50 shades of Grey

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                      **Matthews POV**

I yawned and stretched as I felt Eł beneath me, she was warm and soft her strawberry and cinnamon scent engulfing me as I cuddled into her. I sighed and wrapped myself around her as I slowly felt myself falling back asleep.....

**A few hours past by**

*knock* *knock* *knock* "Baby. Wake up baby!" I felt Eł shaking me, I ignored her and continued to sleep. "Baby will you wake up! We're late!!" She shouted as I heard her rustling around the room to gather our things. "Matthew I'm not going to ask you again!" She said sternly. I groaned and spat back at her "Fuck off!" I said without thinking. I heard the house go dead silent as I froze realizing what I'd just said. "Eł.........I'm SO SO sorry. It was an accident I swear!" I said hurriedly hoping she hasn't heard me, but I knew she had there was no way she hadn't. It was like she had super hearing when it came to the smart ass things I said. I wasn't used to being big around her because it never lasted long. I was still frozen as I heard her coming towards me. "These are your clothes for the day, get dressed quickly and be outside in 5 minutes so we can go to school. Also Lilys older brother Adam is coming for a visit this weekend." With that she left. I looked in my backpack to see she'd already packed my homework, my books and my work for the day. I felt my heart ache at the thought of her being angry at me, she was scary when she was mad. I put on the clothes she'd picked out for me. She had picked out black joggers, a tshirt and a long sleeve sweater to go over it. Wow, she really did know me....wasn't sure whether I was going to be little today so she made sure to give me an outfit that could go either way to make sure I was as comfortable as possible....I really hadn't meant to say that to her I was just grumpy......I HATED being woken up. I tried to stop all my thoughts and the tears I felt I should be crying and put my shoes on and headed out to Dons car. Lily was in the front and Tyler and Max were in the back cuddling. Eł was sitting in the left seat and everyone had put their things in the trunk to make room for me. I put my backpack with the rest and got in next to Eł; she moved over so I would have room and buckled me in........I was happy until I realized she had done the same for Max.....why couldn't Tyler do that?? I tried to hide my hurt as she put in her headphones and blasted her music, everyone else talked amongst themselves and I simply sulked against the window feeling hated. It was my fault for cussing at Eł in the first place...and I couldn't blame everyone for being upset with me...I sighed and felt like crying, I felt a hand on mine as I looked up to see who it was—it was Lily..I started to hyperventilate out of fear about how she'd react knowing I was crying about something so stupid. "Are you ok?? You seem upset??" She asked concerned. I was so surprised, she and I had never communicated before so I didn't understand why she cared. I just shrugged afraid of being judged and the sudden friendliness. "Matt it's ok if you're upset, and it's also ok if you need to talk." Don spoke up. I still felt very shy around him after what happened at the mall but he was winning me over. "I just.....I feel bad about what I said to Eł and I don't want her to hate me....or you guys either. You've all made me feel so welcome and I feel like I ruined it..." I sniffled a little as Lily offered me a tissue. "Well if I could hug you man I would but once we're at the school I've got you!" Don smiled brightly at me. "Th-Thanks guys I appericate it." I said blushing at the attention. "And I'm not mad at you. I was just very surprised that you said that." Eł spoke up, she wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to her lap hugging me tightly my seatbelt pulling. "I—how.....how long have you been listening for?!" I turned a deep red and fiddled with my hands. "Since you got in the car." She smirked at me. "Also you're definitely getting punished for that and I don't plan on being nice about it~." She said loudly. "Mo—I mean Eł!!" I said blushing profusely as she made me look up at her. "It's Mistress for today darling." She said kissing my nose. I turned a deep red as everyone in the car Oooo'd at us. "I—ye—yes ma'am." I struggled to answer her.

"Don't look so nervous baby. Since you felt so bad I decided to make it a funishment." She said sliding her hand around my throat and squeezing lightly, releasing her grip as we pulled into the school parking. "I-I......so why......" I trailed off unsure of what to say. I was a beet red and I felt like everyone was staring at me. I hid my face in my sweater as she chuckled at me. "It's not funny!" I shouted from inside the clothing, she continued to laugh as I whined. "You're mean!" I said muffled in my sweater. "Awwww my gorgeous puppy. You're cute to me either way." She said as she got in really close to my face, I blushed extremely red at the thought of her kissing me. Just as she was going to kiss me she stopped. "Come now it's time for class." She said getting up and helping me up as she got out of the car. "Shit my phone. Baby can you hand it to me?" She asked me, pointing to it on the floor. "Sure." I said as I handed it to her. I saw her screen flash and the name "Grey" popped up. Why the hell was she texting him of all people??? "Thank you." She said taking it and typing away. I saw her texting him and I tried my hardest to ignore it but I couldn't help it. "Eł......." my voice trailed off as we walked in the direction of my first period. She was still typing away as she looked to me. "Yes my sweet pet?" She asked distractedly. "Why are you texting Grey?...." I asked quietly. She froze at the question before sighing and pulling me off to the side away from lingering ears. "I didn't wanna say anything too soon but Grey came to me for help. He's trying to change his ways and I'm trying to help him." I stared at her in disbelief, she was ACTUALLY serious about this. "How......how could you say that?? After everything he's done to your friend?!" I couldn't believe what I heard. She put her hands on my shoulders and pulled me into her. I was lost in her scent as she pet my head softly. "Please trust me on this baby. I promise you're the only one for me and when this is all over I'll explain everything ok??" She pleaded with me. I could see the pain in her face and hear the hope in her words. I knew it was weird but I trusted her more than anything. "I'll do it for you Eł. I love you." I said to her as I melted into her hug. "Thank you baby. I love you too and I promise this wait will be worth it." She hugged me again before tapping my butt lightly. "Come on sweet heart it's time for class." She said picking me up and placing me softly on my feet. She was so gentle sometimes it surprised me how much of a sadist she could be. Eł dropped me off at class and I watched her leave before heading to my seat. "Bye bye mommy." I thought wishing she could hear me.

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