The Big Boy

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                 **Ełaine (Rëds POV)**

I woke up the next morning with Matt attached to me and snoring. I heard a light knock on the door. "Come in" I responded. It was Ty, "Well someone had a fun night." He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him. "Woah Rëd, no need to get violent." He said sarcastically. "Is there a reason you're harassing me this early in the morning asshole?" I snapped back. "Well in case you forgot we do have school." Ty smirked. "Oh shit...." I said, I sighed knowing Matthew would be cranky, especially since he didn't go to school yesterday. "Thanks Ty. Do you mind—?" He cut me off before I could finish. "Getting you and your precious bundle of joys stuff together?" He said. "How did you—?" I started but he cut me off again. "Know what you were going to say? You know we're friends right and all you've done for Max??? This is the least I could do." Ty smiled. "You're the best Ty." I smiled back. "That's cause I learned from the best." He said as he winked and left the room. "Idiot." I muttered as I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Wake up Matt." I said softly. I'd already laid his clothes out and was waking him up. He yawned and stretched trying to fall back asleep. "Five more minutes Eł" he said with sleep lacing his voice. "Baby I—wait what did you just call me?" I asked thinking I'd heard wrong. "I said Eł" he yawned again. I paused as I tried to process my little no longer being little, suffice to say I wasn't ready for it. Not that I didn't love Matthew because big or small he was still MINE at the end of the day. I just never expected to see him big....well not when it was just us and our friends hanging out every night and living the unsupervised life of Disney Channel kids. At the same time would be nice to get to know Big Matt. This also meant I didn't have to be so gentle with him. I smacked him across the ass and the sound rang throughout the house. "FUCK!" Matt screamed as he particularly jumped onto the ceiling. "Elaineeeeee! That hurt god!" He rubbed his ass trying to cool the stinging feeling.

I laughed and ended up on the floor almost cracking my skull open! But I had no regrets. I knew today would be fun. Matthew glared at me and pushed me out of the room. "I'm getting dressed by myself!" He said as he glared and scowled at me. He was so damn cute it was almost impossible to take him seriously. "Baby come on! I was just playing! You can't be that mad." I tried to talk through laughs but it wasn't working. He just texted me a middle finger emoji and I sent a laughing one as a response. I decided to head downstairs only to see the strangest site. Lily was doing her hair and makeup in the mirror. She was definitely big today and Max was running around like a dog with the "zoomies". I looked over to see a confused Don and an equally confused Tyler. I went over to join them. "So you guys littles are big today too?" I asked. They both looked at me and simultaneously nodded. "And are you also both confused because you aren't used to this?" I asked and again they both nodded. "Am i the only one kind of excited to hang out with the big version of my partner today?" I asked. They both shook their heads no and in unison we said "Today will be interesting." We all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "We really are three peas in a pod huh" Tyler said confidently. Don shook his head but we could both see him smiling underneath. "So why'd you guys partners kick you out?" I asked, hoping I wasn't the only one. "I may have attempted to help Max get dressed." Tyler said. I was confused and said "what's so bad about that?" "Well he was in the shower and I was bored so I jumped in....." Tyler said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "And I may have been fully dressed when I jumped in." Tyler finally admitted. I face palmed and Don busted out laughing. That was Tyler for you. Goofy as can be until you pissed him off. "Jeez I thought me smacking Matthews ass this morning was bad." I said causally. Don and Tyler both winced at the thought. They knew I could hit pretty hard without effort and with effort......well....we didn't talk about what I did with effort.

"What about you Donny boy. Whatd you do?" Tyler asked. "I was watching her put on her makeup and when I said "that looks beautiful princess" she said I was distracting her. I also may have been playing with her hair and making fake mustaches out of it...." Don whispered. Ty and I hit the floor when we heard that and Don insisted it wasn't funny and that he only tried a mustache style or two. That made us laugh even harder as we insisted we didn't believe him. He just rolled his eyes and looked embarrassed. Tyler and I finally got each other off the floor and as I dusted myself off I heard a voice calling "Can you guys stop fucking off we're gonna be late!" We all looked at each other in shock as we realized it was Max calling us. "Max cusses??!" I saw Dons jaw hit the floor as Tyler and I nodded. "Yea we have a lot of shit to do and SOME of us want a good seat on the bus!!" This time it was Tyler who gasped at the complete difference in Lily's voice now vs when she was little. "Alright we're coming kids relax!" I yelled back. We grabbed our stuff and I almost fell down the stairs when I saw Matthews outfit. He was wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt with a hoodie, it was completely different from the shorts and hoodie I'd picked out for him besides the fact that the clothes I picked had some color while he was wearing all black he also just looked so adorable and precious. We started the walk to the school bus and he had his hand around my waist (instead of making me hold his hand so he wouldn't run off), Lily took Dons hand (instead of running in and out of the street), and Max put his arm around Tyler's waist as Tyler put his arm over Max's shoulder (instead of Max whining and pouting until Ty carried him). As we walked everyone tried to wake up, more specifically Don, Tyler and I, we could barely keep up with our littles I don't know how we'd do it when they were big. The bus ride was calm and enjoyable, of course we loved our Littles but we loved their big sides too and every side they had or sub type even if everyone else wasn't on pet mode or service sub (just for some examples) when they were. It was our jobs to love them as people as much as we did as Littles. Matt and I spent the bus ride snuggled up; as did our friends.

We arrived at school about a half hour later. Matthew kissed me goodbye and we made a plan to have lunch together. I somehow made it through my classes and even managed to text
Matthew when I could, it was hard to text while the sub in second period watched us like a hawk.......but the class FINALLY ended and I turned in my work before zooming toward the cafeteria. I was speed walking through the hallways and was about to make the turn to the cafeteria when I heard my name being full name....... "Oh Elaineeeeee dear." I heard someone say before whistling. I turned slowly wondering who DARED to use my name and preyed for them because someone had better be dying. "What suddenly you don't want your name called HUN~" UGH I knew who it was one I heard the "hun" only one person in this school would be idiotic enough to use my name so sarcastically along with calling me "HuN". "What is it Cherry?" I asked between gritted teeth; I attempted to move around her but she blocked me. "Don't piss me off won't end well for you." I said trying to move again. She blocked me off by leaning against the lockers. I clenched my fists in an attempt to control myself. "Look I'm just trying to get to lunch. So can you move??" I asked. She continued to block me and I was soon left with the option to simply pick her up and toss her. I went to move her but she dodged and started to speak again. "Look look I just wanted to let you know that Matthew belongs to ME!" Cherry said matter of factly. That was the FINAL straw for me, I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into a locker......HARD. "What the HELL??!!?" She shrieked. I held her against the locket as I tried to resist the urge to crush her throat. She was a prissy, arrogant, and abusive bully in EVERY sense of the word. She could say or do whatever she wanted to me but to say that about the love of my life? THAT was the line! She'd done this before and I wasn't letting it happen again. Especially to a boy as sweet as Matt. "Where the HELL do you get off Chery??!!!" I screamed as I tried to keep myself from choking her. I didn't need a rap sheet. "Awwww someone's still upset about Louise." She smiled at me and I lost it. I raised my fist and—"EŁAINE!!!" Shit. That was the principal....I guess I wouldn't be going to my lunch date.........

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