Bandstand Rehearsals

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"Elliott, you want to go see daddy at work today?" I said as I cuddled my son. He clapped his little hands together, something Corey had recently taught him and I smiled. Corey came back from his walk with Theo giving both of us kisses. I put Elliott on the floor to play with our dog as they loved each other. Theo was so gentle with Elliott and would always protect him, especially when people came over. Elliott was now able to sit upright on the floor unsupported and even was slowly learning to crawl too and would occasionally, but slowly make his way around the room. Theo sat beside Elliott calmly and Elliott petted his dog. Theo was like a best friend to Elliott and they were the sweetest pair together. I wrapped Corey up in a hug and smiled at him as I rested my chin on his chest.

"My cuddle bug."

"Yet another new nickname for me?" I smiled.

"I kinda came up with it while you were pregnant as you needed lots of cuddles. But I just never really told you. But you love cuddles anyway and so you're my cuddle bug."

"I love it. And you're my cuddly bear. You give the most incredible bear hugs and I love them." He kissed my forehead then my lips. "Now, we need to get going. You've got rehearsals." I picked up the diaper bag with everything we may need and Corey picked up Elliott putting him in his car seat. Usually Corey got the subway in, but with Elliott and a stroller we decided it would be best to just take the car. I handed Elliott a toy as I strapped him in and he giggled loudly. "It's going to be fun trying to keep him quiet today." I chuckled.

"I'm sure he will be fine. When he's watching me play piano and sing while you were at wicked he'd always be really quiet and clap at the end. So he's already learning theatre etiquette."

"I guess that's what you get for being the kid of two actors." I smiled and we started our journey to the rehearsal studio. Once there I put Elliott in his stroller and we walked from the car park to the studio. I pushed the stroller while Corey kept his hand on my lower back. I'd occasionally smile up at him and I honestly felt like I was back in 2011 when I first met him. He looked at me now the same way he did way back then. He'd rest his hand on my back just like when we started dating. The only difference was that we were now married and that we had our little boy. We went up and headed in. A few people were already there and Laura ran over.

"Oh my gosh. I forgot you two were coming today." Laura quickly hugged me and then took Elliott out the stroller and held him. "Hey handsome. You're growing up so much." Elliott giggled and clapped his hands together as Laura looked up at Corey and I in shock.

"Oh yeah. His new skill Corey's been teaching him. Clearly just in time for today." I chuckled. Elliott loved Laura so much and so he was as happy as could be cuddled up in her arms.

"Has he started crawling yet?"

"A little bit. Put him down and go a couple feet away and I'm sure he will try to crawl to you." Laura did just that and I sat a few feet away in a different direction. "Elliott, go to Aunty Laura." I said softly.

"Laura, take this, it will encourage him." Corey said tossing her his teddy. The moment she showed Elliott the toy he began to some what army crawl his way across the floor to her. "Yay. Good boy." Corey smiled, his eyes full of pride. I stood up as did Laura and she picked up Elliott and gave him little kisses. She then handed him back to Corey as Elliott was reaching for his dad, missing him already. Corey and I went around the rehearsal room introducing everyone to Elliott as a lot of them hadn't met him yet. He then went and stood with the 5 other boys who were part of the band who had all met him before.

"He's so adorable." Geoff said softly. "Reminds me of when Grady was a baby."

"And growing up so much." Nathan smiled.

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now