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The next thing we were doing was all our photos. We headed to our wedding reception venue and all of our families and bridal party gathered and we took loads of photos. We had some of just me and the girls, some of Corey and the boys. We then had ones of us and our families and whole bridal party ones. The day went on and we had lunch and then the speeches. My dad was up first.

"Corey. Firstly I want to thank you for loving my baby girl. And for always being there for her. I remember Katie coming home for Christmas one week after your first date and how she would not stop talking about you. The level of excitement in her voice was something I'd never heard from her before and I knew from that point that she'd found the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. Then meeting you on Newsies opening night, the way you looked at her, the way you held her, the way you spoke to her and showed how much you cared about her. I knew you would be absolutely perfect for my daughter. And now look at you both. I'm so proud to call you my son, and I'm lucky to have two incredible sons now with you and Kevin. The friendship you boys have created though being my daughter's boyfriends, fiancées and husbands is truly magical and is one I hope lasts a lifetime. Everyone here knows how close Katie and Kara are and so knowing that you boys get along so well makes me very happy. Ben, thank you for being there for Katie during college. Knowing she had a friend like you always put me at ease. And thank you for continuing to support her though her career so far. Laura and Elouise, I know you are both relatively new friends of Katie's but I couldn't ask for two better women to be beside my daughter though everything. You are both so loving and caring and the best friends a girl could have asked for. Thank you. Katie, my little girl. All grown up and now married. I could never have pictured this happening just 5 years ago and now here you are. I will treasure all the memories I have of you as a child and a teenager and I want you to treasure all the memories you create with Corey, no matter how big or small they are. He's a wonderful guy and you're lucky to have him. Seeing your relationship blossom has been magical and I can't wait to see it grow from here. Congratulations to you both." I smiled at my father and kissed Corey as we kept our arms around one another. Next up was Ben.

"I'm kinda disappointed I can't take the credit for these two being here today because I really wanted to. I first met Corey way back in junior school. Little 12 year old Corey and Ben, messing around in the drama department having the time of our lives. Junior school was a huge change for Corey physically and mentally and I'm honestly so proud of how much he changed to become the man he is today. I mean I think all of us can say that's he's looking very handsome today."

"He sure does." I smiled and and kissed his cheek.

"High school with Corey was amazing. We were inseparable! We have so many memories that I won't go into now but I will say that on behalf of all of the newsies family, Kara and I have created a video to celebrate your lives and your relationship which we will share later tonight. Katie. What can I say. Thank you for being the best friend during college a guy could have had. Every day with you was a new adventure and I'm lucky to have had them all. I remember telling you about how I booked Newsies and you told me how your sister had also booked it too. I remember going to broadway rehearsals and seeing you come in with Kara. But I more importantly remember watching you quickly fall in love with my other best friend. Now I mentioned earlier how I wish I could have take credit for this. But unfortunately Newsies gets all the credit, and I was just a wing man for them both. Christmas during my sophomore year of college I was home, as was Corey, you were in freshman year having taken a year out. I remember telling you about Katie. About how you were both so similar and how if you'd met you'd fall in love and be perfect for each other. I promised you that if you were both single by the time you moved to New York after college I'd set the two of you up. But I didn't need to. Because you met and fell in love anyway. I'm so happy for the pair of you and I know you're going to live the most wonderful and happy life together." We both hugged him and then after Casey and Kara spoke, Corey then stood to speak, he placed his hand on my shoulder and I put mine over his.

"Katie. I remember the moment I first saw you, and looking back now, I knew, you were forever my angel. Just like Jack Kelly, I thought that love at first sight was for suckers, at least it used to be." Everyone chuckled a little as did I. "I knew from the moment I was introduced to you that I wanted to get to know you, love you and be with you forever. I like to think that we were put on this planet to be together. I like to think that Ben would have been true to his word and had we not met though Newsies, he still would have introduced his best mate from school to his best mate from college and we would have found each other that way. I'm forever grateful to Disney for taking a chance on two kids still in college to alternate and understudy the roles of Jack and Katherine. And getting to be on that stage by your side every night for almost 2 years was a dream come true. I'm so grateful of Kara for being an incredible first Katherine for me and she taught me so much. But not only did she teach me so much, she gave me you. And even though she knew we'd have to kiss every night, and that it would cause us all a lot of pain, she helped bring us together because she could see it in our eyes that we were already madly in love after just one date, even if we didn't see that. I want to thank our families for being there for us both though everything, and I know they will continue to be there for us though everything that comes to us over the years. I want to thank our newsies family for putting up with us. We probably weren't always the most cooperative when it came to being on time and in general just us constantly kissing or hugging or holding hands and usually getting in the way backstage. We're sorry, but I mean, look at us now!" I laughed and slapped his arm a little. "Mrs Katie Cott. I can't wait to spend my forever with you. And I hope to grow a family with you one day. You are my absolute world and I can't believe you're now my wife! I love you."

"I love you too my husband." I said standing up and kissing him. We ate dinner and then Corey and Kara walked over to the small stage. Kara sat at the piano and began playing as Corey spoke and sang.

"My angel, I know you're usually the song writer in our relationship, but I wrote this for you." He sang this beautiful song about our relationship and I cried. At the last chorus he held his hand out to me and I ran to him and he put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled. When he finished he kissed the top of my head. "I hope you liked it Katie."

"I loved it Corey. It was magical. I know we didn't plan this. But it's a special moment in our relationship, how about we sing something to believe in."

"Sounds good." He went and plugged his phone in ready to play the backing track.

"Okay." I said into the microphone. "This song is super special to us both. It's the song that brought us together and helped us realise our feelings for each other three and a half years ago. It's the reason Corey has always called me his angel, and the show also links to me calling him my cowboy. We sang this song together the day he asked me to be his girlfriend, and also the day he proposed to me, as well as the day I told him I would be his Katherine and was to be making my Broadway debut. It's really special to us both as during every important moment in our relationship we sang this song. So from newsies, here is 'something to believe in'" I said and he started the soundtrack. We sang the song together including the spoken word between which caused a lot of laughter. We finished the song with a kiss.

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now