Mo-Eł is mad

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**Matthews POV**
Cherry was dragging me off by the hand. "I want your number! I'm tired of only having your snap!" I rolled my eyes, she was so extra and was ALWAYS touching me! I HATED being touched! Except by mom- I mean Eł......but unfortunately I had no choice. Cherry was long standing in my life. She'd been around when I was in middle school, from 6th-8th and a few others who moved away during the summer as well. Although her reasons for moving were.......different from everyone else's. I continued to be pulled viciously. I had a bus to catch but I guess that didn't matter to her. "I have to go Cherry." I spoke up because my dad was even worse than her and I was finally having a good day at this brick built hell. I tried to pull away, "If you're not gonna tell me why you dragged me away from—" I started. "Your mommy?" She said smugly. My heart dropped and I froze as she continued to drag me, probably to hell! "Wh-what are you talking about?" I tried to keep my voice steady but just her referring to.......well you guys know, as that made me slip. I tried to hide my little space, it was usually really easy to get out and hard as hell to get in, but lately I'd been having to PULL myself out since that day I ran out of class. I-I couldn't explain it to myself but what I couldn't explain even more was how Cherry knew.........I was trying not to freak out when I realized that she was speaking to me. "HELLOO! Earth to Matt!" She was basically screaming in my ear! All those years together, you think she'd remember how sensitive my ears were........and how much I hated yelling. "Wha-" I tried to speak only to be cut off. God was she planning on hitting every pet peeve?

"I was only kidding about the mommy comment! I just saw her literally all over you in class." Cherry went back to rambling. "Slut........god she doesn't need—" I couldn't believe she called Eł that! I snatched my arm away from her. "Whats your problem?!" She squealed like a pig in heat. "Firstly I asked you not to pull me! It hurts! Second you don't need to talk about her like that! What'd she ever do to you?!" I was officially out of sub space but it's wasn't a good thing.......Cherry's attempt at humor towards her really got to me.........god could I be any more attached??!! She looked at me with disgust "Oh I get it! I don't see you for almost two years and suddenly you're better than me or something?!" She screeched. I sighed at her "listen all I'm saying is you don't have to touch me to talk! Also whats your beef with her anyway?!" I was a little loud which wasn't me but I wasn't having this. "It's not beef! I've tried being her friend but she just hates me! And you shouldn't care anyways! I just came to remind you about our deal. I want you to pick me up at 7 and you better not be late or else." Cherry sneered. "And don't let her fuck you over or you and your friend won't make it through the year!" She grinned with evil and I swore two horns popped onto her head. So much for...........I needed to stop this.......until she was gone I couldn't do anything. She smirked at me "good boy!" And then blew..........a..........kiss "MWAH!" I tried my hardest not to vomit, I corrected her and told her not to call me that or Matt! Only she could do that and instead just flicked her off and cussed her out in my head as she rolled her eyes at me. I was rushing to the bus now and was hoping I wouldn't miss it. I ran as the buses began to pull off.........

**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I saw Cherry talking to Matt, my anger grew inside me until my body was cooking me from the inside out. I didn't catch what was said cause I had to meet Li and Max to get them safely on the bus, especially since we all had projects due Friday and if I wasn't there Max and Li would drive Don crazy. But my anger still seared over me. Her hands were on MY property! It may not have a title yet but he knew it and I knew it, we just couldn't seem to be direct about it. I saw how nervous he was, not knowing whether someone would partake and feeling the crush when they dismissed your desires. I'd felt it and never went back......I got max and Li from the field. Don was watching them but by his facial expressions I could tell Li was already about to get her first spanking, and she and Don just got together like a week ago. I shook my head, that was definitely Li! As we settled into our seats I put on my romantic/sexual playlist, it helped calm me down, though the scene in my head, breaking him and making him mine, getting him a collar for every day of the week, special paddles for when he clearly needed it most, that release and freedom he'd get from submitting to me; a heart shaped riding crop and a classic wooden brush, though none could honestly compare to the moaned whimpers i got from my hand slapping across their bare ass; as they try to hide their excitement and the growing length between their legs, the blush from a spanking was nothing short of erotic, it was so intriguing. It sparked my mommy side, especially with a clingy little. Those words were always taught as negative but needy people rarely trust anyone, so to have one rely on you so heavily and to gain dominance over one was a new form of respect and one that I could see was earned rather than forced. I continued through my mind and was drifting off. I turned up the music a little more and let my eyes start to flutter shut. Max was already asleep and don was reminding Li of her rules, of course she argued. I chuckled to myself and let sleep take me over. I suddenly felt a familiar hand on shoulder and opened my eyes to see.........

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