Lives Changed Forever

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Corey was out at their last rehearsals for bandstand before tech next week, I curled up over the toilet throwing up for the third day in a row. I went to text Laura hoping she could help me and then I realised she was in rehearsals with Corey. I thought back to when Kara was first pregnant and then sadly miscarried. She'd been sick every morning and then discovered she was pregnant. She told me, Kevin and our parents and that was it before she miscarried at 9 weeks. She was devastated. "Maybe I'm pregnant Theo," I said looking at our puppy who stood by the door. I picked myself up and got ready for the day, heading out to the pharmacy to get a few tests. I ran home and took them. While I waited I played on the bed with Theo. He loved the times we let him on our bed, he usually wasn't allowed up there. After 5 minutes I checked the tests. They were all positive. I put my hands on my belly. I couldn't believe it. Corey and I were having a baby together. I cried lightly and I picked up my phone and called him. It rang and rang when I realised he wouldn't pick up. Kara happened to the call me moments later.

"Hey Kara. What's up?"

"Can you come over. I need some help with something and Kev is at work."

"Sure sis. I'll be over in a moment. I'll bring Theo as well." I packed the test in my bag and went with Theo down a few blocks to Kara's. "Hey, how can I help?" I said once inside.

"Follow me, it's less that I need help, more I want to show you something." We walked to the spare room which had a crib in it and a dresser and an armchair.

"No way! Kara! Are you? Are you pregnant?"

"Yeah I am." She said softly. "And this one will be okay. I'm already 16 weeks so I should be fine." She took her sweater off revealing a baby bump. I quickly hugged her.

"Congratulations Kara! I'm so happy for you and Kev." I put my hands to my mouth and then cried.

"Katie?" She said coming to my side. "What's wrong?" She said resting her hand on her bump.

"Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect. Because we're.... we're... umm going to be having kids at the same time." I quickly grabbed the test out my bag and passed it at her. Placing my hands on my own belly, even though there was no bump yet.

"Oh my god! KATIE!" She squealed and hugged me tightly. "When did you find out?"

"This morning. I checked the test just before you called me. No one knows. Not even Corey. He's in rehearsals so won't pick up his phone, I wasn't planning on telling you today. But you told me and I couldn't hold it in. I've no idea how far along I am. But I'm going to me a mom. Just like you." I said, happy tears still falling. Kara wiped my eyes and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so happy for you sis. This is amazing. Now keep yourself healthy and hopefully everything will be okay with your little one."

"Yeah." I said hugging my big sister. "I don't know how to tell Corey or when to tell him."

"However you decide I know it will be perfect for you both."

"Have you told mom and dad yet?" I said looking at Kara.

"Yeah I have. But if you want me to be there when you tell them I will." I nodded and went over to the armchair and sat down with a sigh. She came over and put her hands on my shoulders. "What's going though your head? I can tell there's something going on in there by your posture." She said softly.

"So much." I admitted, "mainly how to tell Corey. And then when to tell mom and dad and all our friends. I obviously don't want to tell people too early. But I don't know low long I can hold this in. This is harder to keep a secret than the fact I was going to be on broadway. But I think I'm going to tell Laura, Ben and Elouise soon. They are my best friends, Laura is working with Corey obviously so having her know make make it easier for Corey to help keep it a secret."

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now