The Dance

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                        **Ełaine (Rëds POV)**

With the hell of highschool comes an even greater hell A.K.A prom. There's dresses, messes, and all kinds of other shit. Shit I don't have time for. I maybe a highschool student but I d don't have a highschool mindset. I don't care about trends, popularity or any of it. I could get behind prom if it wasn't treated like a contest all across the school. The amount of friend groups I've seen ruined over it was just sad, but this prom would be different and I was going to make sure of that. I'd already filled the group in and Grey as well. It wasn't easy getting the group to help but I knew they would. It's part of why I loved this group so much. They were always there for me without question and when I asked for their help they gave that and more. They really were my family and my family and I were going to prom! We'd decided to color coordinate as a group as well. Which was far from easy since there was 6 of us but we managed. Don wore blue because he was the calmer person of the group and soft with Lily who wore yellow because she was bright like the sun but could also blind you if you pissed her off. Tyler wore purple because he was royalty. Those were his words not mine. And because Max wore black fitting for his love of dark humor and horror movies. Lastly Matthew wore white because he's an angel and pure of heart. While I wore red. Fitting for my fierce personality and fiery wit. Those were the groups words not mine. My response to their comments was a heavy and hard eye roll. And for those curious Grey is coming in Grey. The group wasn't comfortable with him joining us and I agreed. Though we wanted to help him I couldn't ask them all to forgive him simply because he was on the other side of things now and I honestly hadn't forgiven him either but it didn't mean he didn't deserve help. So the Grey represented both the dark sides of him and the lighter sides. I hoped after tonight he'd lean towards that light and embrace him. The Grey we'd been speaking to the past few weeks was nothing like the bully we'd been dealing with since the start of highschool.

I was actually EXCITED for prom which I thought I wouldn't ever say in a hundred years but that was before I made a pinwheel of colors with my best friends and partner, whose also my bestfriend. Getting through the school day was hell because our math teacher decided they wanted to ACTUALLY teach. Which don't get me wrong I know school doesn't stop for prom but it's a Friday and summer break was right around the corner. Though the day went by fast it still felt like we had to wait YEARS until we went to the actual dance. We spent the time binging movies and had dinner before heading to the dance.

We were all getting ready for the night and double checked that everyone had what they needed for the night. Our corsages, purses (tiny backpack for me), and everything we needed for Grey. We all piled into Dons car together and spent the 45 minute drive jamming out as we rode through the night to the hotel where our prom would be held.

We arrived just as everyone else was getting there, and as we got out of the car we were greeted by our classmates, we all headed inside together after grabbing our things from the car.

The whole room was filled with black, red and purple balloons. They went with a Alternative theme for the dance and it actually turned out really great. The streamers were a mix of black and blood red with matching table clothes and dark purple chair covers. The punch was a neon pink and so were the plastic cups and glass trays on the tables. The contrast it had with the dark purple, red and black was amazing. Those same color bows were tied around the chairs over the cloth. "I just wanna start this off by saying.........we still match the theme." Don said and we all laughed. "I just never thought a mystery theme would turn out like this!" Max said gawking at the theme. "It's definitely my style!" Lily squealed. She was a pastel goth but couldn't wear her gear to school because it "went against dress code" note the sarcasm. "Man I wish MY class mates had this kind of talent!" Tyler said. We looked around for a table and found one close to the stage but off to the side enough that we wouldn't be deafened by the speakers and could still watch our stuff.

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