The Make Up

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**Matthews POV**

Ełaine apologized for missing most of our date and promised to explain everything and to make it up to me. She let me sit on her lap all through third and fourth period. I got pets, scratches, and even some candy (which she rarely let me have at school). She babied me the whole bus ride home and sang me to sleep. It was hard to pretend to be mad at her when she was being so sweet. I couldn't believe this was the same girl who made me cry my first day of school. Once we got home the games continued.

"EŁAINE!!! Get off me!!!" I squealed with laughter as she'd pinned me down. She was alot stronger than she looked. "Not until you admit that you're a bottom." She said smugly. "NEVER!" I said giggling. "Ohhh really?" She questioned. I heard the evil lacing her voice. "YES! I'm not a bottom, or a sub or a baby!!" I screamed victoriously, which was harder to do from underneath her but I managed. "Sigh. You're so cute like this baby. It almost makes me feel bad for what I'm about to do." She whispered in my ear. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. I was kind of scared but even more than that I was excited to see what she'd planned. Eł was as creative as she was scary and both were qualities that made her even hotter to me. "Eł....Eł? EŁAINE??!" I couldn't feel her on my back anymore but I knew better than to move. I was sitting there trying not to fall asleep (she thought it'd be funny to blindfold me). I yawned and felt myself getting sleepier. I thought about closing my eyes, just for a few minutes, I got comfortable and yawned again. "Just a few minutes." I said to myself. "Not on my watch kitten." I heard from behind me. "Ełłłłłłłł......" I said sleepily. "Awww baby. Are you tired already?" She asked while laughing. I knew she already knew the answer but she liked to ask me anyway. It made me feel happy that she wanted my opinion and whether or not she knew the answer or my response......usually both with her. She still cared enough to hear me out. "I'm not *yawn* tired." I said. The yawn in the middle of that sentence certainly didn't help. "Are you sure baby?" She asked softly while petting my hair. "Well I wasn't until you started doing that." I said blushing. "Not my fault you like me doing it." She smirked and continued. "Well it's not MY fault you blindfolded me and left me here for an hour!" I said while rolling my eyes, which she couldnt really see since I was blindfolded but still.

I heard her laughing as she pulled off my blindfold. She was smiling at me and I could see the evil in her eyes. "Ełaine.....?" I tried to back away but she grabbed my leg and pulled me down, she caught my head with her hand and laid me gently onto the floor, her hand felt gently over my body and I moaned "......mommy". She slapped me across the face as she slid her hand around my throat "Not today slut. Consider this my apology." She smiled again and I whimpered. I don't know if it was out of fear or excitement....maybe both? She let my throat go "Do you remember your safe words baby?" She asked softly. "Yes ma'am." I said. "Are you sure baby?" She said looking me over. She knew I got overwhelmed easily with her and liked to double check that I wouldn't forget. We also had a safe word in case I forgot my safe word. That word was "safe word" so she'd know I forgot and would go straight into aftercare. "Yes ma'am." I nodded. She pet me softly "That's my good boy" she sang. She continued to pet me as her other hand explored my body, I clenched my teeth at the feeling and tried to hold in my noises I felt her hands begin to explore together as one went to my throat again and the other into my pants. She slowly rubbed over the top of my boxers and I could no longer hold in the feeling. I moaned slightly and felt her hand tighten around my throat, I tried to close my legs and she spread them again (even wider than before). "If you get in my way again you'll be in a spreader bar next time. Understand slut?" She whispered in my ear. I nodded fast, as I moved my hips trying to feel her hand again with that same friction. She slapped me again, even harder than before and I cried out. "I asked you a question didnt I?" She snarled. Her hand gripped my throat as the one between my legs grabbed me roughly. I felt myself stiffening at the feeling. "I can feel how much you like this slut. The same way you're telling me how you want me to use you is the same way you can answer my question." She said stroking me roughly. "Understood?" She asked. I whimpered and wiggled in her hands and she held me down by my throat while her other hand quickly went from outside my boxers to inside. "You'll be stuck like this until I get my answer whore." She smiled as she began to gently play with my tip, causing me to moan from the feeling. Shed barely touched me and I already felt so close. "I'm sorry! Yes I want you to use me mistress please! Please please please!" I pleaded with her. She smiled at the nickname and lightened her grip on my throat. "That's my good little pet" she kissed me on the lips and I whined when she pulled away. I pouted and gave my best puppy eyes. "Awwww my little pillow prince" she smiled and kissed me again as her hand circled my tip and I moaned into her mouth.

She pulled off my pants and boxers. I whimpered as my hardened length popped from underneath the cover of my clothing. She knew how sensitive I was (in that area) especially with her and loved to tease me about it. Just her removing my clothes made my length grow and I moaned at the feeling of her being so close to me. "Aww baby. You have to stop being so easy." She smiled down at me. I turned a bright red and whined. She grabbed my face and forced me to look at her "Now now kitty. I much prefer your purring to your yowling." She said as her hand slid down my body and she traced my shaft with her finger and teased my tip lightly with her thumb swirling it. I whined and wiggled hoping I could get her to do more. She was always teasing me and I whined and whined but she never cared. "Awww my Kitty was purring but now it seems to be yowling again." She said smugly. I knew the only way I'd get anywhere with her was begging. It was her favorite because it was enthusiastic consent and she just liked making me squirm, she was so cruel but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. "Mistress......can you please touch me?" I asked softly. She paused for a second and turned to me with an evil smile covering her face, she really did scare the shit out of me sometimes. "Oh my slutty puppy. I'm already touching you. What more could you POSSIBLY want?" She said. "Mistress please........I want more..... please. I can't wait's hurting." I gave my best puppy dog eyes as I begged and could see her softening expression in her eyes. She switched from one finger and a thumb to her whole hand stroking me in a slow then fast rhythm I whimpered and rocked my hips trying to get more friction. "If you want more puppy then you have to tell me EXACTLY what you want." She said grinning. I whined and turned a deep red at the thought, she knew how hard it was for me to do that, especially mid scene but I couldn't help but love that she did it. You could never go wrong with a little (consensual) humiliation. "I—I want...." I was so caught in the stroking rhythm and was holding on to my orgasm by a thread. I knew better than to finish without permission........ especially when Eł was in Mistress mode. "I-I-I. Aw the poor slut can't get their words out? I guess nothing is as easy as a useless whore like you. It's so cute how pathetic you look trying to hold your orgasm and speak for me." She said softly and playing with my hair, she never stopped stroking me, and I began to cry at her words. "Please Mistress....I just want to be inside you and feel the warmth that comes from you. I need it please please I'll do anything please." I pleaded as more tears fell. She licked my tears away and finally stopped stroking me. "Since you were so good for me I'll do you one better." She whispered in my ear.

I cocked my head in confusion trying to understand what she might have meant and moaned aloud as I realized what she was referring to. I felt the soft insides of her mouth and tongue as she sucked lightly on my tip and swirled her tongue around it. She slowly licked up and down my shaft while her hand massaged my balls softly and slowly. She deep throated me for a few seconds before moving on to my balls and slowly sucking on them and stroking me again at a fast pace. I moaned at the feelings and could barely sit still as she tasted me slowly and I lost more and more control of my orgasm. I could feel myself leaking as she deep throated me again and went faster than before and swirling her tongue around my dick as she came up for air. "Pl-please Mistress....I-I I'm so close please let me finish inside you....Please please please." I pleaded with the little bit of remaining strength I had. She pet my hair and I melted into her touch. "Aawww look at my good little puppy being such a good boy for me." She petted me more and moved the pillows off the bed so I could lay all the way down. "Lay down pet." She instructed me. I laid on my back immediately and she praised me and gave me a kiss as a treat. "Good boy." She said "Oh and one more thing pet. Cum for me." She whispered in my ear and left a hickey on me before riding me into oblivion. She slid onto my dick and we moaned in unison. I felt her gripping, tightening and adjusting to my length inside her. She then started to ride me and I felt the (light) friction of her clit against my body and her wetness growing as she rode me. I screamed in ecstasy as I exploded inside her and felt myself pulsating for a few minutes. I had scratched her back as I was cumming and grabbed her waist moving her hips and mine in an infinite unison and she moaned and panted as she reached her high and came on my dick. She lifted herself off of me and pulled me into her. She covered me in kisses and told me how much she loved me and that I was her good boy and asked if I knew she loved me. I of course said yes and she went off to grab us a towel. We cleaned up and she told me she'd give me a bath tonight and played in my hair and sang me to sleep as part of our aftercare routine and I passed out in her arms as we took a nap together.

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