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I looked at myself in the mirror, Kara and Carly on one side of me, Laura and Elouise on the other. "You look beautiful Katie." Laura smiled.

"Thanks. So do you girls. I have the best bridesmaids." All four of them hugged me. "I can't believe it's finally happening. I'm marrying him. I'm marrying my cowboy. My Corey. He's my world and I can't believe this is happening."

"Well believe it girl. Because I'm just a few hours you'll be Mrs Katie Cott." Carly said smiling. "And I will officially have a sister."

"Since the moment I first met you Carly you've been a sister to me." I said softly. I looked back in the mirror.

"How does it feel?" Kara asked.

"Magical. After the awful ending I had with my last ex before I met Cor, I never thought I'd find someone who loved me for who I was. I thought I'd never have a boyfriend again, let alone get married four years later, three and a half years after meeting the absolute love of my life."

"You and Corey are so perfect together." Laura smiled. "And I'm so lucky to be friends with you both."

"We're lucky to have you Laura." I smiled.

"And I couldn't have asked for a better friend. I mean I wouldn't be where I am without you Katie. Ben and I are only together because of you. You introduced us at the show and one day I hope to be in your position, marrying the man I love most in the world." Elouise smiled.

"And you will be. I promise. Ben loves you so much El. And I assure you he wants to marry you too. He's just waiting on the right time. Just hope he doesn't need to wait a year and a half to find it." I said laughing. I looked down at my wedding dress and then up to the mirror again. I was ready. I wore a dress that I loved and felt like a princess in. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, I had this beautiful sparkling belt around my waist and my dress flowed down my legs relatively loosely and there was a short train at the end. It was perfect for me. "I'm scared for how Corey's going to react." I said softly. "What if he doesn't like the dress?"

"Katie. He's going to love it." Kara said coming back over and rubbing my back.

"And he's going to cry. Happy tears. Over how beautiful you look." Carly chuckled. "He's Corey, you know how he cries when he's really happy."

"I'll be crying too." I said softly. "It's one of the many things we had in common. 80% of the times he's given me a gift, I've cried because I loved it so much. Especially in the first 2 years of our relationship when things were more sentimental."

"Katie dear?" My mother said walking in. "It's time to head down to the church." I nodded. "Everyone is there, and the boys, they all look amazing. Although I don't know how long Theo's bow tie will last." I laughed loudly.

"Corey got Theo his own bow tie? How did I know he was going to do that. That's just such a Corey thing to do." I chuckled and smiled, picturing our puppy with a bow tie on. "And yeah. I'm ready." I turned so she could fully see me.

"Wow Katie, you look beautiful. I can't believe it. My second little girl is getting married. No more Lindsay children."

"Mom. We're both still Lindsay children, we always will be. And the advantage of our careers is that professionally, we will always be Lindsays." I said taking Kara's hand.

"She's right mom. We will never not be Lindsay girls. I'm just also a Massey now and Katie will soon also be a Cott." I squealed a little at the excitement. "Now. Let's get going. We can't have a wedding without a bride." She said as we all left the hotel and got in the fancy car down to the church. I saw my dad outside and he had a tear in his eye. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

"I love you dad." I whispered. "And I'm so ready for this next life adventure, and I can't wait to spend it with Corey."

"I can't wait to watch you on your life adventure with him. He's a great guy and a wonderful son-in-law. I'm very proud to welcome him to the family." He said softly before we linked arms. I smiled at Casey, Ben, Jeremy and Kevin who were his four groomsmen, Casey being his best man. Carly and Kevin walked down first, then Ben and Laura, Elouise and Jeremy then Kara and Casey. We decided we didn't want the two other couples walking down together and also Kara and Casey had to be together as best man and maid of honour. Finally it was time for my dad and I to walk into that church. I took a deep breath and we went. The moment I locked eyes with Corey my smile grew, as did his. He was so handsome and his suit looked amazing. I walked down the aisle just gazing at him and when I reached the end I saw a tear in his eye, I reached over and wiped away the single tear that fell.

"You look beautiful Katie."

"And you look so handsome." I added back before giving my father a kiss goodbye and standing beside Corey. The service went by in a blur and the next thing I knew was that Corey and I were exchanging rings. His vows had been just perfect and they even made me cry a little, but then again mine made him cry too. Corey and I each placed the rings on one another's fingers and we held hands.

"Do you Katie Francesca Lindsay take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I said smiling.

"And do you Corey Michael Cott take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He said squeezing my hand a little.

"Then by the power invested in me, here in the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Corey, you may kiss your bride." His arms immediately wrapped around me as mine went to his neck and he leaned in and we kissed. Our first kiss as husband and wife. It was soft and sweet and when we pulled away everyone was cheering. I took Theo's dog leash and the three of us walked down the aisle together.

"I love you. I love you so much Corey Cott."

"And I love you so much more Katie Cott."

"Wow. That sounds so magical. Especially hearing you say it." I said and kissed him again.

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now