Lily's Brother

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                       **Ełaine (Rëds) POV**

"Rëd! RËD!! RËËDDDD!!!!" I awoke to people screaming my name. "Fuck!" I mumbled. "I heard thattttt!!!" I heard Matt say in a sing song voice. Double fuck....I thought to myself. "I heard that tooooo!" He said chirpily as he danced into the room. Max and Lily followed suit and they were all singing and dancing. "Guys could you—?" I was cut off by no other than the brat king himself. "Oh relax Eł! There's nothing wrong with a little MORNING MUSICCCC!" He sang dramatically. As Max and Lily harmonized in the background. "Well baby while I appreciate your enthusiasm I—" they cut me off again singing enthusiasm in all kinds of off key notes. Sigh, and of course they did this at 8am on a Saturday. "Max? Li? Matt ? Where—?" I saw Ty come into the room and sighed. "Oh there you guys are! Come on Li Donny is looking for you." Tyler said. Max and Matthew stood protectively in front of her. "You can't take her she's part of the group!" Matthew said. "Yea babe you have to let us practice!" Max said matter of factly.

Tyler chuckled at the sight and attempted to walk between the two as Lily ran off. I say attempted because he failed miserably....Tyler seemed to forget that height wise he and my brat were the same size, though to be fair I also forgot Matthew was 5' 8" he was such a baby sometimes. Don was the tallest of us at 5' 10" and Lily was 5' 7", though you wouldn't guess it because she had the personality of a 5' woman otherwise known as me (iykyk). Max was average, for men, at 5' 6". We were quite the odd collection. Anyway back to the action. Tyler was still failing miserably to get between the boys and Lily had somehow managed to disappear. I was irked at being woken up so early on my off day but I had to admit I was quite intrigued. Tyler tried to command Max to move which was the most hilarious thing to see, "Maxwell Cumberton! If I have to pick you up and move you myself then I will!" He said gritting his teeth, he looked surprised at the boys' strength. "Move me then pussy!" Max yelled back. I gasped and even Don went "Damn" from downstairs. Tyler looked shocked and then a smile of determination came across his face. "I may be a pussy but this kittys got claws!" He yelled, and got into a rushing position. I decided this was enough entertainment and I didn't need my room turning into the next super bowl qualifiers. "HEY! As much as I'd love to see how this will end I would like to get dressed and have everything ready by the time Adam and Alexis get here. So would you guys mind taking this outside?" I asked exhausted, how the HELL could they have so much damn energy so early in the morning?! Tyler rubbed the back of his back nervously and apologized, Max and Matthew followed him as well, apologizing as they left. "That means you too Lily!" I said loudly to make sure she heard me from her hiding place. "Yes ma'am!" she said quickly exiting. In all my years I'd never heard her call me ma'am.....I couldn't be THAT scary could I ? No time to think about that now though...I got dressed and rushed downstairs after fixing up the room and making sure it was spotless.

"Hey Rëd I made sure all the rooms and bathrooms were clean!" Tyler said. "Thanks man you're the best!" I said to him. "No the HELL you didn't! I did that!" Don yelled playfully from the kitchen. Tyler looked at me and then away then back at me again. "Pretend you didn't hear that...." He said as I burst out laughing. Her and Donny were almost as bad as the brats. As far as I was concerned I had five kids; I loved them but god were they exhausting.

A few hours later I had everything into place. Room for the kids to play, food set out for everybody, and Don made sure to feed the kids and Tyler watched them afterwards, though he didn't really need to because they were all big but just in case I made sure they were supervised. Max and Lily had control over their headspaces but in a relaxed environment they could still be triggered. As for my own personal headache he slipped in moments of extreme emotion or relaxation and the control comes and goes, especially around me...........and with him becoming more comfortable around the group I wanted to keep a close eye on him...."Eł!!!!!" I was shaken from my thoughts by an all too familiar whine. "Yes my sweet boy?" I responded checking my phone.

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