The Party

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"Okay, so Katie and Corey didn't plan on this. But Casey, Carly and I have decided we want you to play the shoe game." Kara said as Corey's siblings sorted the chairs out. "So each take a seat and remove your shoes, passing one to the other. We will ask you a series of questions and if the answer is Corey, you raise his shoe, if it's Katie, raise hers. I nodded and sat in my seat. Corey handed me his shoe and it stank.

"If one of the questions is who has the worse smelling feet it's Corey!" I said loudly raising the shoe above my head. Everyone laughed including Cor and I smiled.

"Okay. We will start easy." Kara said. "Who made the first move in the relationship?" I immediately raised Corey's shoe. Day one of Newsies Broadway rehearsals. "You both said Corey. Do you remember when?"

"2 weeks into rehearsals." He answered.

"You called me cute on day one, literally 30 minutes after we met." I counters back.

"You were blushing, and you were cute." I chuckled softly.

"Okay." Casey said. "Who said 'I love you first'?" I raised my shoe. "Both said Katie. You're doing well. We're now going to get a little harder."

"Who is the better dancer?" I paused and slowly raised my shoe. "Seemed a little unsure there Katie. Corey put your shoe up immediately." Carly smiled.

"We both do different styles. I mainly just tap, he's better at general musical theatre dance."

"Who's the better singer?" There was a bunch of 'Oohhs' of the audience. I couldn't decide and put both shoes up. "Ooh. Katie said both. Corey said Katie."

"Watch what happens is a killer of a song." Corey said looking at me.

"As is Santa Fe!" I retaliated.

"Moving on." Casey said. "Who's the better cook?" I immediately put up Corey's shoe. "Both said Corey. Which surprises me."

"Now, who's more likely to steal the covers on a cold night?" I put up my shoe. "You each said yourselves."

"Who wakes up first?" I quickly put up Corey's shoe.

"Just so I can watch Katie sleep peacefully in my arms. She's so cute when she's asleep." Corey said. I figured he'd put his shoe up too.

"Who spends more time on their phone?"

Again we both immediately put my shoe up.

"Her Instagram is killer, always makes me tear up with her sweet captions." Corey said softly.

"Okay, who has the best fashion sense?" I put up Corey's shoe. "Ohh, said each other."

"Who does the most house work?" I put my shoe up. "Both said Katie."

"Only because Corey has spent more time in shows and rehearsals than me. When we're both not in a job it's pretty even." I said smiling. We continued playing for a while until the three clearly were running out of questions.

"Who's better at keeping secrets." I just sat there not raising either shoe. There was a huge laugh. "Wow, neither of you." I laughed as did Corey. We were awful at keeping secrets.

"Okay last question, who is more romantic." I once again put up Corey's shoe. He was always so romantic. "And once again you said each other which is super cute." I smiled and handed Corey his shoe back as he gave me mine. I slipped the heels back on and hugged him.

"That was fun." I said kissing him softly. "And you're definitely the more romantic. You've planned the most romantic dates ever." I said softly.

"Well I think you're more romantic." He said kissing me again. "And I'm glad they organised that. It was very fun. Now, I think it's time for our first dance." We went and got some water and then went down onto the dance floor as our siblings cleared the chairs and we had our first dance. We struggled to choose a first dance song so we gave a selection to Kara and asked her to pick.

"Okay. So Katie and Corey couldn't pick a first dance song. So they gave me a list and asked me to pick and surprise them. But I took things a little above and beyond, and created a mash up of all their choices for their first dance. And when almost half your wedding party are broadway actors or upcoming performers, what better way to celebrate these two than some of their closest friends to sing and play for their first dance. So please welcome the entire bridal party, Ben, Elouise, Kevin, Laura, Casey, Carly and Jeremy. And extra credit to Carly who learnt how to play the piano for this medley, and Casey for learning it on guitar just for this."

"Oh my gosh." I said already tearing up. Corey smiled at me and took my hand as he wrapped his other arm around me. The group began to sing, perfect harmonies, our favourite love songs, and I was dancing with Corey. He held me close and a few sub-songs in I rested my head on his chest as we swayed from side to side. Corey whispered something in my ear as the song neared the end and I laughed. We went back into a regular hold before he unexpectedly spun me out and in before the song finished. I cried again and Corey and I kissed before clapping towards our friends. "Thank you so much." I cried as I went over and gave them all hugs. "You guys are the best."

"It was Carly and Casey's Idea." Kara said. "I told her that you'd asked me to pick a song and so she came up with the idea of the mash up, and then Casey suggested we all sang it. And the two agreed to learn the piano and guitar for it. Kevin did all the arrangements and the others gratefully learnt the song. So it was a major group effort."

"Thank you all so much. It was perfect." Corey said as we had a large group hug. We then had mother and son and father and daughter dances. Everyone else then joined us and we partied hard all night. During the evening I was sent some initial photos from our photographer as I'd requested a few to post on Instagram. I chose my favourite of Corey and I from the photos after ceremony and posted it.

*My Love, my Jack, my Cowboy, my Corey, my World, my Everything, my Husband! I feel blessed that I get to add that word onto the list of things I get to call you

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*My Love, my Jack, my Cowboy, my Corey, my World, my Everything, my Husband! I feel blessed that I get to add that word onto the list of things I get to call you. Being with you has been the greatest time of my life. And I can't believe that that time will now last forever. I've said since the very beginning of our relationship, 'I can't imagine life without you' and I'm so glad we get to spend the rest of our lives together as husband and wife. You gave me something to believe in Corey Cott. I love you. And thank you for choosing to believe in me.*

After lots of dancing we all sat on the floor or on chairs, I chose Corey's lap as he sat on the floor. We had a few more informal speeches which were more emotional as they were filled with stories from our relationship and our childhoods. Kara and Ben then showed the video they put together with help from our parents and various friends. And Corey and I laughed and cried. It was so funny and was filled with old videos of us as kids as well as several videos of us from while we were dating. I don't know how but it even included clips from our ceremony and our first dance so they must have snuck off during the party to finish it off. It was 2am by the time the party ended and everyone headed home. Corey and I got in a fancy car back to the hotel and once there immediately changed ready for bed. I put my dress back in it's bag and then we cuddled in bed. "Ready to go on our honeymoon tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'm ready for a real vacation with you. We haven't been away much beside to see family since we began dating. It will be amazing just the two of us. Kara and Kevin are watching Theo for the week."

"Yeah. We've only had one vacation with just us so this will be super special." He kissed my forehead. "I love you Mrs Cott." I giggled and smiled.

"I love you Mr Cott. Sleep well my cowboy."

"You too my angel." I cuddled up close to him and fell asleep quickly in his arms after a long and exhausting day.

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now