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**Elaine (Rëds) POV**
After I washed his hair and mine I soaped us both up a couple of times before emptying the bath and drying us both off. Matt hated the cold so I made sure to pick out his outfit before hand so he wouldn't be cold. I was sure he didn't need diapers but just in case I made sure to remind him to tell me if he needed to use to rest room and I'd ask every hour or so to avoid accidents.

I picked out all black for him today with the black boxers and a paci to match

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I picked out all black for him today with the black boxers and a paci to match. The raccoon was a stuffie I'd gotten him, it was the reward I'd promised him for doing his class work. He named him Randy after the one from Pocahontas, he loved him. Although his favorite animal was sharks. Randy was the first stuffie I ever got him. After he got I dressed I helped him put on his shoes. He pouted once he realized I wasn't letting him wear his slippers. I chuckled at his cuteness and he stuck his tongue out at me in reprimand. I stuck mine back out at him and he furrowed his brows at me before continuing his pout party. After I finished putting on his shoes he yawned and laid down while I started getting dressed myself.

Matt watched and I laughed at how wide his eyes got as he watched me change

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Matt watched and I laughed at how wide his eyes got as he watched me change. "See something you like little one?" I asked already knowing the answer. He shrugged a little, his face turning red as he looked at the floor. A tent growing between his legs more and more the longer he sat that. It really was an amazing feeling to be able to turn him on with just a look or an outfit change. I finished getting dressed and put on some perfume as well. Matt didn't like wearing cologne but I didn't mind. His natural scent was a cologne in itself and the smell intoxicating. "Come on little one" I called out to him once I was done, but he refused to get off the bed. "Awww is baby too little to get off the bed by himself?" I cooed at him as he blushed and tried to hide his face in me. It was adorable that he still tried to hide in me even when I was the one "embarrassing" him. "Come on my sweet boy, mommy will help you down ok?" I asked quietly. He hesitated for a second. "Cawry me momma?" He asked in a whisper. I almost didn't hear him, but I was glad he was talking again. I didn't mind when he went non verbal it was very very adorable to me, and I loved how shy he was with every one but me. He was beyond precious.

I picked up my precious demon and we headed downstairs. I see Tyler and Max already waiting downstairs. Max was running around like crazy and I could see the excitement coming off him, it was so cute. I could also see that he was extra little today. I looked to Tyler, "Hey man......I just wanted to look like shit." I busted out laughing as Tyler glared at me. "What happened to not cussing in front of the kids?" Tyler smirked. Shit....he was right. "You're right my bad." I said. Tyler laughed, "Never thought I'd see you breaking your own rules Rëd." I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh shut up! And where are Lily and Don?" I asked. "Upstairs." Tyler stated. "Punishment?" I questioned. I knew lily was a brat but Don was a soft Dom and just a softie in general for her. She must have really fucked up again. "More like a funishment............she was acting out because Max got to make the plans for today and then Don kept telling her to behave and then made her apologize, then she apologized to Max and said "I'm sorry my daddy's so nosy Maxie." And well....she got dragged upstairs after that." Tyler said calmly. I was at a loss for words. "Hold him for a second please. I passed Matthew to Tyler and got outside, and closed the door just in time! I howled with laughter for about five minutes before I could compose myself! I swear Don and Li were a match made in heaven!

I went back inside only to see a crying Matthew and a panicked Tyler. Max was passed out on the couch from exhaustion, I guess all that running around finally took him out, but I'm sure Tyler could use the break. Luckily Max was out like a light so he wouldn't be woken up by this. "Hey bubba. Why all the tears sweet boy?" I asked him softly. He didn't say a word just jumped into my arms and wrapped around me tightly. "My poor baby. I take it you missed me huh?" I rubbed his back in slow circles hoping to calm him down. He nodded quickly as he hid in his neck. I could feel the tears streaming down his face. "Shhh baby it's ok...mommy's right here little one. I'm not going anywhere I promise." He only held on tighter but I was happy to hear his tears slowing. "Thanks for holding him Ty. Sorry you keep getting beat up." I said. "It's fine Rëd. He didn't hit me in the face this time so I'd say he's warming up to me." Tyler smiled big. "Maybe one  day the little guy will even look me in the eye!" Tyler exclaimed. I laughed as I rocked Matthew slowly. "Well I think he'll like you a lot more once he's bigger Ty. He fell way past his usual headspace. So far he can't even tell me his age! But he's really non verbal and even clingier than usual, which is saying a lot for him. We were having playtime when you came up and he was already deep in sub space and apparently super regressed. Which is why he freaked out once I picked him up, he thought I was giving him to you. So I'm sorry about that." I said apologetically.

"It's fine Eł, don't worry about it. I know the little guy didn't do it on purpose, Max is the same way when he's that deep in sub and little space." Tyler explained. "I just feel bad, he's been clinging to me ever since, which I don't mind but he hasn't been talking either. Like he literally can't." I said a little concerned. "Hmmm. This happened with my ex when she was little her first few months after playtime. When it's interrupted and they don't finish then they just get stuck. You just have to give him time but he's ok!" Tyler tried to reassure me. "Are you sure? I'm worried." I said. My nerves were getting worse. "Alright I can't see you like this, let me try something that used to work with my ex." Tyler said. I'd try anything at this point so I sat at the table and placed Matt in my lap, he had his pacifier in and was snoring lightly. "Sit him up." Tyler stated. I was confused but I did it anyway. Tyler took the pacifier out, which woke up Matthew, before I could object Tyler covered his eyes then said "boo." very gently. Then a little louder "Boo." I looked at Matt and saw his tears being blinked away as he looked in confusion to Tyler's strange antics. Again Tyler repeated his words softly then normally and he did this about three more times before finally going "BOO! Peek-a-boo! I see you!" And then booped Matthew lightly on his nose. I expected Matt to cry at the noise but he actually........laughed?! Tyler cooed at his laughter and again started the boo cycle and again Matt laughed, even harder than before. I could only stare in amazement.

Tyler booped his nose again before stopping. Matt poked him and pulled him trying to get a reaction. I saw him getting frustrated and expected tears to follow. Only he surprised me. He turned around, and looked me dead in the eye. "MOMMY! The funny noises stopped!" He said as he pouted at me, clearly expecting me to punish Tyler for his actions. I looked at Tyler too shocked to speak. "MOMMYYYY! Why aren't you hwlping?!" Matt screamed at me. I laughed as he glared at me, unsatisfied with my  response to his pouts. "Hi my big boy! Mommy missed you! Can you tell mommy how old you are???" I was so glad to have him back. He furrowed his brows at me. "I din go no where momma! And I'm tree! And I not big I mommy's baby!" He stated proudly and matter of factly. "Oh of course you are my prince! Mommy is sorry." I said just happy to have my little boy back. "And thank you Tyler! I owe you big time! You helped me get my baby back!" I hugged him tightly. "Rëd you're kinda choking me." Tyler said. "Oops sorry." I let him go as he dramatically gasped for air. I rolled my eyes at him. "But it was really no problem! I mean if it weren't for you I never would have had the courage to come out to Max! You're the reason he pursued me!" Tyler said while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I knew you guys would be perfect for each other! So I had to set it up! Max deserved better after everything with Cherry and Heather." I said. Tyler nodded in agreement. "I really couldn't thank you enough though. I really love him...." Tyler blushed realizing what he'd just admitted.

"Awww Tyler!" I exclaimed . "Yea I wanted to take him to some of his favorite places and then surprise him to a visit to this little shop one of my friends recommended. It's got toys, implements, and all kinds of little stuff!" Tyler said happily. "Wow Ty. Is that why you've been working so hard?" I questioned. "Yeaaaa." Tyler blushed. "I'm being given an actual job at my internship now! I'll be making way more and I can finally be a proper Daddy for Max and get him everything he needs!" Tyler said excitedly. "Awwww Ty you already were perfect to him!" I said and gave him a hug. "Mommy I wan hug too!" We heard Matt scream from my lap. I laughed and hugged him too. Just then Don came downstairs with Lily asleep in his arms. "Finally ready to go I see?" I stated smugly to Don. He mouthed fuck you to me and I pretended to be offended as I pretended to gasp with surprise. Tyler laughed as he watched, "I'll grab the car." He said. "I've got the kids!" I said next. "I guess that leaves me in charge of the car seats and the kids things." Don sighed dramatically. "Meet again in 10 minutes." We said in unison, and then we all went on to our assignments.

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