The SecretKeeper

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"Mommy! Mommy!" that scream was all I heard. "MOMMYYYYYY!" but no matter how fast I ran I couldn't reach him......*CRASH*

"AHHHHHH" the sound of lighting woke me from my sleep. "Ugh!" I had that damn dream again; it was annoying to say the least. Firstly because I knew it could never be a reality and Secondly because I was up again at 3a.m. On a school night, and of course tomorrow was Monday. I rolled my eyes at the blaring light my phone emitted knowing I'd be lucky to get in another hour of sleep before school. Regardless I still tried.

"Mo-mommy? Where are you going ?" "Nowhere." I said it with my eyes but my mouth wouldn't move. I was trapped....... "Mommy PLEASE, I need you!" I struggled and fought against invisible restraints......trying to reach him.....t-to save him. I struggled and cried as I fought knowing it was pointless but not wanting to let him down. I-I couldn't........*BEEP**BEEP**BEEP*

"AHHHH" I flailed (banging my arm against my bed frame), "FUCKKKKKK" I screeched, before realizing I was in my own bed, in the room I shared with my younger sister Stacy; I listened quickly for a second hoping I didn't wake my mother, she wasn't sleeping a lot since my dad moved to Cincinnati for his job. It hadn't been long but I could tell it was bothering her, raising three kids alone, though I had been raising myself for years though I was only 17.

"OH SHIT!"I thought to myself; I'd gotten so lost in my thoughts I'd lost track of time! It was 5:40a.m our bus would be here in twenty minutes and my mom wouldn't be able to drive us if we missed the bus! I quickly woke Stace up before jumping in the shower, I was in and out in five minutes only to find Stacey still sleeping. "STACE" I whisper screamed, wake up the bus is gonna be here any second! She whined but complied.We lived up the street but the bus stop was still five minutes away and that was with running which Stace of course didn't do, I rolled my eyes thinking of the many times we missed the bus because of her. I pulled on my favorite hoodie and grabbed Stacy, two bananas for breakfast and both our backpacks and out the door we went;with only five minutes to spare.

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