Boat Trip

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I sat in bed feeding my son as I did every morning. I looked across at Corey as he smiled at the two of us. "I can't believe how much he's grown. Our little 3 month old boy."

"I know. It's unbelievable." I said smiling at him. I soon was done feeding and I handed him to Corey to burp him. Purely because he would spit up less on Corey than he did on me. Once again Corey was lucky and had very little spit up. I wiped away what there was and watched as Corey held our little boy. "He's so perfect. And his dark hair, just like his daddy. He's got so much hair already. It's crazy." Elliott cuddled up against Corey's chest and I just beamed. Watching the two of the was the best thing in the world. Elliott loved Corey so much and always wanted to be with him and that made me so unbelievably happy and proud. "It's boat trip day." I said smiling at my boys.

"Yep. I can't believe we go home tomorrow. This has been the best vacation I think we've had. I know it wasn't as romantic as our honeymoon. But we have Elliott with us. And he's such a joy to be with."

"I know what you mean. It's our first holiday as a family, and that's super special." I said leaning against him, looking at Elliott in Corey's arms. I eventually got out of bed and got ready for the trip, I packed Elliott's diaper bag full of everything we'd need for him. I then packed all of my things in too and packed my small backpack with all my smaller personal items. I then took Elliott and played with him while Corey got himself ready for the day. "Cor love, do you own any other caps." I said as he put on his blue hat with rainbow stripes.

"Yeah. But this ones my favourite."

"Okay then. I like it, I was just curious as I've not seen you wear a different hat ever." He finished getting ready and Elliott began to cry I picked him up and changed him as I could smell that he'd done a poo. Once he was cleaned up and changed into a cute little stripy onesie the three of us left the hotel room to go get breakfast before our river cruise. I had a granola bowl and Corey had toast and I held Elliot in my lap as I ate. He occasionally looked up at me and I smiled a special cheeky smile I only gave to him which would always make him giggle a little. He giggled this time and my heart melted. At 9:30 we left the hotel and went down to the river for our trip. There were a few other couples on the trip with us, one of which also had a young child who must have been about 9 months old.

"This is going to be fun." Corey smiled as we took two seats together.

"Sure will be. Can you hold Elliott while I put sunscreen on him?" Corey took him from me and Elliott gave a little giggle. I smiled widely and applied suncream to his arms and legs. He fussed a little but Corey was able to relax him by rubbing his back. Once the boat began to move the three of us headed onto the rear deck. The sun was shining and it was a perfect day. I sat down on one of the loungers and Corey laid Elliott down on the other one and sat beside him to keep him safe. Corey would tickle his tummy which caused Elliott to giggle a lot. "He's such a giggly baby."

"He really is. It makes me so happy, knowing he's having a good time. And his little babbles are the cutest." I smiled and took some photos of them. I always loved photography and taking photos, but now I had Elliott it was so much more important for me to capture little moments that I could treasure forever. I'd brought a scrapbook when he was a month old and began filling it with memories and photos and I wanted to get a new scrapbook for every year of his life, filling it like a memory book for him. I knew it would be so special for him to look back on when he was older as I love looking though my old photos and memories. We relaxed for a while and soon the boat stopped at our first destination where we were having lunch. We all got off and it was actually Elliotts nap time so I fed him and he quickly fell asleep in my arms. We went to get lunch with the other people on our trip and they were all really friendly. At 1 Elliott woke up as we got back on the boat. It was really hot so Corey took his shirt off and then took Elliott from me. We stood at the back looking out at the river as we went down it.

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now