The Punishment

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              **Still Elaine (Rëds) POV**
"Ba-I mean Matthew. This is your last warning." I said sternly but still gentle, I wasn't about using fear to get respect, especially not from someone I was pretty sure was a little. He continued to ignore me and as upset as I was I couldn't help but see those emerald green eyes and stop mid motion as my heart softened, I wanted to ignore my heart and my head......but I couldn't help it.........I was in love with him. I tried to focus on getting him out of here before the girls crowded the locker room. Especially since Cherry was in this class. "Matthew we need to leave now and you have work to catch up on so let's GO!" I said sternly with a warning tone in my voice. I did love him but I didn't tolerate disobedience. He ignored me and continued to "sleep". We only had four minutes until this room was full. I was tired of asking and at this point he'd forced my hand. I removed him from my lap and slammed him onto the bench underneath us, not hard of course just enough to wake him from the fake sleep. I had him laid across the bench and on his stomach I felt him throbbing as he whined and wiggled trying to get away. I sat on his lower back and pressed into him gently as I held his arms behind his back. I leaned over and whispered in his ear "I've had ENOUGH of your attitude little one and unless you want me to turn your ass as red as your face is right now then I suggest you get up before your ass ends up ACROSS my lap."

He turned a deep shade of red before slowly nodding. I got off of him and slapped his ass lightly but hard enough to sting. "Use your words Matthew." I put my hand under his chin and made him look at me as I spoke with a calm yet warning laced tone in case he took my threat too lightly.

**Matthews POV**
~Little one~ those words rang through my ears as she whispered them softly to me. I could tell by her calm tone that she meant business.....I knew I was a brat and she wasted no time reminding me of that, and the punishments that would follow........... I couldn't help but blush an embarrassingly deep shade of red.....all she'd done was speak and I was out of things to say. She'd been so rough but somehow gentle, like she didn't want to punish me but had no choice.........I looked up as she forced me to look at her. Her eyes were a beauty of their own. Gold up close but green far away, she certainly had a knack for giving looks, I felt her gaze on me as I laid there, I was brought back by a stinging pain on my ass. She had ACTUALLY spanked me. I tried to hold back tears, and gave a soft "Ye-Yes ma'am" to her question. The sting wasn't too painful but she certainly knew how to make it last......

**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
I saw what looked like tears form in his eyes as he gave me a soft "Ye-Yes ma'am". I felt a pain in my heart. I'd done it again, I'd only known him a day and made him cry twice. I rubbed his ass softly and spoke even softer"Sweetie are you alright? Did mo-I mean I hit you a little too hard cutie?" I needed to watch what I said, he wasn't my baby, I knew he wasn't owned but that didn't make him single or free, and it certainly didn't mean he was looking, especially at me........I moved up to his back and rubbed in small circles. I was surprised to see him reach out to me, for a second it almost looked like he made grabby hands for me. I picked him and grabbed our stuff before quickly sneaking out of the locker room. I was just in time as a sea of younger students flooded the hallways. I took Matthew with me to class as fast as possible so no one would see me carrying him and get the wrong idea. We got to Mrs.Becks class in record time. I put Matthew in my seat and left him his stuff, after making sure he was comfortable and no longer upset about before I said goodbye and was headed for the door.......

**Matthews POV**
Mo-I mean Rëd comforted me after everything. I told her I was ok and that I was just surprised it hurt. I also let her know that I was ok with any nickname she called me. As long as she didn't say it to anyone else. I didn't say the last part out loud but I thought it really hard and Rëd may not know I'm little yet but I hoped maybe I could get her to like me, even if it wasn't all of me just yet. She sat me down in her usual seat and petted my hair softly before saying goodbye. Except.........I didn't want her to leave! I whined in the hopes of getting her attention, something about her always sent me to little space and sometimes........sub space (I hadn't been there in a while so it was always surprising to me). I saw her turn so I whined louder. I knew I was in school but I didn't care! I didn't want her to leave me........... ever! She looked at me with confusion, slight surprise and..........lust?! I blushed at her expression; and made grabby hands for her. She came over to me, but she was taking FOREVERRRRRR! I whined harder and glared at her. She chuckled then gave me a warning look. I blushed and went back to grabby hands..........but out of impatience not obedience. She finally got to me after what seemed like a hundred years and gave me a hug. I hugged back super tight. She was warm and her breathing was so calm. She smiled of cinnamon and strawberries. I loved her hugs, her embrace was surprisingly warm yet I was told she was so cold. After a little while longer she pat my head and whispered "I have to go kitten." I whined "NOOOOO!" And held on tighter. If she wanted to leave me that badly she was gonna have to try harder than that.
**Elaines (Rëds) POV**
I was seriously trying to study but this kid did NOT give up. He whined as I was leaving; but I didn't have a choice. I mean this was my study hall for a reason! But.........I couldn't resist that call. I knew he wanted me and was not going to me leave otherwise. I went back to give him a final hug. Only to have him attempt a tantrum because apparently I was moving to slowly. I loved brats for this reason, their love was different but in the best kind of way........and Matthew was definitely proof of that. He did straighten up and attempted to win me back over with more grabby hands. Clever boy.....I gave him a hug and told him I'd have to go. He decided to fall out and hold on to me for dear life. I tried to get him off but it was no use, the boy was determined and it was adorable. I sighed..........he was going to be a problem, I could already see it. Yet I was never going to stop trying to solve him. Class was starting soon but I couldn't go with him attached to me but I couldn't stay here to study, he'd never be able to focus with us talking and he never actually ate lunch! God he wasn't even mine yet and I was already starving him. A lightbulb went off in my head as I sat down with him still hanging on. "Baby.........I'll stay!" He cheered. "There are a few rules however."
**Matthews POV**
"RULES?!" I screamed! How could she do this???

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