Matthews Funishment Day

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**Authors note: The paddle is a JOKE! NEVER play with or maintain a dynamic with someone who doesn't respect your safe word!🚩🚩🚩**

                        **Matthews POV**

"Matthewwwww" I heard mommy calling me.....uh oh. I'd been giggling with Maxie and Lily so much our sides hurt. We'd be laughing at how we tricked their daddies and my mommy and it was pretty funny! Well it was.....until Maxies daddy suddenly came out of the closet and snatched him up (in a silly way of course). "Looks like it's my turn to have you dripping little one" he growled into Maxies ear. Maxie turned super red and whined at his daddy for embarrassing him in front of us and we giggled at the naughty joke he made from the prank earlier. As we were giggling tho Lily's daddy grabbed her too! "After I'm done with you princess I'll be soaked all over again" Lily's daddy smiled at her and I saw her quiet for the first time since we met. "Lily? Maxie?" I whimpered and then hid as their daddies took them away in Lily's daddy's car. That meant I was all by myself........with mommy. I gulped nervously and hid with my stuffies as I heard her calling my name. I hid under my stuffies even more and I heard her footsteps outside the door, I held my breathe hoping she couldn't hear me. The room got quiet then I heard her leave..........or so I thought. "There's my little pet" Mommy said as she hugged me tightly from behind. I whimpered as I inhaled her scent of strawberries and lust........I was done for.

                       **Ełaine (Rëds) POV**

I found my silly prince in the closet, I scooped him up and brought a stuffie along for him as well. It was a stuffed shark because all my prince did was bite me every chance he got, so I felt like it was fitting. I sat him on the bed and kneeled down to him (which wasn't hard since he had a good 7 inches on me. In height as well as length) he looked nervous and he was hard. Poor thing, as much as I didn't want to we needed to have this conversation. "Baby?" I asked him as calmly as I could. He just picked at his nails and pretended he couldn't hear me, and although being ignored wasn't an issue that stemmed from my childhood I knew how upset and anxious he was so I took a couple deep breaths and brushed it off. "Baby? Please talk to me. I understand you're nervous and I've seen how anxious you look but mommy needs to talk to you and she can't do that if you don't answer her. Do you need to be big for this conversation?" I asked as softly as I could without being too pushy towards either one (I didn't want him to feel like I was forcing him). He played with his hands some more so I gently put mine over his and he finally stopped to look at me. "Do you need to be big for this conversation Matthew?" I asked again; I was asking more firmly but not to hurt his feelings just to help him focus (I knew how hard that could be for him when he was overwhelmed). He started pouting and shook his head, hard and fast, "I—I" he couldn't even finish his sentence and I held onto him as he tried to dart out of the room, god why was this kid so strong??? I held onto him and called out "Matthew! Please relax! It's ok!". "Nuuuuu" he said loudly as he tried to get out of my grip. I got a hold of his legs and pulled him in more, he screamed and wiggled trying to get me to release him as I held him in a tight hug. I flipped us over and held him in my lap. "Shhh baby it's ok. Mommy's here and she's not going anywhere ok?" He shook in my arms as I rubbed his back and rocked us, he pouted when I took his fingers out of his mouth as he was attempting to chew his nails again.

"No mister, no chewing our nails. You have a paci if you need something to chew." I said softly. He wasn't happy and glared and pouted at me to prove it. I helped wipe his tears away and a few minutes later he was calm and breathing normally again. "So you ready to tell me why you were so upset with Don at the mall the other day? And why you were so angry when you couldn't come out of your headspace as fast or when you wanted?" I asked. He gawked at me like he was surprised I knew. "Didnt think I noticed Angel?" I said with a sly look. He glared again. "You're mean you know that?" He said with a pout. "You're precious you know that?" I smirked back. He glared again "fine I'll tell you" he said. "You don't have to" I reminded him. "It's ok you deserve to know" he said. "My dad and step mom are super toxic. They've been aruging since before I was born and are even worse separate than they're together. My dad has no shame in hitting me and everyone assumes I did something to "deserve it". My step mom is always complaining about him but then snitches on me when I do, shes gotten me beat for that and much many times it feels like a fever dream. My lack of childhood is what brought me to MDLB. I am bi but you're the first person I've ever told. I always knew deep down but wasn't accepted by my family and it broke me inside.....but I trust you and I know you won't do to me what others did. My anger about not being able to leave headspace was because of my parents......they caught me semi regressed one time and instead of ignoring them and just leaving I cried and my dad beat me for it. He said only pussies cry and he'll be damned if his son is a bitch. That night (after blacking my eye) he brought me to a brothel and tried to force me to "dominate" the women in front of him. I could only fake it so much.............but it made me even more submissive honestly.........I couldn't handle being in control because I never had it before and my so called "parents" killed any self confidence I had......I don't trust myself to make decisions and I just get overwhelmed. I'm afraid if I can't get out of my headspace fast enough to fake the dominance my dad might actually kill me. It's what led me to the lifestyle, I felt like it was the only way I could meet a woman who didn't expect me to do everything and fix every problem she has. I always want to help my partner but I just feel a lot safer in the community cause people are more understanding and they saved me. I feel like I'm finally healing when I'm with you and I get to be my true self! I was always little but I didn't know it until then and I wish I'd known sooner". I hugged Matthew tight. I was happy he'd found a healthy way to cope with his trauma and I'm even happier we found each other. He was literally made for me and I for him, he was my person, my prince, my everything.

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