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                     **Elaine (Rëds) POV**
"mommy......Mommy..........MOMMY!" I woke up to Matt shaking me. "What's wrong baby?" He looked sleepy still and was rubbing his eyes with his fists. "I'm hungwy momma......." he looked at me and pouted. I sighed, he didn't even need the puppy dog eyes to make me do whatever he wanted. "Ok baby what would you like to eat?" He looked at me with a very concentrated look on his face. "Hmmmmm. Can I have Donald's mommy?!" He asked with big eyes. "What's that my love?" I thought I knew everything when it came to littles and their baby language but he was certainly different. "I wan Donald's MOMMY!" He yelled. "There's no need to yell baby mommy's right here." He looked down and twiddled with his fingers nervously. "I sowwy momma." He whispered, I almost didn't hear him. "It's alright baby." I reassured him. "Mommy just doesn't know what Donald's is baby. Maybe you could tell mommy what they have or what the restaurant looks like." He pondered this for a few seconds, he looked so precious with his face scrunched up. "It has a big M mommy! And there's a playground inside!" He squeaked happily. "Ohhh you want McDonald's baby?" I asked. "YES MOMMY PWEASE PWETTY PWEASE." He begged, saying no to him was definitely not going to be easy.

"I don't know baby. It's not really healthy." His face dropped immediately. DAMNIT! I hadn't even said no yet........and I was already prepared to change my mind just to see that precious smile return to his caramel skin and emerald green eyes. "Baby I—" I tried to calm him down and maybe convince him to have something that was good and healthy. "Momma PWEASEEEEE!!! I pwomise be good PWEASE!!!" He pleaded and MAN was it hard to resist those big pools of spring that he had for eyes and that poked out lip and pouted face. "Baby did you even eat anything today?" I raised an eyebrow and hoped to change the subject. "Wellllll..........I—" he whispered and at that moment his stomach growled. I looked at him and he started to bite his nails again. "No no little one. If you'd like mommy can get you a pacifier after we go over your rules." I suggested softly. He nodded, a blush covering his face. He then removed his fingers from his mouth. "Good boy." I said as I patted his head. He blushed and hid in my chest. "Now have you decided on dinner my love?" He simply shrugged. "Can I just have Donald's mommy?" He gave me a pout with puppy dog eyes and I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying yes.

"How about this baby.......Well get zaxbys tonight and then I'll get you Donald's for lunch tomorrow ok?" I hoped he liked tenders. "Do dey have tenders mommy???" He asked excited. The smile was finally back. "Indeed they do bahy." I smiled. He jumped up excitedly "RWALLY?!" He screamed. "Baby shhhh everyone else is still sleeping." I scolded him. "Oh.......I'm sowwy momma. Don be mad." He whimpered. "Hey hey it's ok little one I'm not mad. Mommy just doesn't want you to wake anyone up, but once everyone's up you can be as loud as you like alright love?" I rubbed his back. "Otay momma." He leaned into me and I rocked us slightly. I ordered our food and kids meals for Lily and Max as well as something for Don. The food came about 30 minutes later. In that time I learned his favorite colors and foods when he's little. I also learned to NEVER let him get hungry, he got super duper grumpy. I also learned that his dad was the reason my baby's tummy was rumbling. He hadn't brought anything home in two days. No wonder the poor baby was so hungry. I tried not to let him feel my anger. It wasn't his fault of course. I just hated the fact that his dad couldn't even take the time to at least BRING FOOD HOME! God it infuriated me! I had never been this angry before and I'd met my fair share of— MOMMY! "Ahhhh!" I turned to see my baby shocked and sniffling. "Baby why'd you scream in my ear??" He looked at his hands shyly. "I sowwy mommy. I wa just trying to tell you that the food was here but you wouldn't answer me." He looked sad. I answered the doorbell and tipped the driver. I put the food on the table before walking over to my baby. I sat on the couch. "Come here little one." I patted my lap. He looked nervous. "Mommy spank me?" He asked nervously. "Of course not baby. Mommy just wants to talk I promise." Poor baby. He looked nervous still but came over anyway and sat on my lap.

"You know mommy loves you right kitten?" I rubbed his back as I spoke. He nodded. "I wuv you mommy." He whispered and kissed my cheek. "Awww I love you too baby bear." I said as I snuggled him. "Mommy's sorry she scared you earlier love, I was just upset." I explained. " Wif me momma??" He asked curiously. "Of course not my sweet boy, I was upset with your dad." I said. "Oh.....I get it now momma" he said quietly, as he yawned. "Come on baby, let's go eat, and then we'll head back to bed alright?" I carried him to the kitchen. I guess his rules would have to wait until after school tomorrow. I fed Matt and I ate as well. After we were done I texted Don to let him know where to find Lily's food and Max's because I knew they'd all be up soon. I carried Matt to bed as he whined protests. "Mommmyyyyyy I not twred." He whined and kicked. "I'm sure you aren't baby, but mommy's really tired and she'd LOVE for you to join her." I smirked, poor baby he was so sleepy and still didn't want to go to bed. "Fineeeee mommy." He pouted. "But I wan A LOT OF CUDDLES!!" He yelped. "Of course baby. You always get all my cuddles little one." I kissed his forehead. We finally made it to our room. I stripped him to his boxers and turned on the fan for myself. I closed the door and stripped down to just my bra and panties before sliding under the covers with my baby. He cuddled into me and fell asleep as I played in his gorgeous curls. I fell asleep shortly after.

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