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                      **Matthews POV**
Max's Daddy finally finally got him to wake up but I could see he was still sweepy. I knew what dat was like cause mommy was always cutting my naps short! She said it was cause if I slept too long I wouldn't be able to go ni ni which was fawr but it still sucked........"Baby?" I realized Mommy was calling me, I guess I was zoned out again. "Yes momma?" I answered.  "Are you hungry babes? It's almost lunch time." Mommy said to me. I shook my head no even tho my tummy was rumbling a little, but I didn't feel like eating. Mommy looked at me silly and I giggled. "Mama why chu looking at me lwke dat?" I giggled again. She continued to stare at me before she said "Are you sure you aren't hungry love? You haven't eaten today." I knew I should probably tell mommy that my tummy was making noise but then she'd make me eat and I didn't wanna eat but I didn't wanna miss out on a new stuffie and playtime later if I couldn't finish my food, but I didn't wanna lie to mommy......I decided that I could just eat later, so I thanked momma for asking but told her I was otay. We were going to the food court and immediately Max and Lily started to say they wanned ice crwam. "Matmat come on!" Lily and Max screamed together. I ran after that as mommy attempted to call me back. I heard her sigh and then laugh as she realized I was already out of ear shot. I ran to Lily and Max and they each took one of my hands. "Lwt spin in circles guys!" Maxie screamed. "YEA ITLL BE FUN!" Lily was really loud but I knew mommy was there so it didn't get to me too much.

Max took Lily's hand and then we all sang about Ice crwam together!! "ICE CRWAM ICE CRWAM WE ALL LUV ICE CRWAM!!!" We together as we went in a big circle in the play part of the food court. It was a big squishy mat with puzzle pieces for the littles to play on. "Hey you guys be careful!" Our caregivers yelled, we all just smiled as we continued our song. "ICE CRWAM ICE CRWAM WE ALL LUV ICE CR—" We were cut off when a really big guy tried to cross on the mat and his tray got spilled onto him. "Hey you stupid ass brats! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He screamed at us. Lily was usually a couple years bigger than me and maxie in her headspace but today was a fun day so she was around our age plus this guy was rwally mean! We all huddled together too scared to move and Maxie and Li looked like they wanted to cry! I wanted to cwy too! The guy didn't stop there either, "DIDNT YOU HEAR ME TALKING TO YOU YOU LITTLE BRATS?! IF YOU CANT ANSWER ME THEN ILL MAKE YOU TALK!" He was even louder than before and no one seemed to notice. I was rwally rwally scared and Max and Lily were crying! The guy had his hand raised and I did the same thing I did at home, bracing myself for the hit and protecting my head. I was crying now and having flashbacks I didn't want..............I needed mommy! Where was she?!

                        **Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I was talking to Ty and Don. We were arguing best implement. Ty was being his typical basic self and said the belt was an oldie but a goodie. Don surprised me when he went with his hand. "You're soooo soft Don. Just say Li runs you man." I said as Ty and I burst out laughing. "Laugh it up assholes but Yall are JUST as soft as me!" Don said while rolling his eyes. Ty and I shared looks while acting as though we were unaware. "That's not the point! The point is the best implement is the paddle! Hands down man." I said smugly. "Then again you're all hands down aren't you Don?" I said with a smirk on my face. Don flipped me off and as I laughed Ty got a super serious look on his face and said "Guys remember 'No CusSiNg iN fRoNt Of The KIdS!'." Ty said mocking me. I smacked him playfully upside the head as he pretended to be in pain, then a thought hit me. "Uh guys?" I asked feeling my heart drop to my pinky toe. "What's wrong Rëd?" Don and Ty asked together. "Where the FUCK ARE THE KIDS?!" I screeched. Don and Ty both felt the same feeling I did as they noticed the absence of the little bundles that had be around earlier singing a song of joy and—. "ICE CREAM!" I screamed when I realized. Ty and Don looked at me confused, "Ice cream you guys! That's what the kids were singing about remember?! Don't you hear it??!" The guys still confused but helplessly worried listened and heard the song as well. We SPRINTED in the direction of our babies hoping we hadn't lost them forever.

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