Finally home

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**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I finally got home and it was about 11pm. I woke Don and Tyler up so they could each grab their own personal brat after we finished bringing in the bags. We decided to separate everything that weekend. I was beyond tired so I said goodnight to the guys and tiptoed upstairs so I wouldn't wake any of the kids. I stripped off my clothes and got in bed with Matthew. It was way too late to be doing any kind of funishment so I decided to put a pin in that. I also needed to have a serious conversation with Matthew about what happened at the mall today, I knew he was needy and clingy, what little wasn't? But this felt like something else, he had clear issues with anyone who wasn't me when he was in little space and he didn't seem too happy about not being able to slip and/or leave little space when he wanted to. Also I noticed he was hungry when we first got to the mall yet he chose not to eat? That's also something I'd need to talk to him about, but that talk would have to wait until morning. I'd already stripped Matt and he whined for his pacifier and I gave it to him and he cuddled into me as we both drifted off into sleep.

                        **Matthews POV**
I woke up the next morning and mommy wasn't there. I called for her but no answer and as much as I hated it I started to cry, it was hard to see because I hadn't cried in so long (especially not in little space) but I couldn't help it. As much as I loved Rëd I hated this feeling.........I felt so weak and out of control......what if she thought I was too dependent and left??? Wouldnt be the first time unfortunately............I couldn't bare the thought of losing her. Maybe if I could be just a LITTLE more independent then mommy would love me more and she'd plan was good I just don't know how I should go about doing it. I pondered for as long as I could but thinking of mommy was so distracting. That's when I realized what time and day it was! I was late for school! I ran to the kitchen after throwing on some clothes, I had checked everyone's rooms already but they were all gone..... I saw a note from mommy on the fridge. "Hey baby boy, I know you had a rough day yesterday so I thought you might need a mental day from school. Mommy loves you and I want you to behave while I'm gone! It's Wednesday so we'll be home early and I'll text you and call once I'm on the bus.
Love Mommy <3
P.S. I made you breakfast and lunch plus snacks for while I'm gone. Also a bottle in case you feel extra little today. Be home soon baby XO."
I was sad mommy had left me but I appreciated that she was giving me a break and from her letter she's probably gonna punish me for yesterday.......I took it too far with my emotions and now mommy probably hates me and Donny too......I decided to avoid it while I could and looked for the food mommy made. She left me oatmeal on the favorite and somehow it was still warm (including the bowl she made me). I took it to the table and ate 3 whole bowls, usually I don't eat that much but mommy's oatmeal was really really good and I also saw that she texted me. Basically what she said in the note, to be a good boy for her and I'd get a special surprise. She also reminded me about my funishment and I felt a shiver down my spine when I realized I'd run off from mommy yesterday.......I couldn't help it even tho I knew it was dangerous...When something caught my attention I can't help but just go to it. I hoped mommy would understand but I was nervous. What if she hated me?? Or wanted to break up cause she thought I was too annoying or too misbehaved??? I tried to ignore these thoughts and called mommy hoping she'd answer but unfortunately for me her phone went straight to voice mail. I texted mommy to let her know I ate breakfast and even had three whole bowls.
Texts between Matthew and Rëd
Matthew: Mommy I ate breakfast! I had 3 whole bowls of oat meal!

Rëd: Good job little one. Mommy's really proud of you.

Matthew: Tanks mommy!!
Matthew: Why you no answer my call mommy🥺🥺🥺

Rëd: You're welcome kitten. Also mommy is in class right now and I was taking a quiz so I couldn't answer. I'll be home soon though baby. Have you had any water today little one?

Matthew: But mommy I miss U🥺🥺
Matthew: How long till schools over?????
Matthew: I no have water today.......

Rëd: I miss you too baby and school will be over in a couple hours. Why haven't you had any water today my love?

Matthew: I wan juice mommy🥺🥺🥺 and that too long can't u come home now?

Rëd: Well baby I have to take the bus home so I won't be there until about 1:30. And you aren't getting any juice until you have at least 2 bottles of water. You need to rehydrate especially with all the crying you did yesterday.

Matthew: Mommy that's not fair I wan juice😡😡😡 and I can't help crying🥺
Matthew: Also 1:30 is like a million hours from now

Rëd: I know you can't baby and it's always ok if you need to cry but you gotta make sure you're hydrated otherwise you'll get headaches from the crying. Plus your body needs water to help keep you healthy.
Rëd: Baby it's 10:30 so that means I'll be home in 3 hours.

Matthew: that's still forevers momma and I still no wan water I wan my juice😡😡😡😡😡😡

Rëd: Don't worry baby time will fly by you'll see and I'm not telling you again. Either you have some water or you can say good bye to your juice for the night.

Matthew: we cuddle when you get home mommy?
Matthew: NO I wan juice🥺🥺🥺🥺

Rëd: I said what I said brat. If you haven't had two bottles of water by the time I get home your funishment will become a punishment and you'll lose your juice for three days. Also if you keep up this attitude I'll be adding daily naps to your rules.

Matthew: Nuuuuuu I'll be good mommy I pwomise!!!!

Rëd: That's my good boy. Now make sure you have two bottles of water before I get home little one and lunch at 12 ok? I love you and I'm heading to gym so I gotta go I love you baby bye😘

Matthew: I love you too momma🥺🖤

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