Mistress Ełaine

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**Matthews POV**

I made it through all my classes and I was FINALLY going to get to see Eł at lunch. I was very nervous considering what had happened earlier and even more because of the whole "Mistress" thing. It had only now occurred to me that I'd never seen her as anything but my "mommy" dynamic wise and I was scared of what she might do to me.........and even more scared that I'd actually like it. I knew from previous punishments that she was very much a sadist and very much into humiliation, she could easily punish with pain but she got her true pleasure from toying with my mind I was always having to wait before a punishment started and there was never a clear end to it and trying to guess a punishment was just as hard the worse part being how easily she could make pain feel like pleasure and Vice versa. Even as a mommy her punishments scared me and the mall was the one time I'd upset her enough for her to let out a stray of her sadistic side. If she hadn't been so worried about me I'm sure it would have been much worse. I headed quickly to the lunch room and saw everyone in line already, luckily we'd all arrived at about the same time so we could wait together. "Hey Matt!" Everyone greeted me. "Hey you guys!" I said waving at the group. Don and Lily were holding hands and Max was rocking on his heels clearly bored. I felt bad because I knew he was the only one of us whose partner didn't attend the school, it was with that thought that I realized Eł wasn't around. Max noticed my confusion and filled me in. "Rëd is on her way. Her teacher held them up to lecture them about tardiness." He said still rocking softly. I pouted a little as I thought about why she told me. Max noticed again and spoke up "She did text you dude and she told the group chat. Check your phone." I looked at my phone and a blush ran across my face as I'd seen two texts from her. In the group and a more personal one to me individually. She told me not to worry and that she loved me she was just going to be a little late because her teacher was being a....oh my....I won't repeat it. I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly "Am I really that easy to read?" I laughed nervously. Max gave me a big grin before replying "Only because you're my bestfriend dude!" And I blushed again a little embarrassed. I'd never had a bestfriend before.... "Well you're my bestfriend too!" I said back.

At that moment I froze and my face turned a tomato red. "Hey Rëd!!!" Max yelled and waved. "Hey Maxie!" I heard her respond from behind me before coming extremely close to me and whispering "Hello Angel". I swear I hadn't ever blushed this much in my life, before I could move she'd already spun me around and pulled me into a hug. I still couldn't understand how someone so small could be so strong, and on top of that she was fast too. I couldn't even move without her already knowing my next steps it was like she had implanted herself in my mind. I still remembered the day she'd pinned me to that bench and spanked me.....firstly because I'd been such a brat when she was trying to help me, most people would just yell at me or hit me until I listened....like my father did. She actually took the time to try and calmly explain to me before punishing me. Secondly it was that moment that made me fall in love with her....I never thought I'd meet someone who actually understood my lifestyle instead of forcibly sexualizing it. Like I call Eł mommy in bed but if women can say daddy in bed then I can say mommy and fuck anyone who thinks different. Like I know she's not my actual mom, though she's DEFINITELY scary like one, and when I call her "Mommy" outside of bed it's because she earned it, so that title belongs to her. It's respect and nothing more just like when she calls me "baby" or "good boy" because IVE earned it!........even though I'm not always good....but that's her fault for not giving me enough FUCKING attention! And I'm not joking!! Attention is a necessity!

"Baby? Baby hello? Matthew!" I heard Eł calling me. I shook my head as I snapped out of my trance. I realized we'd already gotten lunch and gotten to our table, jeez reminiscing really did make the day go by faster. "Damn it Matthew I'm talking to you!" Eł snipped at me. I blushed and attempted to respond stuttering in the process  "I-I'm sorry mo—I-I mean Elaine!! I ju-just....." my face flushed in embarrassment as everyone at the table looked at me with confusion. I hid inside my sweater which didn't actually help my embarrassment and I don't know what convinced me it would.....I planned to stay there until I inevitably died of embarrassment, I couldn't even think around her....how the hell was I supposed to gather together enough brain cells to eat properly??

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