The Car Ride

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**Matthews POV**
"NO NO NO!" I yelled as mommy tried to keep me still. "Baby." She sighed at me as I continued to resist. I didn't lwke when mommy sighed at made me feel like she didn't like me. "Baby you know I love you but mommy needs you to sit in your car seat." She said but I wasn't going that easily. "I wan sit wif mommy." I pouted. I heard Max'a Daddy chuckle as mommy continued to plead with me. I glared at him and mommy slapped my thigh. "Bad baby." She said, I didn't lwke that. I wanned to be mommy's good boy. I felt tears coming and Mommy cooed at me as she wiped my tears away . "Awww my poor baby. What's wrong muffin?" Mommy asked. "Mommy mean." I whimpered. "Because mommy smacked your thigh baby?" She asked me chuckling lightly. I nodded a little and then hid in her neck. Mommy sighed before laughing and patting my back. "Would it make my precious boy feel better if I moved his car seat so we could sit together?" Mommy asked me. I nodded a little, happy to have my mommy back. I knew I was too clingy to make it through the hour and a half hour ride to the mall but I knew this was one thing mommy loved about me! It's why she was the best mommy ever! No matter how much I cried, or pouted or how many tantrums I threw I knew MY mommy would always love me! She knew only some of my past and a little of my triggers but she did everything she could to make sure I was comfortable and happy! Wif mommy my traumas were never a real problem! She helped me regress so easily and I loved her for this. I hoped she'd always be mine..........

**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I moved Matt's things to the last row of the car. Tyler had one of those Honda CR-V type family cars. Perfect for our own little family and one of the perks to the job he got from his internship. It was all black with an interior to match. Don was up front while Tyler drove, Max and Lily were napping in the middle seat and Matt and I were in the back seat. He threw a fit when I sat on the opposite side so I moved to the middle and he'd become entranced by my hair. He could be a brat but he was MY brat and I loved him and everything that came with him. There was no tantrum, amount of crying, or pouting that could keep me away from my little demon, he'd always be mine. He continued to squish my hair ignoring my attempts to sleep. "Baby......" I laughed lightly as he stopped mid squish and looked at me with wide eyes and a devilishly innocent grin. "Yes Mommy?" He said sweetly. He was so precious it was insane and hard to believe he could be such a brat, but I loved it about him. What Dom doesn't like a challenge? Only to remind their precious slut who they belong to. "Momma? You need me?" Matt asked with wide sad eyes. I swear he had a 24/7 puppy dog face on for no reason, not that I was complaining. I just smiled at my gorgeous baby and kissed him deeply. He gasped in shock and I felt his air leave him as I took it in, he sunk into the kiss and fell back in my arms as I caressed his hair, he was so quick to submit to me. God I loved that about him. He seemed so Dominant when he was big and around others but once I was even mentioned it was like a switch flipped, even big he bratted demanding me to remind him of his place and I was happy to oblige.

I pulled away as he whined then blushed when he remembered where we were. I grabbed him by his face and whispered in his ear, "Be a good boy for mommy today and then I'll think about using my toy tonight." I kissed him again but it was a peck compared to before. His face turned a cherry red. "Is that understood little one?" I questioned as he struggled to make eye contact. God he was adorable. I pinned him against the wall by his neck, "I said is that understood little one? You don't want to make me ask you again." His face was burning red now as he nodded quickly and tried to cover his excitement but I'd seen it since he started playing with my hair. "If you can use your words then speak for me whore." I knew sometimes he got non verbal but he seemed more aroused and overwhelmed than anything so I knew he was ok and still able to speak. "Yes Mistress I'm sorry." He said shyly. "You don't have to apologize to me kitten. I just wanna make sure you're still on board." I said in his ear. He blushed for the thousandth time before speaking again. "I'm ok ma'am thank you for asking mommy." He smiled shyly at me. "I'm glad little one. You haven't forgotten our traffic light system have you dove?" I asked. "No mistress I remember it." He said softly. "That's my good boy." I said as I pet his head. He smiled and attempted to hide his face. I opened his legs and moved his hands. "Don't hide my property from me beautiful. Mommy always wants to look at you, especially with that beautiful red blush on your face." I said as I kissed his cheek. He blushed and smiled again. "I sowwy momma." He said clearly slipping further. "Awww my baby boy is slipping for momma. How cute." I said while he giggled and blushed profusely.

He yawned and then looked away from me. I already knew he was trying to hide so I wouldn't make him lay down. " know if you're tired you can tell me right?" I asked. He nodded while trying to keep my gaze. Poor baby. "Sweetie well be at the mall soon so I won't make you take a nap just yet alright?" He jumped up excitedly, "RWALLY RWALLY MOMMY ??!!" He screamed. "Baby shush Max and Lily are sleeping remember?" I said as he hid. "Sowwy everyone." He said to the car. Don laughed, " Well that's one way to get woken up." Don stretched as Tyler wheezed as quietly as he could without waking Max and Lily. Just as we all composed ourselves again Tyler announced that we were finally here. "Alright guys welcome to 'The Wittle Mall'." Ahead of us was a HUGE ass Mall with Daddies/Mommies/CGs walking with their little and even some with littles. There were some littles with two CGs/Daddies/Mommies or one of each. It was really amazing to see the community all together like this. This explained why the Mall was so far out of state, and why Tyler was so secretive about where we were going. Max was going to go crazy when he woke up, which Ty was trying to work on rn.

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