The New kid

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**Authors note: the photo above is Matthew**

I got on the bus in a pretty good mood the next morning. Lily was already on the bus and waiting with Don, Max was in my seat but I didn't see the twins yet. Which was a little strange because they usually were the first ones here. I asked the lovebirds if they knew where the twins were, Lily blushed and said that she hadn't seen them. Don blushed as well and also said he hadn't seen them. "I wanna be included too." Max spoke up from my seat. I chuckled slightly, Max was shy but adorably clingy and it showed prominently in the morning. "Alright Max a million. Have YOU seen the twins?" I asked. "Well no...." he said softly. "But at least now we know for sure!" Max said cutely. I smiled at his antics and lily laughed while Don just sighed. Max was a little strange sometimes but we all were, it was part of what made us friends. We came to the conclusion that the twins were probably just late or had missed the bus.

After that I took my seat, and put on my headphones. Max took his usual spot and laid his head on my shoulder with his own headphones on. I slowly fell asleep, and drifted into my own world of sleep. I woke up to the bus shaking and Max drooling slightly on my shoulder. I loved him like a brother but this was gross. I looked out the window and saw that we were about ten minutes from the school. I listened to a couple more songs and then attempted to wake up Max, it was better to get the pouting and whining out of the way now. I shook him a little and he whined slightly, I shook him again and he groaned. "Max you gotta get up buddy, we're almost at school." I could already tell this was going to be difficult. He sighed and looked up at me, dissatisfied with me for waking him up. "I know buddy, but you can sleep through first and I'll take your notes ok?" I hoped this would make him feel better. He nodded slightly, "thank you." He said."Anything for my little bro." I said. He smiled and then turned around to see lily asleep on Dons lap. He looked upset, "What's wrong bud?" He sighed again, "I miss Tyty." He said. "Well why don't we invite him over after school?" I suggested. Max perked up "OOOOOO ILL ASK NOW!" He woke half the bus with that scream, lily and Don included. "I sowwy!" Max said quickly. "It's ok bud, no worries. We're at the school anyway." Don said.

We all got our stuff together and headed to our classes. Lily went to math, Don went history and Max and I went to Biology. We took our seats in the back. We spent the class watching a movie, nothing too interesting so I spent the time on my phone, while Max slept. After an hour and a half we got up and went to our next classes. I had calculus and Max went to art. We spent the class testing and after that it was time to head to Creative Writing. I would be lying if I said I wasnt too excited about meeting this kid, they almost always ended up getting snatched by Cherry, no matter how many times I warned them about her........and after what happened with Louis I made a promise not to get that close to one again. They never listened and it always ended badly but what happened with  Louis was worse of all, I thought I'd lucked out this year but-my thoughts were interrupted by the silent stares I got as I entered class. I wondered why only to see someone in my seat. Though I was friends with most of the class, they all knew better than to take my seat, I'd been in that seat since freshman year and it was perfectly isolated but inclusive for when my friends wanted to sit with or talk to me.

I tapped on the thief's shoulder because the only person I knew who was stupid enough to steal my seat was Cherry. I tapped again because he hadn't turned fast enough the first time, only to be greeted by a boy? Who the hell was this? I'd never seen him before and he was definitely new.........and cute; more than cute he was.......wait WTH. I shook my head of the intruding thoughts, not knowing where they came from or why. I focused back on the boy in front of me, trying to ignore the thoughts in my head."You're in my seat." I said. He didn't answer me and so I repeated the question. "Hey! You're in my seat!" I repeated, he still didn't turn around. I tapped his shoulder again and this time he took out his headphones. Seriously?! I'd been talking and he couldn't even hear me! Great. "Dude you're in my seat!" I said, I was pissed at this point and apparently louder than I realized because his face sunk as I said it and he looked really upset......not good.

                 **Matthews POV**
I was in my third period today. First and second werent so bad. I had Algebra 2 first which was ok, and I'd made a new friend in AP English yesterday, he was really nice and even invited me to lunch today! I think his name was Jax? Anyway I'd taken a seat in the class near the back but more the middle, the perfect place to talk when I felt like it and ignore and float with my music when I wanted to. I was supposed to be getting a tutor today. A guy everybody called Rëd. I waited over there like Mrs.Beck told me. She was super nice. I wasn't happy about the move, especially since I was stuck with my dad now but today was good. Until this girl in my class snapped at me......... I hadn't heard her before cause of my music but she did not look happy........I took my headphones off but before I could apologize she yelled at me........Usually I would have shut down for the day, that's what I did when my dad yelled at me or fought with my step mom. She was his ex and also not his ex. Long story. I didn't know why but when she yelled I just.......I just looked at her, she was so pretty, her hair was like a flame but her yelling cut like thorns. I had to get out of there! No way was I crying on my first day........especially not in front of her.........

           **Elaines(Rëds) POV**
The kid just........took off??! I wanted to feel relieved, I mean I had gotten my seat back but.......after that I just felt like a bully. I mean it was just a seat.......and he obviously didn't know. I- "Eł! EŁ!" Mrs.Beck snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I stared still filled with the guilt of what just happened. "I need you to go get him!" She said hurriedly. "What? Why me?" I asked, I would any other time but I clearly upset him, I didn't wanna freak him out more. "That's MATTHEW!" She screamed slightly, I just stared still confused. "The new student!" She reminded me. "Now please go get him!" She shooed me out the door. I sighed and complied. I didn't know where to look for this kid at, he was pretty fast, and just pretty in general......UGH I needed to stop this! Plus I had just made him CRY not even two seconds after meeting him, what would he want to do with me anyway?

I continued roaming the halls and was about to give up when I heard soft sniffles. I don't know how but I knew it was him. I turned the corner and found him with his arms hugging around his legs and his face buried in between. He had his headphones in again and was rocking himself slightly. Matthew.........

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