but I honestly had no idea why people thought that way. I just barely made 5ft this year and Matt was at least 5ft 8in but no taller than 5ft 10in. Somehow he was just perfect in every way. Even his height. I couldn't help but wonder if he matched further down. Seemingly small but big enough if you paid attention. I got out of the dark parts of my mind and focused on him. I couldn't wait until the day I could make him mine............He was perfect! I could tell he was little, even if he tried to hide it, but what really proved it to me was his puppy dog eyes. I'd never been swayed by them before. Not even by Max's and even Tyler couldn't resist those. Somehow when Matt gave me that's like he synced up with my hearts frequency and made it stop. I couldn't help myself! He pulled me in with the pout and then finished me off with that little shrug he did. He seemed so innocent. So I offered him a reward to make it easier. I knew it was hard for littles to go from freedom to rules and structure, though that's what all littles craved at the end of the day. They still were in a child like mindset and would resist, it's what Daddy Doms and Mommy Doms were for; and as much as I hated to admit it.......Don was right about me. I really did want my own little boy/pup to hold and protect. I guess Matthew just helped me realize that.

I looked at him again and saw he was fiddling with his hands. Clearly distraught but over what I couldn't tell. Mrs.Beck had already agreed to take his work today since he was so upset last class. I placed my hand on top of his and spoke as softly as possible in case he was starting to slip; though it didn't appear that way. "Hey. Baby?" I'd never used that nickname with him before. I knew it could be considered a pretty special honorific for most littles, but I felt that he was mine and I was his. I just needed to get to know him more before I could make it official. He looked up at me, his expression screamed nervous. "Are you doing ok baby?" I asked quietly. I didn't need the wrong person hearing especially not Cherry. This wouldn't be the first time she stole someone from me, just for spite. I'd seen her staring him down since class began, she made me sick! But he wasn't going to fall for her. I would make sure of that! He still looked hesitant so I squeezed his hand softly and gave him a reassuring nod. "I just......I didn't hear you earlier.......I was distracted, but I-I thought if you knew I didn't pay attention then you'd hate me! Or you wouldn't give me my surprise!" He tried to hide the broken hearted whine in his voice. I shook my head, who hurt this poor baby this bad that he'd think this over a simple mistake. "It's ok baby. The rules were that you had to finish your work and make sure you ate afterwards." I reassured him softly. "S-so.......can I...still get my surprise?" He asked quietly. "Of course baby!" He sighed with relief and the happy boy I'd met earlier today returned. I helped Matt with the assignments instructions since he said he wasn't good with writing and stories. I then gave him some of the snacks I'd packed for Max and Lily on the bus. Luckily today was a sandwich day so I had plenty. I had to throw in an extra special surprise to get him to eat. He was picky, bratty, and hated eating. He really was perfect for me. No one was perfect and I loved that he didn't pretend to be for me.

He took a nap the last 30 minutes after ten minutes of whining and debates. This boy was definitely a handful; but I couldn't help it.....I loved brats! Once the bell rang I turned in Matt's homework for him and was headed back to wake him up, only to see Cherry talking to him. I snarled but couldn't be heard over the screaming kids leaving class. They seemed very chummy for him to be new here. I couldn't even "overhear" because of the volume of the class. I attempted to relax and breathe. Matthew wasn't Louis. Matthew wasn't Louis. Matthew wasn't Louis. I was shaken from my attempt at relaxation as Matt LEFT with Cherry!!! And she was holding his hand! He tried to pull away but of course Cherry wasn't having it. I watched them disappear into the crowd. I tried to relinquish my anger but it continued to grow steadily. I stormed outta class, backpack over my shoulder, music blasting. God I hated her!

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