Hold loved ones close

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I woke up as usual and got myself ready for work. Once dressed and ready I went to Elliott's nursery and picked him up from his crib. As usual he was sat in his crib playing with some of his stuffed animals. "MAMA!" He said while giggling.

"Morning buddy." I held him close as I walked over to the changing table. "I love you. And I'll miss you today. But you have daddy here to play with and I know how much you love daddy."

"Dada." He said as I finished changing him.

"Yeah. Dada." I smiled and I kissed him before putting on a cute outfit for the day. "You, my little boy, are adorable." I carried him downstairs and put him in his high chair making breakfast for all three of us. Corey was out taking Theo on a walk as usual by now. Sometimes I wished he'd wait til I'd left for work but with Elliott still in a stroller mostly it was difficult for him to go out with Elliott and Theo by himself. I gave Elliott his breakfast and then sat beside him as Corey came in.

"Good morning to my beautiful wife and my adorable son." He said coming over and giving Elliott a little kiss then me.

"Morning Cor." I said softly before kissing him again.

"When does work finish today?" He said putting an arm around me.

"5. I'll try to be out as fast as possible so I get time with you. But I can't promise anything, it depends how work actually goes."

"Alright, well hopefully we will get a bit of time together, and if not, Sunday is only 3 days away my love."

"I know. It's just so hard, being away from Elliott is one thing. But being away from you, all day every day, I miss you so much. I miss having you beside me, I miss our cuddles, our chats, just having time together. Even if that's time when we're busy cooking or cleaning the house, it's still time together."

"I know Katie. And I miss it so much too. I really do. And I wish things weren't this way, but we have bills to pay. And with ticket sales not being great, I don't know how much longer Bandstand will stay open."

"I know. And that sucks. But that's why I'm doing this. I hate it. I hate being away from my family. But bills have to be paid and we need the money saved up for when you don't have a job. Anyway, breakfast is ready." I said pointing at his breakfast on the table.

"Thank you Angel." I finished my breakfast and then put food and water out for Theo having forgotten to do that for him before I sat down. Soon Elliott finished up and so I took him out his high chair, cleaned him up, and played with him a little before I had to leave for work. I gave him kisses and stood up putting my jacket on and grabbing my bag. "I love you Angel." Corey said coming over to me. "I love you so much. I hope you have a good day at work. I'll be thinking about you all day, like I do every day. You're my world. You're my best friend. You're my beautiful wife. And I love you."

"I love you too Corey. You're my everything. So is Elliott. And everything I do is so I can give him the life he deserves, and the future we deserve. I'll be thinking of my three boys the whole time. You're the best, most supportive man I've ever known and I'm lucky to have you. I know I couldn't get though this if you weren't here beside me. You're my everything Cor." I hugged him tightly before giving him a soft and loving kiss. "I love you." I picked up Elliott off the floor. "I love you little one. I'll see you later. Be a good boy for daddy." I gave him little kisses and handed him to Corey. "Bye."

"Can you wave bye bye to mommy?" Corey said to Elliott.

"Ba Ba mama." He said waving. I smiled and kissed his forehead then Corey's lips before leaving for good. I headed to the subway station and then to work. I was currently working at target, and I enjoyed it. It was often actually quite fun, I'd often get to see the first things reduced and would then buy them for the house, or more often than not, things for Elliott like clothes and toys. Today however was not one of those good days. I had several stroppy customers start getting angry at me when I was just doing my job, some kid knocked over an entire display I'd just set up so I had to re-do it all and I got into a fight with a co-worker over the fact she stole my lunch from the fridge that Corey always so lovingly made me every evening before he left for the theatre. The bag was clearly labelled 'Katie Cott' and I knew it was her because I saw her quickly toss the bag exactly as I walked in. I didn't care about the food so much, it was more that she had ripped up the note he'd always leave me. Those notes were what got me through the day with being away from him and Elliott. Having had an awful lunch I then wasn't feeling well, because I hadn't really eaten anything beside a few snacks I had in my bag. I struggled though the rest of the shift feeling worse than ever and just wanting to go home to my family. It got to the point where at 3, I straight up burst into tears while in the bathroom. I sat and sobbed for a good 10 minutes before attempting to get myself together. I went to restock some shelves when one of my co-workers who was a friend noticed my tear stained face.

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now