After School Care: All inclusive

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Once we got to my house Don took everybody's stuff to my room while I made bottles for Lily and Max, they both always woke up at least a year younger than when they first got in their headspace. While the bottles were heating up I also cut up strawberries, mangoes, and pineapple. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Don coming into the kitchen. "Someone looks happy." I said in my most politely petty way with a small smirk. "Haha very funny Rëd." Don said while rolling his eyes. "I'm just saying Don I didn't realize you could actually smile until now." I teased. Don blushed and changed the subject. "S-So what happens now?" he stammered. "Well I have to wake up Max and Lily so they can eat and then we go from there depending on their moods." Don nodded in response. "If you want you can take over feeding lily." I suggested, "Well I—" Don mumbled nervously, I decided to lighten up on him. "Something wrong Don?" I asked curiously, "I'm just nervous, Ive wanted this for so long with her what if I make a mistake or say something wrong and she hates me." I knew how he felt. "Hey don't worry, Lily loves you and I saw you on the bus with her, you were great! She couldn't have a better daddy, all you have to do is talk to her and take your time." Don nodded vigorously. "Thanks Rëd! You're the best, I owe you." He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

After I realized I hadn't filled Don in on the rules. "Don before I go wake them up there's a few rules you should know about." I said. "Alright shoot." "Well the rules are pretty simple. They have to ask for sweets. They must take a nap when they get home otherwise they get cranky and act out. There's no name calling. They must finish all their food before having snacks. No cussing." Don nodded as I told him the rest of the rules. "I didn't make bedtimes for them or anything more specific since they aren't mine, but enough that they will be properly cared for, I promised Tyler I'd look after Max while he was gone and for lily because I didn't know when you guys were getting together." I said. "Really Rëd." Don laughed. "And does Tyler know that Max is a little?" Don questioned. "Unfortunately no." I said. Don heard the sadness in my voice. "It's ok Eł." He said reassuringly. "I know." I said "but I wish Max could tell Tyler so he could be as happy as lily will soon." Don nodded and agreed. "Until then he has all of us." Don said matter of factly. "You're right." I smiled a little. "Also don't cuss in front of the littles ok?" I reminded Don. "Of course not." He said as I went to get the bottles off the stove.

They were the perfect temp. I went to go wake up Max and Lily and make sure they knew about and were ok with Don being here. I told him to set out the little plates and silverware well I was gone. Max and Lily were sleeping peacefully in my bed. I woke Lily up first, since she would need to be big soon to talk to Don. "Li, wake up sleepy head." She merely whined and continued sleeping. I shook her again and got her to sit up. "Li there's someone downstairs for you." I said trying not to spoil the surprise. "Who?" She asked while clutching her stuffed frog, she called him hoppy, I had gotten him for her after finding out she and Max were littles. "It's a surprise" I told her, " Go see who it is." I sent her downstairs and told her not to run. Next I went to Max, he was snoring peacefully and as much as I didn't wanna wake him I knew he didn't eat his snack on the bus and he was probably hungry. Max could eat a lot for a guy who was only 5ft 2in but he was a very picky eater when he was little, big he would eat a tire if it came with chocolate sauce. I chuckled as I shook him a little to wake him up.

He whined and mumbled, never really took too kindly to being woken up from a nap. I shook him again and he whined even more. "Maxxxx...... you need to get up. There's something we need to talk about." I spoke softly so I didn't spook him. "Max-" "AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" A scream shook through the house, and unfortunately waking Max. He started to cry at the loud noise and I went to get his stuffie, only to have Lily bust in the room screaming at the top of her lungs, "RËËËDDDDD" she screeched and made Max cry even louder. I tried to shush her but she continued to scream and I could hardly understand her. Don called for her and she left, still screaming, but a lot quieter thankfully. I got Max's stuffie for him and rubbed his back to calm him down, then I left while he got dressed and then went to the kitchen. When we got down there Don was scolding Lily for waking up Max and made her apologize to us. Then she sat on Dons lap while he fed her her bottle and fruit. I'd honestly never seen her eat without a tantrum so this was new. Max took his bottle and finished it pretty fast so I made him another, after he went down for another nap while Don talked to Big Lily about being his gf and his little and working out all their rules, punishments, etc.

About an hour later Max woke up, and he and lily watched Disney movies together while Don and I talked, about school, work, and also Don joining our after school club; I also told him about the freshman I was going to be mentoring. "Damn another one?!" Don said, I scolded him for cussing with the littles around, "My bad" he laughed "You really can't turn it off can you?" He chuckled, I raised an eyebrow curious about what he was talking about. "Your dominance Eł, it's never off. You even scare me sometimes! I felt a little submissive for a sec!" Don continued exaggerating and I just rolled my eyes. "I'm not THAT strict you know!" I glared at Don. "Of course not ma'am!" Don stated and then proceeded to salute me. I just sighed and changed the subject. "Sooo how do you like being a Daddy?" I inquired. "I know it sounds crazy but I already love it. It's nice taking care of someone, you know? Being able to protect them and give them the safe space you never had. Especially when you know they never had it before. It makes you feel needed and worthy and special knowing that no one but you can make them feel that way, that only you can stop their tears from shedding, and that out of everyone they chose you." Don said, I thought I saw a tear for a second. "Awww Don, you're getting soft on me." I said mischievously. Don glared at me and gave me the middle finger after making sure Lily and Max couldn't see. I laughed as Don glared at me.

A few hours later it was time for everyone to go home. Don dropped off Max for me and took Lily to see his house and finish finalizing all her rules and making sure she didn't have any other little needs that he didn't know about. While I took the time to do my homework and clean around the house. Before I knew it my mom and two sisters were home, my mom had gotten take out for dinner. After everyone ate I helped my youngest sister Mina get ready for bed so my mom could go to sleep earlier. Mina was only five; and still a little difficult at bed time so it took about an hour. After that it was around 10:30 and I had a test in math so I decided to head to bed. I set my alarm and then to sleep I went.

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