You again.........

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**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I looked up to see Matthew staring at me Don was scolding Li for getting in trouble in class today and Max had his headphones in and was sleeping. I just looked at him and didn't say a word. I didn't really have anything to say honestly, but I felt I should say something. I swore Matthew was glaring at Max, it was almost like he was jealous? But that couldn't be ,it seemed like maybe cherry might be who he was really interested in. I heard her say he was taking her to the dance. I guess she was over Grey.............for now. God I hated her, I felt my blood starting to boil and tried to keep the hatred from spilling out. "Hi..." Matthew said quietly, I nodded in his direction and he looked down, face flushed yet again. "Di-did you ummmm........." he stuttered nervously, was he having a brain fart or something? I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. He was clearly flustered and apparently my eye contact didn't help. "I-I'm sorry........I-I....." he started breathing heavy and shaking, poor kid, he seemed upset and I felt bad for being so dismissive earlier. He seemed to be the only person who I couldn't be angry around. He tried and failed again to talk and put his legs up on the seat and buried his head between them, I could tell he was about to start sobbing, and I didn't want anyone to notice and give him crap about it. People always took guys crying so light hearted but with women it was sickening to think someone could make a woman cry. SMH. I left my backpack for Max and laid his head on it, it was pretty soft from all the stuffies and snacks I carried for him and Li. "Scoot over" I said to Matthew. He didn't look up just shook his head. "No offense but I wasn't asking." I said calmly but sternly. He whimpered lightly and moved over. I pulled him into me and he immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled himself into my lap. This felt so natural............and so right.

*Sigh* It was official.......I didn't give af if cherry wanted him to take her to the dance.....I wanted him.......shit I needed him, he was the perfect little/sub for me and he made me feel so wanted and needed. More importantly I wanted to protect him with everything I had, he was literally precious and so perfect. And today I was going to make him mine, and if he liked me as well then he'd be my new little boy, if he really liked Cherry and this wasn't just her manipulating and fucking with people by blackmail then I'd respect it; but I definitely wasn't just going to let that basic bitch have this precious gift. I continued playing in his hair. I tried to ignore the thoughts in my head; telling me to pull him up by his hair and Mark his as mine for everyone to see. After about ten minutes he settled down and his sniffles turned to quiet whimpers. "Are you ready to tell me what's wrong baby?" I asked softly. He just shrugged and buried his face deeper into my chest, I sighed and continued petting him. A few minutes later I heard his soft snores. I looked over at Max to see he was still sleeping peacefully. I was glad because he'd been slipping more easily lately, probably because Tyler was going to be visiting soon for his birthday; and he was planning on telling him about his regression. He was extra nervous because he was a NSFW little,Li was as well but Don didn't mind, in fact he seemed to prefer it. Only because he knew Li was more comfortable that way and unlike some people he was actually educated about littles and little space. I only felt it was bad when people turned crude towards littles just from a lack of understanding. Luckily Li and Max didn't have to worry about that. Their secrets were safe and they had a safe space to regress.

I continued thinking to myself about how I planned on telling Matt about my feelings. It had to be today. It had only been a day and I already couldnt stop thinking about him. I called him baby and several other nicknames as well, which he seemed to like like. I took all our interactions as a sign to build something more. SHIT I just realized he fell asleep and didn't say when he got off! Or why he was here in the first place?! Since when did he ride this bus?! Wait Eł what are you saying? It's been a DAY! How would I know all of this?! Damn I could be stupid sometimes. He also never told me what made him break down in class earlier, all I really knew was that he missed what I said. I decided to just take him with us. Worse case scenario I'd have to give him a ride. Oooooo another dirty thought. I smirked on the inside and looked over to see Don making the "you know" eyebrows at me and a kissy face. I simply flicked him off. He laughed quietly because Li was asleep on his lap and although it had only been a week he knew not to wake her. He then waved his hand at me and tapped his wrist to ask for the time as quietly as possible. I had to move ever so slightly to get my phone out, Matt whined a little and hugged me tighter. I officially knew how squeaky toys felt. I showed my phone to Don and he nodded. I mouthed to him "get the stuff." He nodded back. "Should I wake the kids?" He mouthed back. I pointed at Max and Li only. He looked at me confused. "What about Matthew?" He asked quietly. I shook my head no. He looked confused. "I'll tell you later." I whispered, he nodded slightly and then started to get Lily's stuff together as well as his. Lucky for me all of Max's stuff was ready to go and was on the left side of my now "pillow" backpack.

Don woke Lily up first. She whined and pouted while Don worked on waking Max

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