Getting Schooled

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After gym Lily went to her third period science and I walked with Max to AP English, he hated going because his ex Heather was in there, and although Max was bi Heather almost ruined women for him. He was only with her three months but she spent the whole time lying, cheating, and manipulating. I was thankful when Max took my advice and broke up with her. She got with Grey the next day. He was the star of the football team but couldn't do much outside of bully, fuck and throw balls. Luckily most of the kids in our school ignored him and his meathead buddies and Max had enough friends in the class to where I knew Heather wouldn't dare mess with him.

After giving Max a hug and saying my goodbyes I headed to my favorite class of all, Creative Writing. I was in good with all the right teachers and staff to where they gave me the class back to back. It also helped that my Creative Writing teacher Mrs.Beck  loved me. She admitted more than once to the class that I was her favorite and that if anyone needed help to come to me if they wanted the best grade, she also tended to pair me with the new freshmen to make sure they start off on the right path. Although I had Creative Writing 3rd period both A and B day I usually ended up here for 4A because it was my study period and Mrs.Beck told me I was free to come and go as I please. "Oh Eł! Could you come here please?" Mrs.Beck called me before I'd even sat down..... We must have a new student.

"Hey teach! Whats up?" I already knew the answer but I didn't like to assume. "Well......we have a new student coming in tomorrow! He's transferring from Otterton and he'll be joining us in my third period classes and I'm sure you'd be the perfect person to show him around and show him how we operate!" Mrs.Beck said happily. As much as I loved Mrs.Beck and respected her more than anything I had to be honest when I say I wasn't looking forward to babysitting, which I know isn't fair but every time I got put in charge of one of these kids they always ended up head over heels for no reason. Which wasn't a problem until one started stalking me and although he's lightened up since then it was still a very creepy semester for me; yet he still managed to be better than my ex.

I noticed Mrs.Beck staring at me. I apologize profusely and agreed to take on the new kid. Realizing I hadn't heard a word about him and I was supposed to be meeting him tomorrow. I went to take my seat but before I could Mrs.Beck stopped me, "I know your last few take ons didn't turn out so well Eł but I promise I vetted Matthew and he's a very sweet kid and actually very very shy. You'll love him really!" She continued reassuring me. I nodded my head and gave her a small smile before heading to my seat but right as I was about to take my seat, SHE showed up. I turned to see Cherry in my seat. "You know if you want a lap dance theres a strip club on 4th street." I stated plainly. "And how do you know it so well?" Cherry barked back. "Because I see your boyfriend go in every night at 7." I exclaimed. "UGH!! Whatever! Take your stupid seat! I didn't want it anyway!" Cherry snapped at me before finally going back to her actual seat. I smirked knowing I had won, and took my seat. I then spent the next hour of class drawing, I'd been practicing my shadowing and shading for Art and avoiding my writers block; I just couldn't find anything interesting to write about and why do we need poems anyway? I was always content with cheesy puns.
Time ticked away slowly and just as I thought I would die from hunger the lunch bell rang, distracting me from my slump. I stuffed everything in my bag and rushed to go meet Li and Max.

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