Meeting Rëd

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**Authors note: the picture above is Rëd**

As the bus pulled off I put in my headphones and went back to the warm enveloping darkness, wishing it were this easy at night.
I woke up about twenty minutes later to Don shaking me. "Wake up Rëd." I ignored him hoping he'd go away. "Come on Rë long have we known each other?" "Officially five years on Friday." I said between fake snores, "Exactlyyy" said Don. "So how could you expect me to fall for the old fake sleeping trick?" I just shrugged in response too tired from the terrors of the night. I thanked Don for waking me up and continued to stare out the window as we pulled into the school, I gathered up my stuff as Eminem blared in my ears; I could tell it was that kind of day.

I floated in my head as I walked through the school and sat in my first period Art class. I had just dumped my ex not even two weeks ago. Which wasn't a problem, dumping people was easy, especially when they aren't right for you. What really bugged me was the texts he sent threatening to expose me and ruin my life and to take his own life if I didn't take him back. See to all my friends and family and my little sister and brother I'm just a chill, short, and for some reason fear inducing 17 year old but to Max a million (that was my nickname for him) and Lily Pad I was all those things and a caregiver.

Technically a Mommy Dom though I preferred mistress or dominatrix, sometimes just plain Domme when dealing with Lily pad because she could be a handful; and as much as I loved littles, especially brats, I never thought I'd have my own because as much as I'd hoped most guys were too proud to act truly submissive and having someone resist it so much was a sign to me that it wasn't what they really wanted, plus I had my hands full with Max and Lily. I loved them both dearly but keeping all our secrets was hard, I hated having to dial my true nature back to protect egos and I hated that they had to hide their true selves because others couldn't handle it but luckily they were used to it by now and were able to stay big until we got back to my place. My sister had soccer practice after school and my mom would be busy with work plus she loved both Max and Lily, and had known Max's family since I was two when they moved in down the street from us; and Lily lived only ten minutes away and has been my friend since eighth grade.

I actually found out Lily was a little because of Max, I was sick at home one day in 8th grade and was waiting for max to get out of school so he could keep me company, only to see him skipping down the street with Lily! Which surprised me cause max was always a rough housing type, I loved it though, playing with him was always fun. Anyway I went out to say hi and meet Max's new friend, plus I had been in the house for what felt like forever! "Hey Max! Whose this?" I asked. "Dis LiLi" he said, at the time I'd thought I misheard him because as long as I'd known Max I'd never noticed any behaviors of a little and I thought if he was one he would know he could tell me with no judgment. "What'd you say Max?" I asked, "Ummm......" was all I got before he burst into tears; I was caught off guard because Max was always so happy and never really cried unless you brought up his dad, who passed when he was only three from a car accident it devastated his mom but she held it together for him and got them both therapy so by then max had learned to cope with it and he and his mom talked about him when they missed him.

As he continued to cry, and somehow harder than before I tried to ask what was wrong only to have "LiLi", as I knew her, block me from him; "You weave Maxie ALONE!" I didn't understand what I'd done so I tried to explain that I just wanted to help but she wouldn't hear it. "NO! YOU made Maxie cry! GO AWAY!" She screamed at me. I of course couldn't for two reasons. For one Max was my friend no matter what, secondly people were beginning to stare, including my very nosy neighbors and I didn't want them reporting anything to either kids parent. So I scooped up max and lily pretty easily but not surprisingly. I was always babysitting and have dealt with my fair share of crying kids, although lily made it very difficult by kicking, screaming and trying to bite me. After getting in the house, that was thankfully empty, I turned on cartoons to distract Lily and took Max to my room, he was crying a lot softer now but was still pretty upset. I got him some tissues and gave him a stuffed bear, his favorite animal. "Are you ok Max?" I asked concerned, I'd never seen him like this. He just nodded, still crying a little. "Is there anything I can get you buddy? Water? Snacks? Candy?" I hoped to persuade him with a treat because with Max that was the way to his heart. He just looked down and played with his fingers nervously.

I gently lifted his head and made him look at me. "You can talk to me Max, about anything, you know that right? I promise I just wanna help just tell me what's wrong." Max stared at me for a while before saying "Otay but may I have my candy fwrst?" "Sure buddy" I say as I run to go get it. On the way to the kitchen I passed lily and gave her some cookies and juice in a sippy before going back to Max with Twix, his favorite. After he finished he told me he was a little and didn't even realize until a few weeks ago after reading about the lifestyle online and that it was like love at first sight for him, he also didn't get a chance to tell me before meeting lily at school that day, in my absence; and that he was crying because he thought if I found out I wouldn't want to be friends anymore and that lily was just trying to protect him cause she was a little too, and while Max fell into a headspace between 2-4 years old Lily's headspace was 4-6 years old.

I told Max that I loved him no matter what and also took the time to admit to him that the reason I knew how to take care of him so well was that I was a Mommy Dom or that I used to be before my ex lied and manipulated me to try and make me sleep with him, luckily I noticed the red flags and realized he had been faking being a sub. He even had the nerve to call me confused and say women couldn't be Dominants, especially not to "real men" and that I was probably just into kids and didn't know it. Max hugged me right after hearing this and we both pinky swore not to keep secrets from each other anymore and lily too; and that's how we got here. Although Max does have a boyfriend they've only been dating for a few months and Max is worried about it ending badly, especially since the boyfriend is a grade older and goes to a different school, it's only ten minutes from where we live, which is how they met, when Max got scared walking home and the guy Tyler gave him a lift, Tyler lives just twenty minutes from us but Max is still nervous, which is understandable, and is gonna tell him when they hit six months; until then I'm helping him and lily get little time, so they don't slip, while I practice having/dealing with littles and brats.
I swear the bell got louder everyday! And before I knew it I was off to gym where I'd have my first and only class of the day with Max and Lily.

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