Making him Mine

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**Still Elaine (Rëds) POV**
Don grabbed my stuff and his while Max and Lily grabbed their own bags respectively. I grabbed Matt's stuff and we all got off the bus; Matt was still sleeping so I carried him as well. Lily wasn't happy about the fact that Don couldn't carry her and bratted the whole way to my house. It was only a ten minute walk but to a little it felt like an eternity; especially a sleepy one. "But Daddyyyyy can't you just carry me?!" Lily begged for the one hundredth time. "I told you no little one. I have a lot of stuff to carry." Don answered calmly. "B-But dats not fawr!!!" Lily whined I could tell she was slipping, Don noticed as well, quietly exchanging a look with me. This was gonna be a longggg night. Lily continued whining for the rest of the walk. Once we got to my house she stomped inside and threw her backpack down. "Princess. I know you aren't throwing things." Don questioned. Lily just rolled her eyes and huffed at him. "Is that an attitude I sense princess?" Don asked with a raised brow. I saw where this was going so I took Max and Matt upstairs to lay down. I put Max in my little sisters room and Matt in mine; because if I was right about this he'd probably wake up little.....maybe two?

I had tucked both boys in and given Max his stuffie. I wanted to confirm my thoughts about Matt before giving him anything presumptuously, although it was very hard sometimes. I was headed downstairs to make snacks for when everyone woke up. "Da-daddy pweaseeeee!" I heard Lily whining and pleading. Oh no.......looks like I'd guessed right. "I'll only ask you ONE more time to come here princess." Don spoke softly. He never yelled at Lily and I was proud of him for that, new Doms can make a lot of mistakes without even realizing it but he was very good about not raising his voice and controlling his anger, even when Lily bratted all day he tried to give her at least three warnings before a timeout or no candy for the day, but today was too far and Lily was getting a spanking. He never hit her too hard but enough to teach her a lesson, but Lily was a masochist and made it clear she wasn't too bothered by one, not even a paddle. I continued down the stairs and was going to go into the kitchen when I saw Don grab Lily by the waist.

He sighed slightly. "Princess Daddy could have let you off with a warning but you couldn't even listen to my instructions for your punishment." Don shook his head. As tough as Lily acted she was only 5ft 1in and maybe 90 pounds so he picked her up with ease. She tried to struggle but Don just pulled her over his lap and held her down by the small of her back. He gave her a warning smack on her ass. "If you move again without my permission I will turn your ass cherry red little girl." Don whispered. I just continued into the kitchen and minded my business. Don and I had agreed to not interact with each other when we were punishing our littles/submissive respectively. Unless it was an emergency or public humiliation (consented to of course). There were other rules just for clarification, especially since we both had a preference for brats. So if we ended up needing our little or sub babysat while we had work then there were agreed punishments that could be given, acceptable things to call them out of their name without overstepping into honorifics and how to handle a break down or anxiety attack because every little was different. We also planned on pulling Tyler into the loop if everything between him and Max went well.

I continued making the snacks. I was keeping it simple today. I made sandwiches and angel milk. It was a recipe I got off of tiktok. I made two for Max, he usually ate more when he was little. I also made one in case Matt wanted one. I didn't make any for Lily because she was being punished, which was also a rule we agreed to, you don't break another Doms punishment on a sub you don't own. Unless it was abusive or against the subs wishes or health. I also made Don and I sandwiches and some lemonade. I sat in the kitchen. "Da-daddyyy pwease I'm sowwy." Lily was crying now but that wasn't getting her out of this one. Don smacked her five more times and she cried out after each one. "You know the rules princess, and you broke more than one today." Don scolded as he gave her ten more. Lily became incoherent and continued to cry. "Last five princess. I promise." Don spanked her five more times as she cried harder and harder. He then pulled up her panties and skirt and sat her on his lap. He petted her hair softly and rocked her slowly. "Now what did we learn little one?" Don asked her once her cries turned to sniffles. "Don't be bwatty wen Dada is hwlping fwiends." Lily said softly. "And why don't we do that princess?" Don asked. "Cwase not nice." Lily said softly. "Good girl" Don praised. "Now can you be a good girl for Daddy and go get your stuffie for a nap?" Lily nodded before running to go get her stuffie, it was a unicorn Don gave her to commemorate their new relationship. 

"Now it's time for ni-ni princess." Don said once Lily came back. She pouted and made puppy dog eyes. "You want me to lay with you baby?" He asked. She nodded and he smiled before picking her up and taking her to the living room to lay down. I shook my head and laughed. They were made for each other. I want that........WOAH where did that come from?! Damn my intrusive thoughts! As I was shaking the thoughts and cursing my brain for them I heard crying. It was soft but consistent........but it would be another 45 minutes at least before Max woke up. I rushed upstairs only to realize that the crying was coming from my room........I knocked on the door slowly before opening it. I saw Matt clutching his legs and his head buried in between them. I walked up slowly and tapped him slightly. He flinched a little but relaxed when he realized it was me. I looked at him and saw his beautiful green gray eyes filled with tears. Poor baby........I rubbed his back softly, "Baby are you ok?" I asked, he looked at me then shook his head and wrapped himself around me. I petted his hair and rubbed his back while whispering to him softly. "It's ok baby. I'm right here and I promise I'm not going anywhere." He seemed to relax a little after hearing that. His crying slowed as I held him. I could feel his body relaxing and his breathing even out. "Are you ready to talk about it little one?" I tried not to pry but I couldn't stand seeing his gorgeous, jewel like eyes filled with sadness and what I could only describe as terror. "Bad dweam mommy." He said softly. I tried to calmly pick my jaw up off the floor. He looked up at me with soft eyes. "What was the dream about love?" Damn I was stupid! He was FINALLY embracing himself in front of me and I couldn't even wait till he was big to say the "L" word.

He shrugged softly, yes softly, and said "don't kno." I continued petting him. "Well is there anything you need baby?" I asked, I was hoping to maybe get more info about his headspace, plus he looked a little hungry. He looked at me "Dis!" He giggled as he poked my breast. I had no words. " what are you saying?" I asked hoping my initial thought was incorrect. "Milk!" He screamed lightly, I sighed with relief. "Alright baby, what kind of milk little guy?" I asked. "Hmmmmmm" he clearly had put a lot of thought into it. "Stawbwrry!!!" He squeaked.

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